HDFC Pattern |   18107

HDFC Pattern

                                                   HDFC Bank Exam Pattern

HDFC Bank exam pattern which will help you to prepare for the exam and get the best success. Basically HDFC BANK exam has the following structure but we urge candidates to get ensure from the HDFC BANK prospectus or from official website before starting the preparation. HDFC BANK Syllabus Maths ( 10th class level) Reasoning,English,General Knowledge / Current Affairs. Students must ensure all the details from the official website.

There will be one objective test followed by interview.The objective test includes the following sections.There will be separate cut off marks for each section.

1. Reasoning
2. English Language
3. Quantitative Aptitude
4. General Awareness
5. Computer Knowledge

Best of Luck for your HDFC BANK exam.
