HCL Question Paper |   7788

HCL Question Paper



(A correct answer carries 1 mark  1/4 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer.)


1.         8. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually. This technology is known as:

A. robotics.

B. computer forensics.

C. simulation.

D. forecasting.

Answer: A


2.         Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be:

A. proprietary.

B. open.

C. experimental.

D. in the public domain.

Answer: A


3.         ____________ is the study of molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers.

A. Nanoscience

B. Microelectrodes

C. Computer forensics

D. Artificial intelligence

Answer: A


4.         ____________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do.

A. Nanoscience

B. Nanotechnology

C. Simulation

D. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Answer: D


5.         ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.

A. A process

B. Software

C. Storage

D. Information

Answer: D


6.         The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called:

A. programming.

B. processing.

C. storing.

D. organizing.

Answer: B


7.         Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to ____________ data.

A. present

B. input

C. output

D. store

Answer: B


8.         After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered:

A. data.

B. output.

C. input.

D. the process.

Answer: B


9.         Computers use the ____________ language to process data.

A. processing

B. kilobyte

C. binary

D. representational

Answer: C


10.       Computers process data into information by working exclusively with:

A. multimedia.

B. words.

C. characters.

D. numbers.

Answer: D


11.       In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of:

A. eight bytes.

B. eight kilobytes.

C. eight characters.

D. eight bits.

Answer: D


12.       The term bit is short for:

A. megabyte.

B. binary language.

C. binary digit.

D. binary number.

Answer: C


13.       A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a:

A. megabyte.

B. byte.

C. kilobyte.

D. gigabyte.

Answer: B


14.       A ____________ is approximately one billion bytes.

A. kilobyte

B. bit

C. gigabyte

D. megabyte

Answer: C


15.       A ____________ is approximately a million bytes.

A. gigabyte

B. kilobyte

C. megabyte

D. terabyte

Answer: C



(A correct answer carries 1 mark  1/4 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer.)


1.         Is there any difference between following declarations?

1 : extern int fun();

2 : int fun();

A. Both are identical

B. No difference, except extern int fun(); is probably in another file

C. int fun(); is overrided with extern int fun();

D. None of these


2.         Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name?

A. * (asterisk) 

B. | (pipeline)

C. - (hyphen)  

D. _ (underscore)

3.         Point out the error in the following program.


struct emp


   char name[20];

    int age;


int main()


    emp int xx;

    int a;

    printf("%d\n", &a);

    return 0;



A. Error: in printf       

B. Error: in emp int xx;

C. No error.    

D. None of these.


4.We want to round off x, a float, to an int value, The correct way to do is

A. y = (int)(x + 0.5)   

B. y = int(x + 0.5)

C. y = (int)x + 0.5      

D. y = (int)((int)x + 0.5)


5.         The binary equivalent of 5.375 is

A. 101.101110111     

B. 101.011

C. 101011      

D. None of above


6.         A float occupies 4 bytes. If the hexadecimal equivalent of these 4 bytes are A, B, C and D, then when this float is stored in memory in which of the following order do these bytes gets stored?




D. Depends on big endian or little endian architecture


7.         How many times the program will print "VIBIN" ?


int main()




    return 0;



A. Infinite times         

B. 32767 times

C. 65535 times           

D. Till stack doesn't overflow


8.         In which stage the following code


gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h

A. During editing       

B. During linking

C. During execution   

D. During pre-processing


9.         If the file to be included doesn't exist, the preprocessor flashes an error message.

A. True            B. False


10.       What function should be used to free the memory allocated by calloc() ?

A. dealloc();   

B. malloc(variable_name, 0)

C. free();         

D. memalloc(variable_name, 0)


11.       Specify the 2 library functions to dynamically allocate memory?

A. malloc() and memalloc()

B. alloc() and memalloc()

C. malloc() and calloc()

D. memalloc() and faralloc()


12.       The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is

A. switch        

B. goto

C. go back      

D. return         


13.       In a file contains the line "I am a boy\r\n" then on reading this line into the array str using fgets(). What will str contain?

A. "I am a boy\r\n\0"  

B. "I am a boy\r\0"

C. "I am a boy\n\0"    

D. "I am a boy"


14.       Which of the following operations can be performed on the file "NOTES.TXT" using the below code?

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("NOTES.TXT", "r+");


A. Reading     

B. Writing

C. Appending

D. Read and Write


15.       What is the purpose of "rb" in fopen() function used below in the code?

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("source.txt", "rb");


A. open "source.txt" in binary mode for reading

B. open "source.txt" in binary mode for reading and writing

C. Create a new file "source.txt" for reading and writing

D. None of above



(A correct answer carries 2 marks  1 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.)


1.         Can you combine the following two statements into one?


char *p;

p = (char*) malloc(100);


A. char p = *malloc(100);

B. char *p = (char) malloc(100);

C. char *p = (char*)malloc(100);

D. char *p = (char *)(malloc*)(100);


2.         What will be the output of the program ?



int main()


    int i=3, *j, k;

    j = &i;

    printf("%d\n", i**j*i+*j);

    return 0;



A. 30  

B. 27

C. 9    

D. 3


3.         Point out the compile time error in the program given below.




int main()


    int *x;


    return 0;



A. Error: invalid assignment for x

B. Error: suspicious pointer conversion

C. No error

D. None of above


4.         Which of the following statements correct about k used in the below statement?

char ****k;

A. k is a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a char

B. k is a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a char

C. k is a pointer to a char pointer

D. k is a pointer to a pointer to a char


5.         What is the similarity between a structure, union and enumeration?

A. All of them let you define new values

B. All of them let you define new data types

C. All of them let you define new pointers

D. All of them let you define new structures


6.         What will be the output of the program ?



int main()


    enum days {MON=-1, TUE, WED=6, THU, FRI, SAT};

    printf("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT);

    return 0;



A. -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4       

B. -1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5

C. -1, 0, 6, 2, 3, 4       

D. -1, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9


7.         Which of the following code fragments inserted, will allow to compile?


A. new Inner(); //At line 5

B. new Inner(); //At line 10

C. new ot.Inner(); //At line 10

D. new Outer.Inner(); //At line 10ct data


8.         Which of the following statements correct about the below code?


A. Structure bolts is nested within structure engine.

B. Structure engine is nested within structure maruti.

C. Structure maruti is nested within structure engine.

D. Structure maruti is nested within structure bolts.


9.         public void test(int x)


    int odd = 1;

    if(odd) /* Line 4 */










Which statement is true?


A. Compilation fails.

B. "odd" will always be output.

C. "even" will always be output.

D. "odd" will be output for odd values of x, and "even" for even values


10.       public class Outer


    public void someOuterMethod()


        //Line 5


    public class Inner { }

    public static void main(String[] argv)


        Outer ot = new Outer();

        //Line 10




Which of the following code fragments inserted, will allow to compile?


A. new Inner(); //At line 5

B. new Inner(); //At line 10

C. new ot.Inner(); //At line 10

D. new Outer.Inner(); //At line 10



(A correct answer carries 2 marks  1/4 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.)


1. What was the day of the week on 17th June, 1998?

A. Monday                  B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday                        D. Thursday


Directions 2-6: Each problem consists of a problem followed by two statements. Decide whether the data in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer according to whether:

(A) statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question

(B) statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question

(C) both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient

(D) each statement alone is sufficient

(E) statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question


2. How many ewes (female sheep) in a flock of 50 sheep are black?

There are 10 rams (male sheep) in the flock.

Forty percent of the animals are black.





E3. Is the length of a side of equilateral triangle E less than the length of a side of square F?

The perimeter of E and the perimeter of F are equal.

The ratio of the height of triangle E to the diagonal of square F is 2√3 : 3√2.






4. If a and b are both positive, what percent of b is a?

a = 3/11

b/a = 20







5. A wheel of radius 2 meters is turning at a constant speed. How many revolutions does it make in time T?

T = 20 minutes.

The speed at which a point on the circumference of the wheel is moving is 3 meters per minute.






6. Are the integers x, y and z consecutive?

The arithmetic mean (average) of x, y and z is y.

y-x = z-y






7. Manish goes 7 km towards South-East from his house, then he goes 14 km turning to West. After this he goes 7 km towards North West and in the end he goes 9 km towards East. How far is he from his house?

A) 14 km

B) 7 km

C) 2 km

D) 5 km

E) None of these


8. Nivedita stops after going 10 km towards west from her office. Then she goes 8 km turning to her left. After this she goes 4 km turning to her left. How far is she from her office?

A) 18 km

B) 8 km

C) 16 km

D) 14 km

E) None of these

9. Ranju is at a fixed point, from where she goes 20 metres towards West. From there she goes 10 metres towards Notrh. Then she goes 35 metres towards East and after this she goes 5 metres towards South and in the end she goes 15 metres towards West. How far is she from the fixed point?

A) 5 km

B) 0 km

C) 10 km

D) Can not be determined

E) None of these


10. A man walks 15m towards South from a fixed point. From there he goes 12 m towards North and then 4 m towards West. How far and in what direction is he from the fixed point?

A) 3 m, South

B) 7 m, South-West

C) 5 m, South-West

D) 5 m, South-East

E) None of these


11. Ranjan goes 5 km towards North from a fixed point. Then he goes 3 km after turning to his right. After this he goes 5 km turning to his right. In the end he goes 4 km after turning to his left. How far and in what direction is he now from the fixed point?

A) 4 km, West

B) 7 km, East

C) 9 km, East

D) 7 km, West

E) None of these


12. There are 20 balls of green color,20 balls of red color,20 balls of blue color,20 of balck,20 of yellow. how many u have to pick to guarantee 2pairs of same color?


13.   8 litres are drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filled with water. This operation is performed three more times. The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in cask to that of water is 16 : 81. How much wine did the cask hold originally?

A. 18 litres                  B. 24 litres

C. 32 litres                   D. 42 litres


14. In how many ways a committee, consisting of 5 men and 6 women can be formed from 8 men and 10 women?

A. 266             B. 5040

C. 11760         D. 86400


15.A man buys Rs. 20 shares paying 9% dividend. The man wants to have an interest of 12% on his money. The market value of each share is:

A. Rs. 12         B. Rs. 15

C. Rs. 18         D. Rs. 21

E. None of these


16. If m and n are whole numbers such that mn = 121, the value of (m - 1)n + 1 is:

A. 1                 B. 10

C. 121             D. 1000


17. The least perfect square, which is divisible by each of 21, 36 and 66 is:

A. 213444                   B. 214344

C. 214434                   D. 231444


18. A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through:

A. 145º            B. 150º

C. 155º                        D. 160º


19. A person deposits 1/16 of his income as Provident Fund and 1/15 of the remaining as insurance premium. If he spends 5/7 of the balance on domestic needs and deposits an amount of Rs. 50 in the bank, his total income would be


a) 150              b) 200             c) 250              d) 300              e) None of the above


20. A traveller makes 3/4 of his journey by train and 2/3 of the rest by car. If he walks the remaining 12 Kms, the total distance traveled by him is


a) 124 Kms      b) 134 Kms    c) 144 Kms      d) 244 Kms     e) None of the above

