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HIL Mechanical engg questions

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HIL Mechanical engg questions with answers

Part1 : True or False Type Statements 
Organisation of Mech. Engg. 

1. The Mechanical Engineering Department employs 25% of the overall staff strength of Indian Railways. 

2. RCF is situated in Patiala. 

3. Repower-packing of Diesel Locos is carried out in DLW. 

4. COFMOW deals with New Maintenance Practices for Workshops. 

5. Diesel sheds are under the administrative control of CWE 

6. ICF's staff strength is nearly double that of RCF although production levels are same. 

7. CRSE stands for Chief Rolling Stock Engineer. 

8. CMPE stands for Chief Manpower Planning Engineer. 

9. Under the system of unified control, the WAO/SAO of a workshop reports to the CWM/DY.CME. 

10. The post of Advisor (Mech.) in Railway Board has been re-designated as Additional Member (Mech.) 

11. On Indian Railways we have mostly condition based prevention maintenance of our rolling stock. 

1. A CO-CO type of locomotive would have 6 axles coupled together. 

2. A CO-CO type of locomotive would have 8 wheels. 

3. A BO-BO type of locomotive would have 4 axles individually driven. 

4. The maximum power of WDM2 locomotive is 2100 HP. 

5. The maximum power of WDS4 locomotive is 700 horse-power. 

6. Sanding facility is provided in locomotives for reducing the friction between the wheel and the rail. 

7. The Engine Repair Book is a necessary document for every individual loco. 

8. One would find a washing line in a diesel loco shed. 

9. We are importing 4000 hp diesel locos from Germany. 

10. In a multiple Unit operation involving two diesel locomotives, both the locos have to be manned. 

11. When diesel locos work in MU operation, only the leading loco is manned. 

12. A pit-line occupation chart is prepared by diesel sheds. 

13. The maximum usable tractive effort of a locomotive is limited by the adhesion

14. The radiator fan of a WDM2 locomotive is situated in the long hood. 

15. Our diesel locos have both types of traction motors - AC and DC. 

16. The WDM2 locomotive has an electrical transmission system. 

17. The WDS6 locomotive has a hydraulic transmission system. 

18. Diesel Locos are provided with an Expressor to compress air before input into engine for combustion. 

19. Diesel Locos are provided with an Expressor to create vacuum for train brakes and compressed air for loco brakes. 

20. Diesel Locos are provided with a Turbo-charger to compress air before input into engine for combustion by utilising exhaust gas heat. 

21. Throttle of a Diesel loco controls the engine RPM 

22. Lube oil consumption of locos is monitored as a percentage of the fuel oil consumption. 

23. In case the speed of locomotive exceeds the specified limit, its power get tripped by 'Overspeed trip mechanism' 

24. In case the speed of diesel engine exceeds the specified limit, its power get tripped by 'Overspeed trip mechanism' 

25. Diesel locos are not capable of hauling heavy trains, so Electrification is must. 

26. Governor of a Diesel loco controls the opening & closing of contactors in Control Circuit. 

27. Governor of a Diesel loco regulates the fuel supply to match the engine RPM and power requirement. 

28. Three yearly schedule or IOH of Diesel locos is carried out in Workshops. Flasher light is provided on locomotives as a warning signal. 

29. The 8th notch throttle position in a WDM2 locomotive gives the maximum power output 

30. WDM2 bogies are manufactured by casting. 

31. ZDM3 locomotive has an electrical transmission system. 

32. The codal life of a Diesel loco is 36 years. 

1. Coaches of super fast trains have been provided with CBC coupler. 

2. If a coach is numbered SR 5622 Y, it would have a 24 volt system of train lighting. 

3. The Target for ineffectiveness of Non- AC coaching stock is 10% 

4. Present design of coaches are called Integral because the entire structure is welded in the form of a tube. 

5. Coach body is made of Aluminum. 

6. The function of a dashpot/shock absorber is to damp the oscillations of the springs 

7. The Axle box springs in a coach are part of the secondary suspension system. 

8. In coaches we have adopted solid wheels in place of tyred wheels. 

9. Coaches built presently are telescopic in design. 

10. Rake links are prepared for locos hauling mail/express passenger trains. 

11. Periodic overhaul of coaches is carried out by coaching depots. 

12. Periodicity of POH of Mail/ Express coaches is 18 months. 

13. Ineffectiveness of AC coaches is prescribed as 12.0 %. 

14. Periodicity of POH of Rajdhani Coach is 18 months or 4 Lakhs Kms 

15. According to current instructions, primary maintenance of rakes is not required if the round trip is less than 1000 Kms. 

16. Secondary maintenance of rake is required irrespective of distance between starting & terminating stations. 

17. New coaches are provided with roof mounted AC system. 

18. Brake blocks of a coach are examined/ replaced during trip examination 

19. Oil level in side bearers & dash pot of ICF Coaches is checked during 'A' schedule. 

20. Weight Transfer of ICF Coach takes place through centre Pivot. 

21. Centre pivot of ICF Coach only acts as centering devise & transmits tractive /breaking force. 

22. Damping in Primary suspension of an ICF Coach is by means of a shock absorber. 

23. Damping in Primary suspension of an ICF Coach is by means of a oil filled dash-pot. 

24. Damping in Secondary suspension of an ICF Coach is by means of a shock absorber. 

25. Damping in Secondary suspension of an ICF Coach is by means of an oil filled dashpot. 

26. Side bearers of ICF coaches are provided with rubber pads to damp the forces. 

27. ICF Bogies are manufactured by Fabrication. 

28. ICF bogies are manufactured by casting. 

29. The ICF coaches are provided with corrugated flooring 

30. ICF Coaches are provided with compression tubes near head stock which can collapse in case of collisions after absorbing considerable shock energy. 

31. Periodicity of 'B' schedule for a coach is 6 months 

32. Periodicity of 'C' schedule for a coach is 6 months. 

33. WACCN is a vestibuled AC 3 Tier coach. 

34. SLR is a coaching vehicle in which symbol R indicates that it has a brake van. 

35. The Codal life of an ICF coach is 30 years. 

1. ROH of wagons is done in wagon repair workshops. 

2. KC is a 4 - wheeler covered wagon. 

3. BOXN wagons have laminated bearing springs. 

4. TP & TK are 8 wheeler tank wagons. 

5. CRT is a 4- wheeler tank wagon. 

6. The BOY wagon is an air braked wagon 

7. The BOX wagon is an air braked wagon. 

8. The BOBR wagon is an air braked wagon. 

9. BOX wagon are provided with fabricated UIC bogies 

10. BCX is a bogie type covered wagon for carrying 'Explosives'.

11. The UIC bogie is a fabricated bogie. 

12. The CASNUB Bogie is a fabricated bogie 

13. A wagon of Western Railway can be given POH by any wagon repair workshop on Indian Railways. 

14. Wagon having screw coupling do not have buffers. 

15. Buffers are provided on wagons having CBC. 

16. POH of BCNA wagons is done at intervals of 6 years 

17. First POH of BOXN wagons is done after 6 years. 

18. ROH of wagons is done at intervals of 36 months. 

19. Maximum ineffectiveness prescribed for wagon stock is 6%. 

20. Repacking of Plain bearing stock is required to be done every 6 monthly 

21. Feeling of axle boxes to detect warm/ hot boxes is mandatory during 'outgoing'examination. 

22. The codal life of a general purpose wagon is 30 years. Components 

1. Tyres are fitted on wheel centres by shrink fit process. 

2. WAP, Bangalore manufactures wheels by the process of forging. 

3. Axles for wagons made by casting process in wheel & Axle Plant. 

4. If a collar is provided at the end of an axle, it indicates that it is plain bearing axle. 

5. Roller bearing axle do not have collars at the end. 

6. Plain bearing are lubricated by grease 

7. Roller bearing are lubricated by grease 

8. Distance between two outer surfaces of wheels is known as Wheel Gauge 

9. Ringing sound produced on tapping of wheel by hammer, indicates good tyre. 

10. Brake Blocks are made of mild steel. 

11. Workshops are generally provided with under floor wheel lathes. 

12. Helical springs are also called Coil springs. 

13. On Indian Railways preventive maintenance of rolling stock is condition based. 

Brake System 
1. We are having a twin pipe system of working on our air braked freight trains. 

2. The pressure of air in the brake pipe of air brake system is 5 Kg/Cm2. 

3. The pressure of air in the feed pipe of air brake system is 5 Kg/Cm2. 

4. During emergency braking the maximum air pressure in brake cylinder is 5 Kg/ Cm.sq. 

5. Air Flow indicator is provided on each coach to find out from which coach Alarm Chain has been pulled. 

6. In case of train parting, the brakes get applied automatically. 

7. DA Valves are provided in coaches for expediting brake application. 

8. The weight of brake equipments on a wagon are nearly same for air brake and vacuumbrake systems. 

9. Train speeds could be increased by introduction of air brakes. 

10. Brake fading is experienced with vacuum brake system on sustained up gradients. 

11. Empty load device is provided only on air braked wagons. 

12. Slack Adjusters are provided only on coaching stock for maintaining the gap between the wheel tread and the brake block. 

13. The Empty Load Device is provided in Wagons as well as Coaches. 

14. Quick Release Valve is provided in coaches as well as wagons for expediting release of brakes in vacuum brake system. 

15. Simultaneous application of brakes on trains and loco can be done by application of SA-9 handle of WDM2 loco. 

16. Dynamic Braking in diesel locos becomes quite ineffective at low speeds. 

17. Diesel Hydraulic locos cannot be provided with Dynamic brakes. 

18. Slack Adjusters are provided only on coaching stock for maintaining the gap between the wheel tread and the brake block. 

19. Minimum 85% effective brake power is required for giving fitness certificate to a goods train. 

Train Dynamics 
1. Due to air resistance, the resistance to the motion of a train is proportional to the square of the velocity of the train 

2. If Tractive Effort is less than Adhesion, the wheels will start slipping. 

3. The balancing speed of a WDM2 locomotive on a tangent level track with a load of 4700 tons is 59 Km. per hour. 

4. The force exerted by locomotive at Rail Wheel contact is called Adhesion. 

5. The resistance offered by a bearing will always be higher during the starting of a train than during run. 

6. The resistance offered by a bearing during the running of a train remains almost constant irrespective of the train speed. 

7. As the speed of the locomotive increases , it develops higher tractive effort. 

8. The speed at which Tractive effort developed by the loco equals the Train Resistance is called Balancing Speed. 

9. The resistance of a BOXN wagon train will be higher than that of a 4-wheeler train if all other parameters such as speed, load, section etc. are same. 

10.The resistance of a BOXN wagon train will be higher than that of a coaching train (with ICF coaches) if all other parameters such as speed, load, section etc. are same.Diesel Break Down Cranes 

11.The maximum capacity of Steam break down cranes on Indian Railways is 75 tons. 

12.The capacity of diesel break- down cranes provided on Indian Railways is 200 tons. 

13.The maximum time allowed for dispatch of ART crane during day time is 30 minutes. 

14.A Diesel brake down crane is likely to get toppled, if it is swiveled with full load without propping up. 

15..Maximum counterweight provided on Diesel break down crane is 28 tons. 

16.Match wagon of a Diesel Brake down is to be detached from main carriage during crane operation. 

17.The Two designs of diesel cranes used on Indian Railways are of Gottwald and Karl Schank.
