Globaledge Whole Testpaper |   28059

Globaledge Whole Testpaper


GLOBAL EDGE  Placement Paper

1)Remove the odd ones
a)job scheduler b)long term scheduler c)medium term scheduler
d)process term scheduler

2) long term scheduler is also known as
a)cpu scheduler b)job scheduler c)middle term scheduler d)none of these

3)which one is not in the process state
a)ready b)run c)terminated d)none of these
ans: d

4)Switching the cpu to another process requires saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state is called

a)mode switch b)process switch c)context switch d)none

GLOBAL EDGE Latest Fresher Engineer Placement Sample Question Paper 6 2005

5)which one is not in the compilation stage
a)lexical analyser
d)code generator

 Operating System :

1. Round Robin algorithm is used in :
a. deadlock preventiom b. process management c . scheduling (1)
d . deadlock detection

2. Type of memory management used in unix os

a. swapping b. demand paging c . both a and b(1) d. none of the above

3. File system supported in Unix

a. ext2 b. ext3 c. a and b (1) d . none of the above

4. number of address bits in 8086 processor
a. 16 b. 20(1) c . 24 d. 12

5. which is the data type , which does'nt depend on the m/c

   a. char(1) b. int c. float d.none

6. The int size depends on ?
   a. ALU size(1) b. OS c. none


OS Questions

1. Which is the most efficient page replacement algo -

a. LRU ( Correct - not v sure )
b. LFU

2. Compaction comes into picture in -

a. Paging
b. Sheduling
c. Segmentation ( Correct )
d. File Management

3.Which systems support both Real Mode / Protected Mode -

a. Intel 386 and higher ( Correct)
b. Intel 286 and higher
c.  Pentium series only
d. None of teh above

4. High Paging Activity leads to -

a. Swapping
b. Compaction
c. Thrashing ( Correct)
d. External Fragmentation

5. Which are the necessary conditions for deadlock

a. Mutual Exclusion
b. Non preemption
c. Circular wait
d. Hold and wait
e. All of the above ( Correct)


/* N/w Questions */

1) Gateway is the one which

choice(s) :

(a) Supports Multiple Protocols within same Network
(b) Routes Messages / Packets within same Network , having single protocol
(c) Supports Muliple Protocols of two / more Different Networks
(d) Routes Messages / Packets to differnt Networks,having same protocol b/w them

2) Size of ATM packet , in bytes

choice(s) :

3) Where is the Bootstrap Loader present physically ?

Choice(s) :
(a) HDD
(c) First Track Zeroth Cylinder Zeroth Sector
(d) Zeroth Track Zeroth Cylinder First Sector

4) Major Difference b/w Switches & Routers is

Choice(s) :
(a)No Difference between them
(b)Switches work in Data Link Layer & Routers in Network Layer of OSI model
(c)Switches divides the bandwidth across the various Devices connected whereas
Routers Preserve Bandwidth.
(d)Routers have more intelligence than switches in routing a packet & able to
adjust to the environmental changes Dynamically

5) Difference between a Hub & a Repeater

(a) Hub is used in Network Layer & Repeater at Physical Layer
(b) Hub & Repeater both are same
(c) Hub is a Repeater
(d) Hub divides Bandwith among various Machines whereas Repeater doesnot

Answers :

1) (c) Supports Muliple Protocols of two / more Different Networks
2) (b) 53
3) (b) BIOS ROM
4) (d)Routers have more intelligence than switches in routing a packet & able to
adjust to the environmental changes Dynamically
5) (d) Hub divides Bandwith among various Machines whereas Repeater doesnot

1) The different stages of compilation are
a. preprocessor, compiler, assembler, loader, linker
b. preprocessor, compiler, assembler, linker, loader (ans)
c. preprocessor, assembler, compiler, linker, loader
d. preprocessor, compiler, linker, assembler, loader

2) Round Robin algorithm is used in
a. memory management
b. cpu scheduling (ans)
c. deadlock detection
d. none of the above

3) Multiprogamming is used
a. to maximize cpu utilization (ans)
b. to increase process execution time
c. to save memory
d. none of the above

4) Drawback in paging is
a. internal fragmentation (ans)
b. external fragmentation
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none of the above

5) Belady's Anomaly occurs in which page replacement algorithm?
a. fifo (ans)
b. lru
c. lfu
d. none

1) a relocatable code is
a) portable code
b) code generated for virtual address
c) ready to run anywhere in memory
d) both b & c (ans)

2) Memory management unit(MMU)
a) is software
b) hardware
c) both a & b (ans)
d) none

3) C is a
a) low level language
b) high level language
c) middle level language (ans)
d) portable language

4) symbol table used for

b)generating machine code
c)resolving external references
d)both b & c (ans)
e) none

5)dispatcher is used in

a)memory management
c)scheduling (ans)

6) use of virtual memory

a) to support executables larger than memory size (ans)
b) to increase speed of execution
c) both
d) none

Computer Concepts

1 spooling is the acronym for
(a) simultaneous processors operation online
(b) simultaneous peripheral operation online
(c) simultaneous peripheral operation over line
(d) simultaneous processor online operation

ans : (b)


2 Telnet is
(a) Application layer protocol
(b) Network Layer protocol
(c) used by Link Layer for sending frames
(d) None of the above

ans : (a)


3 socket in network programming is
(a) an electrical device
(b) IPC
(c) synchronization tool
(d) Network layer protocol

ans : (b)


4 DMA stands for
(a) Direct Memory Access
(b) Directional Momentary Acess
(c) Directional Major device Access
(d) Direct Minor device Access

ans : (a)


5 Linux
(a) has hierarchical file system
(b) has FAT
(c) treats peripheral devices as files
(d) both (a) & (c)

ans : (d)


1. in case memory maped i/o which one is not true

a. there a is seperate address space for i/o operation
b. special instruction are used for i/o data transfer
c. memory address may overlap
d. none of the above.

Ans. a

2 DMA requires

a.most of the cpu time
c.CPU instantiation.
d.main memory.

Ans c

3. special i/o instruction r required for

a.Memory mapped i/o
b.i/o mapped i/o
c.both of these
d.none of these

Ans a

4. out put of complier is

a.assembly code
b.object code
c.machine code
d.none of the above

Ans b.

5 which one these is onchip mem



1.which one of the following is wrong

A. 2's complement(10110) = 01010 B. 4's complement(1230)=2110
C. 8's complement(7436)=1451 @ D. 5's complement(4322)=0123


2.(128)base 10 = (1003)base r, what is the value of r?

A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 @ D. 6


3. In design of instruction set

A. RISC uses more no of instructions. B. CISC uses more no.of instructions @
C. Both uses same no. of instruction. D. RISC uses mor than CISC


4. which phase of the compiler checks lexicographic errors

A. Syntax Phase B. Semantic Phase
C. Lexical Analysis @ D.Code Optimization


5. Random accessing is possible in

A. Read Only Memory(ROM) B. Random Access Memory(RAM)
C. Both RAM and ROM @ D. None of the above.


// Computer Concepts questions

1.Who is called the father of Computers ?

a) Blaise Pascal
b) Herman Hollerith
c) Antony Van
d) Charles Babbage

Ans .(d)

2.How many columns did Punched Card have ?

a) 24
b) 100
c) 80
d) 16


3.What does the acronym FTP stand for ?

a)File Transmission Protocol
b)File Transfer Protocol
b)Fifo Termination Pointer
d)File Tracking Pointer


4.Which company was involved in the development of Unix?

d)Hewlett Packard


5.What does acronym RISC stand for ?

a)Rapid Instruction Set Computers
b)Rapid Integer Signalling Computers
c)Reduced Instruction Set Computers
d)Reliable Instruction Set Computers


1.) Who is the originator of MS-DOS
a. Gary Kildall
b. Dennis Ritchie
c. Tim Patterson *
d. Ken Thompson

2.) Which of the following is responsible for displaying the
DOS prompt
a. Resident portion of COMMAND.COM
b. Transient portion of COMMAND.COM *
c. SYSINIT module of IO.SYS

3.) Bootstrap loader program is a program belonging to:
a. ROM extension software
b. ROM startup software *
c. ROM-BIOS software
d. ROM Basic software

4.) Whether a particular operation is successfully carried out by
DOS or not is indicated by the value stored in
a.Ordinary register
b.Flags register *
c.Segment register
d.Offset register

5.) In a 80386 microprocessor each CPU register is
a.12 bits long
b.16 bits long *
c. 8 bits long
d. 8 bytes long

6.) Each Address in Interrupt Vector table is
a. 2 bytes long
b. 4 bytes long *
c. 8 bytes long
d. 1 byte long

7.) The Program Counter is also called
a. Stack Pointer
b. Base Pointer
c. Instruction Pointer *
d. None of the above

8.) The 8088 is a
a. 8 bit Microprocessor
b. 16 bit Microprocessor
c. 8/16 bit Microprocessor *
d. a 32 bit Microprocessor

9.) Pick the odd one out
a. VGA
b. EGA
c. XGA
d. BCA *

10.) A ROM-BIOS routine makes use of the segment register
ES and DS. To call this routine which function would you use
a. int86()
b. int86x() *
c. intdos()
d. intdosx() *

11.) Conventionally one screenful of characters would require
how many bytes:
a. 2000
b. 3000
c. 4000 *
d. 5000

1. IEEE stands for ?

a) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
b) Information for Electronics and Electrical Engineers
c) International Electronics and Elecrical Engineers.
d) None of the above.

Ans: a

2. Which of the following protocol help us while receiving mail messages
over the internet ?

a) SNMP b)

ans: c

3. Which of the following tools are used to partition the hard disk ?

a) fdisk
b) Disk Manager ( DM ).
c) Both
d) None of the above.

ans: c

4. EBCDIC code stands for ?

a) Extended Binary coded decimal interchange code
b) Extended Biased coding Decimal interchange code
c) External Biased coding Decimal interchange code
d) None of the above

ans: a

5. C++ designed and developed by ?

a) Kerninghan & Ritchie.
b) Thomson.
c) Bary B Brey.
d) Bjarne Stroustrup

ans: d)
