Placement Paper |   9553

Placement Paper

HAL Exam was conducted online HAL on line written test examination for engineers conducted on November 2012 HAL written test consists 3 sections Namely: General awareness :20 questions, Reasoning :40 Questions and Technical questions :100 Here Im sharing my memory based questions 

HAL Written test pattern

a)GK 20 questions

b)Reasoning 40 questions

c)Tecnical 100 questions

The paper difficulty was more than 60%...

a)GK 20 questions
GK was ok with min 12 can be answered out of 20. Question which are memory based im furnishing here.

1.One picture asked who drew it picaso or davinchi

2.First lady travelled in jet air(some fighter plane)

3.Only non australian got invitation for broadman oration

4.1992 world final won by

5.0 growth rate in population achieved by which country

6.Mother teresa born in?ans:macedonia

7.European parliament met in which country

b)Reasoning 40 questions

Reasoning was average in difficulty with question on blood relations 3-4 questions

Permutations 2-3 questions

Antonyms n synonyms nearly 6-7 question

1 passage 2 questions

Some paragraph and inference 

Missing number by pattern

Pictorial serial figure etc

c)Tecnical 100 questions
Technical(The Game changer and fate decider)

As far as me the decider is technical which covers nearly 100 marks.

Paper standard was increased compared to last recruitment.

More questions on small signal analysis mode and anlog circuits.

Networks 4-6 question

switching theory nearly 2-3 questions only

some equation and whether it have min or max and at which point nearly 3 questions came on such type models

All in all who excell in technical can win in the race ultimately...since more weightage nearly 63% technical..

In GK safe side seems to be nearly 14 and Reasoning 28 min can be above those amy have more chances...

All this Im writing cause this may help who r going to give exam and also for future recruitment that time dis may throw some light for aspirants...
All the best and good luck for all....
Gopinath Kumbha
