GPSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus |   596

GPSC Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus

  Gujarat Public Service Commission Exam syllabus of Gujarat Administrative Services

Preliminary Examination/PAPER – I : English

I. Grammar and Usage

•Article, pronoun, adjective, preposition, conjunction and questions tag
•Verb and tense; agreement between subject and verb; gerund, participle
•Modal auxiliaries; usage of can,may, could, should, etc.
•Use of some, many, any, few,a little, since and for
•Active and passive voice
•Degrees of adjectives
•Common errors of usage
Candidate’s proficiency will be tested by questions on detection of errors in usage, or selection of grammatically correct sentence from a set of four alternative constructions or similar design considered appropriate.

II. Verbal Skills and Word Power

•Idioms and common phrases
•Homonyms, synonyms and antonyms, commonly confused words Candidate’s skill set may be tested by direct questions on synonyms and antonyms or bye the task of completing one or more sentences where some words may be omitted by design. Word analogies may also be used to test skill in the area. 

III. Comprehension

Reading Comprehension of Standard English passages of general interest is tested by means of main idea, factual,exceptions, assumption, inference and further application questions – just to mention some familiar types.The candidate may be asked to contrast and compare statements of different positions on the same subject. The candidate may be asked to reassemble small passages from given sentences in a jumbled sequence. 

Preliminary Examination/PAPER - II : Reasoning (Mainly Non-Quantitative)

1. Pictorial Reasoning – Mirror and Water Images, Selection of Figures, Analogy Questions.
2. Geometric Perception – Counting Of Figures, Folding Of Papers, Interpretation of Non – Quantitative Charts,Interpretation of Slope, Cube Cutting etc.
3. Coding & Decoding
4. Introduction to Logic - Assumptions, Premises and Conclusions
5. Venn Diagram & Syllogism Problems –Rules of Syllogism , Concept of Contradiction
6. Truth Table – Interpretation of Condition and Conjunctions etc.
7. Degree of Truth & Courses of Action
8. Games Involving Selection of Group, Sitting Arrangement, Scheduling Etc.
9. Attribute Search Problems
10. Magnitude Comparison Of More Than Two Entities
11. Direction Problems
12. Family Related Problems Critical Reasoning
13. Cause And Effect As Foundation Of Critical Reasoning
14. Fallacies: Avoiding Invalid Arguments
15. Solving Critical Reasoning Questions Logical Decision Making
16. Decision Making Under Specific Conditions
17. Decision Making In Government Services
18. Decision Making For Good Governance 

Preliminary Examination/PAPER–II:Quantitative Ability 

1.Number system – different types of numbers, tests of divisibility, unit digit in product, remainders
2.Square, square root and cube
3.Prime numbers, factorization and HCF & LCM
4.Decimal fraction
5.Ratio, proportion and variation
6.Rule of three & chain rule
8.Percentage – problems involving product of variables
9.Introduction to algebra – BODMAS, simplification of weird symbols
10.Linear equations – in one and two variables
11.Problems on ages
12.Average of mean, median, mode– including weighted mean
13.Introduction to Cartesian co – ordinates –distance between points, section formula, area in simple cases
14.Power and exponent – formulae involving squares and cubes of binomial expressions, factorisation, reciprocals in binomial expressions, surds,rationalization of surds, comparison of surds
15.Profit and loss – margin of profit, successive discounts, gains from using falseweights and measures
16.Mixture and Alligation – compound mixture, repeated adulteration
17.Simple and compound interest – effective interest rate, equated instalments
18.Time and work – work and wages, pipes and cistern
19.Time and distance – relatives speed,problems on trains, boats and streams
20.Set theory - counting principle
21.Counting, permutation & combination –permutation with repetition, basic formulae of permutation and combination
22.Probability theory – complementary events, independent events, addition principle, geometric probability
23.Inequalities – application to finding minimum and maximum value of sum and product of up to three variables
24.Quadratic equation – properties of roots,factorization method to solve equations
25.Sequences and progressions – arithmetic progression, sums of n terms of an AP in general, geometrical progression, sum of n term of a GP , sum of infinite GP ,sum of mixed AP and GP 
26. Lines, angels and common geometrical figures – properties of transverse of parallel lines, properties of related to measure of sides of a triangles, Pythagoras theorem, quadrilateral, rectangle, parallelogram, and rhombus
28.Area and perimeter – of rectangles, triangles, circles etc.
29.Volume and surface area –of cuboids, cubes, cylinder, cone, and sphere
30.Quantitative comparison – algebraic and geometrical included
34.Number series – including application in matrix and simple geometric forms
35.Speed – math for data interpretation
36.Data interpretation – tables, pie charts, bar charts, line chart etc.
37.Data sufficiency 

Preliminary Examination/PAPER – III: General Studies

1.Geography of Gujarat :Geographical, Economic,Social and Industrial
2. The Government policies , welfare schemes and the problems and issues related to the following matters:
(A)Child Development
(B)Women Development
(C)Youth Development
(D)Tribal Development
(E)Development for Socially Deprived Classes
(F)Welfare for disabled persons
(G)Welfare for aged persons
(H)Labour welfare

3.Education system in Gujarat:State policy, Educational problems of Weaker Section of the Society and Women, Privatization of Education – issue of access to educati on, merit, quality and Social Justice. The institutions of Higher Education, the challenges of Higher Education, Serva Siksha Abhiyan, the role and importance of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme.

4.Human Resource Development:

4.1. Human Resource Development in India– present status of population in India - quantitative aspect (size and growth – Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative aspects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection up to 2050. Importance and need of Human resource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved in planning of Human resources. Nature, types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in India,Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors and Areas.Governmental and Voluntary institution engaged in development of manpower.Govt. employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment and underemployment.

4.2. Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education(Pre-primary to Higher Education) systems in India. Problems and issues(universalization of education, vocationalisation of education, Quality improvement, Dropout rate etc.) Education for girls, Socially and Economically underprivileged classes, disabled, Minorities, Talent Search etc. Govt. policies,Schemes and programs for Education. Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting, regulating and monitoring Formal, Non – Formal and Adult education, e-learning. Impact of globalization and privatization on Indian education. National Knowle dge Commission, National Commission for Higher Education and Research, IITs, IIMs, NITs.

4.3Vocational Education: As a tool of HR development. Vocational / Technical Education - Present status, systems and training in India. Govt. policies, schemes and programmes – Problems, issues and efforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting,regulating, accrediting vocational and Technical Education.

4.4Health: As an essential and major component of Human Resource Development,Vital Statistics, World Health Organization – objectives , structures, functions and its programmes. Government Health Policies, schemes and programmes.Healthcare system in India. Problems and issues related to Healthcare and efforts to overcome them. Janani – Bal Suraksha yojna. National Rural Health Mission.

5.The Constitution of India

(1) Preamble
(2) Fundamental Rights and Duties
(3) Directive Principles of State Policy
(4) Judiciary Systems
(5) Central - State Relations.
(6) Distribution of Legislative Powers
(7) The appointment and power of the Governor
(8) Union list, State list and concurrent list
(9) Constitutional Committees
(10) Union – President, Vice President, Council of Ministers , Attorney General of India, Management of Government functions
(11) Elections

6.Disaster Management :Definition, nature, types and Classification of disasters, Natural Hazards:Casuative factors and mitigation measures – floods, earthquakes, tsunami,landslides etc. Factors affecting mitigation measures.

7. Development and Environmental issues and mitigation measures :

(1)General provisions of –
(A)Conservation of Environment, Environment Protection Act, Air(prevention and control of pollution)Act, Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, Water Pollution, Forest Conservation Act.
(2)Definition of Eco- System and biodiversity - Ecology, the basic Concept of Ecology, Food chains in eco system 
(3)Environment Pollution – causes, effects and mitigation measures of – Air Pollution, Water Pollution,Soil Pollution, Marine Pollution, Noise Pollution,Thermal Pollution and Nuclear Pollution. The disposal of dirty water.
(4)Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
(5)Global environment- Such as climate change, acid rain, Global Warming,Watershed Management. Rejuvenate of waste land to fertile land.

8. Important – National and International events.

9. Sports and Games: Country, player, the rules of games. Planning, Awards,International Sports Festivals or different tournament / competitions. Record /Achievement of games, Recent Results and the position of Gujarat in thisregards.

10. The important events before and after the independence of India.

11. General science- day to day experience and observation of science for which a person has not studied any specific study of any branch of science.

12. Current events.
