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HIL Mechanical engg questions

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Part II 
Multiple-choice Questions. Pick  out the correct answer. More than one  answer may be correct.  
Organisational Structure & Prod. Units  
1.  IRCAMTECH deals with 
a) Research on maintenance practices of Railway equipments 
b) Rehabilitation of diesel locos 
c) Modernization of rolling stock 
d) Specifications and procurement of machines  
2.  COFMOW deals with 
a) Research on maintenance practices of Railway equipments 
b) Rehabilitation of diesel locos 
c) Modernization of rolling stock 
d) Specifications and procurement of machines  
3.  COFMOW is located in 
a) Bangalore 
b) Calcutta 
c) New Delhi d) Secunderabad  
4.  IRCAMTECH is located in 
a) Bangalore 
b) Calcutta 
c) New Delhi 
d) Gwalior  
5.  The population of diesel locos on Indian Railways is around 
a) 3400 
b) 4300
 c) 5600 
d) 7000 
6.  The production capacity of DLW is ____ locos/year 
a) 135 
b) 150 
c) 165 
d) 190 
7.  ICF and RCF have a combined production capacity of 
a) 500 coaches per year 
b) 1000 coaches per year 
c) 2000 coaches per year 
d) 5000 coaches per year  
8.  Pick out the odd designation 
a) EDME 
b) MM 
c) JDME 
d) CME 
9.  Pick out the odd designation 
a) EDME 
b) CRSE 
c) CMPE 
d) CWE 
1.  The WDM2 engine has ___ cylinders 
a) 8 
b) 12 
2.  In Diesel loco, engine RPM and power output is varied by 
a) Reversor handle 
b) A-9 
c) SA-9 
d) Throttle  
3.  Which of the following information is available in the diagram book of a diesel locomotive ? 
a) The sheds homing such locomotives 
b) The performance characteristics 
c) The load hauling capacity 
d) Equivalent horsepower electric locomotives  
4.  The engine of diesel locos is supposed to  be shut down if the expected detention is more than 
a) 10 minutes 
b) 30 minutes 
c) 1 hour 
d) 4 hours  
5.  The target for Lube oil consumption of a diesel loco as a % of the Fuel oil consumption is 
a) 0.5 
b) 1.0 
c) 1.5 
d) 2.0  
6.  Consumption of Fuel oil by individual locos is monitored by diesel sheds in 
a) KiloLitres per year 
b) Tonnes per year 
c) Litres per hour 
d) Liters per 1000 GTKM 
7.  Traction Motors used on our diesel locos are 
a) DC Motors 
b) AC Induction motors 
c) AC/DC motors 
d) Squirrel cage motors 
8.  The WDS4 is a 
a) an electric loco working on DC traction 
b) a diesel loco working slow trains 
c) a diesel main line loco 
d) a diesel shunting loco  
9.  Which of the following schedules would be done in the Running Repair section of a diesel shed 
a) Trip Schedule 
b) Monthly  schedule 
c) Quarterly schedule 
d) Yearly schedule  
10. The 4000 hp diesel locos are to be imported shortly from 
a) LHB, Germany 
b) Mak, Germany 
c) General Motors, USA 
d) General Electric, USA 
11. Find the odd term out of the following 
a) Radiator fan 
b) Fire box 
c) Hot engine alarm
d) Over speed trip mechanism  
12. The target for Lube oil consumption of a diesel loco in Liters per 100 Engine Kms. is
 a) 1.5 
b) 4.5 
c) 6 
d) 10  
13. The horse power of a WDM2 locomotive is 
a) 800 
14. The target for ineffectiveness for diesel loco is __________ 
a) 10% 
b) 12.5% 
c) 15% 
d) 19% 
15. The horse -power of a WDP1 of a locomotive is ______ 
a) 800 
b) 1380 
c) 2300 
d) 3100 
16. The horse -power of a WDG2 of a locomotive is ______ 
a) 800 
b) 1380 
c) 2300 
d) 3100  
17. Which part of the locomotive regulates fuel input as per generator demand & Engine RPM 
a) Turbo charges 
b) Expressor 
c) Governor 
d) Throttle 
18. The WDM2 is a 
a) Diesel locomotive for mail express train 
b) Diesel shunting locomotive 
c) Diesel locomotive for both passenger & goods operation 
d) Diesel loco for only goods operation  
19. Maximum speed of the diesel engine of WDM2 Loco is at 
a) 8th notch 
b) 10th notch 
c) 15th notch 
d) 20th notch  
20. The fuel consumed by a WDM2 Loco at 8th notch under full load is 
a) 100- 120 litres/hour 
b) 200- 250 litres/hour 
c) 400- 450 litres/hour 
d) 500- 550 litres/hour 
21. The fuel consumed by a WDM2 Loco under idle condition is 
a) 10- 15 litres/hour 
b) 20- 25 litres/hour 
c) 30- 35 litres/hour 
d) 45-50 litres/hour  
Coaching Stock  
1.  The code of AC 3 Tier coach is 
a) ACCW 
b) ACCN 
c) AC3T 
d) ACTT  
2.  The codal life of an ICF coach is 
a) 20 years 
b) 30 years 
c) 45 years 
d) 25 years
3.  The code of a sleeper class Coach is 
a) ACCW 
b) ACCN 
d) FCS 
4.  The Code of a 2 Tier AC Coach is 
a) ACCW 
b) ACCN 
d) AC2T 
5.  Type of Couplers used in superfast coaches are 
a) IR-20 
b) Screw coupling 
c) CBC 
d) UIC  
6.  The POH of mail/express coaches is done at a periodicity of 
a) 18 months 
b) 3 years 
c) 12 months 
d) 6 years  
7.  For working out the requirement of coaches at various depots, what allowance is kept over the bare requirement as spare coaches 
a) 10% 
b) 12% 
c) 16% 
d) 20% 
8.  Which design feature in a coach makes it safer for passengers in case of a collision 
a) provision of roof mounted AC system 
b) Anti-telescopic feature 
c) feature of providing air brakes 
d) all coil suspension feature  
9.  The suspension arrangement in the present  design of ICF coaches is 
a) single stage suspension with coil springs 
b) Single stage suspension with laminated bearing springs 
c) Double stage suspension with LB springs 
d) Two stage suspension with helical springs  
10. The POH of Shatabdi coaches is done at a periodicity of 
a) 18 months 
b) 3 years 
c) 12 months 
d) 6 years  
11. The Dash-pots are provided in ICF coaches for damping in-------- ( Primary Suspension/ Secondary/ both)  
12. In ICF Coaches, rubber pads are provided in------ to absorb vibrations 
a) Primary 
b) Secondary suspension 
c) Both 
d) None
13. Corrugated Section is provided on the trough floor of ICF coaches to 
a) enhance strength 
b) for retaining timber pieces provided on the flooring 
c) for preventing slipping of passengers  
14. The passage from one coach to another in a running train is provided by 
a) Stanchions 
b) Dampers 
d) Vestibules 
1.  The cost of a BOXN wagon is around 
a) Rs. 10 lakhs 
b) Rs. 15 lakhs 
c) Rs. 20 lakhs
 d) Rs. 25 lakhs  
2.  Which type of bogie is used in BOXN wagons ? 
b) IR 20 
c) BO-BO 
d) UIC  
3.  BKH wagon is a
a) 4 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
b) 8 wheeler air braked wagon 
c) 8 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
d) 4 wheeler air braked wagon  
4.  Hand brakes are provided in 
a) 4 wheeler wagons 
b) 8 wheeler wagons
 c) AC coaches 
d) Non AC coaches  
5.  Which type of coupler is used in BOXN wagons ? 
 b) Screw coupling 
c) CBC
 d) UIC 
6.  BOX wagon is 
a) 4 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
b) 8 wheeler air braked wagon
 c) 8 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
d) 4 wheeler air braked wagon  
7.  BOBR wagon is 
a) 4 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
b) 8 wheeler air braked wagon 
c) 8 wheeler vacuum braked wagon 
d) 4 wheeler air braked wagon  
8.  The target ineffectiveness for wagon stock is 
a) 4% 
b) 6% 
c) 10% 
d) 12.5%  
9.  Which of the following features are not  present in a BCNA Wagon 
a) Air Brake 
b) CASNUB Bogie 
c) Cylindrical Roller Bearing 
d) Helical Spring 
10. Which of the following features are not present in a BOX Wagon 
a) Vacuum brake 
b) UIC Bogie 
c) Cylindrical Roller Bearing 
d) Helical Spring  
11. Which of the following features are not present in a BOXN Wagon 
a) Air Brake 
b) CASNUB Bogie 
c) Covered wagon 
d) Cartridge Roller Bearing  
12. BOXN Wagon has ------advantage over a BOX Wagon 
a) More no. of wagons can be accommodated in a rake 
b) requires less maintenance 
c) permits higher speed of trains 
d) all the above 
Safety Components 
1.  A roller bearing may fail prematurely because of following reasons 
a) ingress of dust during examination 
b) overfilling of grease 
c) deterioration in grease condition
 d) lack of earthing during welding in sick line 
e) All the above reasons  
2.  Axle Box Roller Bearings are lubricated by 
a) Oil 
b) Grease 
c) None 
d) Both oil and grease  
3.  The Working range of enhanced screw coupling is _______ tons .( 22/30/36/60/80 ).
4.  Buffing gear is provided to 
a) Save the car body from damage from braking forces 
b) Transmit tractive effort 
c) Joining two cars 
5.  A wagon with transition coupling is one  having 
a) CBC with Knuckle 
b) CBC with Knuckle & two buffers 
c) CBC with baby coupling & two buffers 
d) Screw coupling with buffers 
6.  Which of the following is not a defect of CBC 
a) defective locking device 
b) worn out knuckle 
c) Homed buffer  
7.  Which of the following is not a part of suspension system 
a) Spring 
b) Centre pivot 
c) Shock absorber 
d) Swing link 
e) None of the above 
8.  Modern Rolling Stocks prefer Coil Spring over Laminated Spring because Laminated spring 
a) do not have linear load- deflection characteristics 
b) do not have self-damping characteristics 
c) are not reliable in Service 
9.  One disadvantage of a Coil Spring over Laminated spring is 
a) Non-linear loaddeflection characteristics 
b) poor Self Damping property 
c) Lack of Centering characteristic 
d) Unreliability in Service 
Brake Systems  
1.  DA valve is now provided in all vacuum braked------ (Wagons / Coaches/ Locos/ all )  
2.  The phenomenon of brake fading takes place  
a) In vacuum brakes on sustained up gradients 
b) In air brakes on sustained down gradients 
c) In air brakes after 1000 Kms. Run 
d) In vacuum brakes on sustained down gradients  
3.  Incorrect position of Empty- load Box Device can result in 
a) Poor utilisation of wagon space 
b) Skidding of wheels 
c) Poor brake power 
d) Either (a) or (b) 
e) Either (b) or (c) 
f) All of (a),(b) & (c)  
4.  In vacuum brake cylinder, the piston comes to release position due to 
a) spring pressure 
b) Air pressure 
c) Its own weight 
d) All of the above  
5.  F type Vacuum brake is superior to traditional 'E' type since 
a) It uses release value for fast release of brakes 
b) It has better  rolling ring to reduce leakages 
c) Its upper chamber is connected to a large vacuum reservoir for increasing effective brake force. 
d) Its piston stroke is large to increase brake power 
6.  The Maximum brake cylinder pressure in air brake system is 
a) 6 kg/ cm.sq. 
b) 5kg/ cm.sq 
c) 3.5 kg/cm.sq 
d) 2.5 kg/ cm.sq  
7.  Which of the following is not a part of Single pipe Air Brake System 
a) Distributor valve 
b) Control reservoir 
c) Feed pipe 
d) Brake Cylinder  
8.  The basic purpose of DA valve is to 
a) Expedite brake application only 
b) Expedite brake release only 
c) Expedite both application & release 
d) None of the above  
9.  The basic purpose of Slack Adjuster is to 
a) take up slack due to wear & tear of bearing brass 
b) to maintain wheel gauge irrespective of wear of flange 
c) to maintain brake shoe- wheel clearance 
d) to maintain brake cylinder stroke  
10. Empty load Box provided in BOX/ BOXN wagons alters brake force under loaded & empty condition by 
a) Altering mechanical  advantage of brake rigging 
b) Altering brake cylinder pressure 
c) Altering piston stroke of brake cylinder 
d) Altering brake shoe to wheel clearance 
11. In a long vacuum good train, the brake power of rear wagons can be lower than brake power of front wagons by 
a) 10 to 15% 
b) 15 to 25% 
c) 2 to 5% 
d) Almost Nil  
Train Dynamics 
1.  The balancing speed achieved by a locomotive depends on 
a) the horse power of the locomotive 
b) the tractive effort of the locomotive 
c) the type of bearings provided in the rolling stock being hauled 
d) all the above factors  
2.  The resistance to the motion of a train is proportional to 
a) The tractive effort 
b) The speed of the train 
c) The horse power of the locomotive 
d) The square of the velocity of the train  
3.  The coefficient of friction between wheel and rail is normally  around   
a) 0.1    
b) 0.25  
c)0 .40 
d)0 .75  
4.  In the formula :Train Resistance = A + B v + C v2 ,A depends on 
a) resistance in the bearings 
b) resistance due to flange, swaying etc. 
c) air resistance  
5.  In the formula :Train Resistance = A + B v + C v2 ,B depends on 
a) resistance in the bearings 
b) resistance due to flange, swaying etc. 
c) air resistance . 
6.  In the formula :Train Resistance = A + B v + C v2 ,C depends on 
a) resistance in the bearings 
b) resistance due to flange, swaying etc. 
c) air resistance  
7.  The starting resistance of a train depends upon 
a) resistance in the bearings 
b) resistance due to curves. 
c) resistance due to grades 
d) all the above 
8.  For obtaining a higher balancing speed we can 
a) Use a higher horsepower locomotive 
b) Use Roller Bearing stock in place of  plain bearing 
c) Improve the aerodynamic profile of the rolling stock 
d) All the above factors.  
9.  The balancing speed of a WDM2 locomotive on a tangent level track with a load of4700 tons is 
a) 59 Km. per hour 
b) 65 Km. per hour 
c) 74 Km. per hour 
d) 80 Km. per hour  
10. The force exerted by locomotive at Rail  Wheel contact is called 
a) Adhesion 
b) Tractive effort 
c) Buffing force 
d) Balancing force 
Part III 
Fill in the Blanks Type Questions 
1.  The WDS4 locomotives employ ___________transmission. (electric, Hydraulic)  
2.  In Diesel-Electric Locos fitted with Dynamic Brake, the Current generated is______ 
(stored in the battery/ dissipated as heat in resistors).  
3.  The maintenance schedules for diesel locos are laid down on _________. ( Km basis /Time basis).  
4.  Compared to the IRS coach, the ICF coach is___________ ( heavier / lighter).  
5.  The difference between the tractive Effort of the Locomotives and the Train Resistance is the Force available for___________ ( accelerating / braking the train).  
6.  C.B.C. stands for ____________________  
7.  Wheel gauge is the distance between the___________ faces of the two wheels on the Axle. (inner / outer)  
8.  POH interval for coaches running on Mail / Express train is _______________  
9.  Codal life of an ICF coach is ________years.  
10. Codal life of an IRS coach is ________years.  
11. Codal life of a tank wagon is ________years.  
12. Codal life of a BOXN wagon is ________years.  
13. The BOXN is ________in length compared to a BOX wagon.( longer / shorter)  
14. In Diesel -Electric Locos fitted with Dynamic Brake, the current generated is ______ (Stored in the battery/ dissipated as heat in resistors).  
15. In YDM 4 Loco, Y & M stands for ___________& ___________ resp.  
16. Code of an 8- wheeler tank wagon for liquefied Petroleum Gas is ________  
17. Code of an 8- wheeler flat wagon for containers is ________  
18. The equipment provided in BOX/ BOXN wagons to alter brake force under loaded & empty condition is called-------------------.  
19. Full form of DA valve is _______________ 
Subjective Questions- Short Answer Type 
Briefly Answer following Questions.  
1.  Briefly show the Organisational chart of Mech. Engg. Deptt. In the Zonal Headquarter.  
2.  Briefly show the Organisational chart of Mech. Engg. Deptt. In the Railway Board.  
3.  Briefly show the Organisational chart of Mech. Engg. Deptt. In the Division..  
4.  What are the various duties of Chief Workshop Engineer  
5.  What are the various duties of Chief Mechanical Engineer (Planning).  
6.  What are the various duties of CMPE (Diesel)  
7.  Which department co-ordinates the M&P  Programme and which agency deals with centralised procurement of M&P?  
8.  Name the major departments in a Workshop?
9.  Briefly describe the difference in the wheel arrangements of CO-CO and B-B Bogies.  
10. Briefly describe the difference in the wheel arrangements of WDM2 & WDS4 Locos.  
11. Why it is necessary to have a transmission system in a diesel locomotive?  
12. Name the different types of transmission systems used in a diesel locomotives.  
13. Briefly describe the Electrical transmission System of a diesel loco.  
14. Briefly describe the Hydraulic transmission System of a diesel loco.  
15. What is the function of a turbo-charger in a Diesel locomotive?  
16. Name any 5 major sub-assemblies of a Diesel Loco  
17. Name any 5 safety fittings of a Diesel Loco  
18. What is the frequency of maintenance of diesel locomotives under various maintenance schedules?  
19. List some of the important records maintained in a Diesel Loco Shed. 
20. What are the various features of an ICF coach which make it 'Anti- telescopic'?  
21. What are Primary & Secondary Suspensions?  
22. Briefly describe Primary suspension of an ICF coach.  
23. Briefly describe Secondary suspension of an ICF coach.  
24. What is the maximum ineffectiveness prescribed for the Non- AC coach?  
25. What arrangements have been made in ICF coaches for damping Primary & Secondary suspensions?  
26. What are the various schedules for maintenance for a main line passenger coach?  
27. Briefly list the various items which are  attended, examined during 'A' schedule of a coach  
28. Briefly list the various items which are attended, examined during 'B' schedule of a coach  
29. Briefly list the various items which are attended, examined during 'C' schedule of a coach 
30. What are PRO particulars for a 4-wheeler wagon and what type of wagon is CRT ?  
31. What are the advantages of BOXN wagon over BOX wagon?  
32. What items are attended during rolling-in examination of a goods train.  
33. What items are attended during terminating examination of a goods train  
34. What items are attended during out going examination of a goods train  
35. Explain briefly the difference between  safe to run examination and intensive examination.  
36. How the ineffectiveness of Rolling stock is calculated? What is the maximum ineffectiveness prescribed for the wagon stock?  
37. What are the advantages of Roller Bearing Stock over plain bearing stock ?  
38. How is a wheel tyre fitted over a wheel centre?  
39. Why Helical Springs are preferred over Laminated Springs in Modern Rolling Stocks ?  
40. What are the advantages of CBC coupler over Screw Type coupler?  
41. Draw a sketch of a typical Wheel profile and indicate its root, flange and tread. 
42. List various defects of a Wheel Assembly.  
43. List various defects of a Suspension System  
44. List various defects of a Coupling System.  
45. What is the Function of an Empty load Box Device and how does it work?  
46. What happens when Alarm Chain is pulled in a vacuum Braked passenger Coach?
47. Name major components of a vacuum brake system.  
48. Name major components of an air brake system.  
49. Mention any 3 advantages of Air brake over Vacuum brake.  
50. What are the various factors which determine the starting resistance of a train?  
51. What are the various factors which determine the rolling resistance of a train?  
52. What is Adhesion and what are the factors which affect it?  
53. What do you understand by Balancing Speed?  
54. What are the various factors which determine that how much trailing load can be attached to a locomotive.  
55. Name the 2 parameters which determine the starting tractive effort of locomotive.  
56. Name the various parameters which determine the safe lifting load of a crane.  
57. Why a match wagon has been provided in 140 ton Diesel Breakdown crane?  
58. What is the purpose of outriggers provided in a 140 ton diesel breakdown crane?  