GIC Aptitude Reasoning |   10377

GIC Aptitude Reasoning

                                     GIC Aptitude Reasoning


GIC Scale 1 Officers  Model Questions of Aptitude, Reasoning, English questions

GIC Aptitude and Reasoning model questions for practice for upcoming GIC Scale 1 recruitment officers and GIC all jobs post written test examinations.GIC written test consists 200 marks aptitude, general awareness, English.GIC Examinations free solved sample placement papers and GD and interview preparation methods.GIC and all insurance companies,Banks  IT PSU and Non IT companies Aptitude, Reasoning, General awareness,current affairs,professional knowledge model questions and answers for preparing upcoming competitive examinations

Directions (Qns. 1 to 5)  :  In the questions given below, certain symbols are used with the following meaning :

A @ B means A is greater than B

A * B means A is either greater than or equal to B

A # B means A is equal to B

A $ B means A is either smaller than or equal to B

A + B means A is smaller than B

Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely True ?

Give answer (A) if only conclusion I is true.

Give answer (B) if only conclusion II is true.

Give answer (C) if either conclusion I or II is true.

Give answer (D) if either conclusion I or II is true.

Give answer (E) if both conclusion I and II are true.

Explanatory Ans : - SBI - Reasoning - Ans. No. (1-5)


1. Statements :

D + T;   E $ V;   F * T;   E @ D

Conclusions :

I.  D $ V

II. D + F

(Ans : B) Explanatory Ans : -

D + T;   E $ V;   F * T;   E @ D

After conversion

D < T;   E ≤ V;   F ≥ T;   E > D     or,    V ≥ E > D < T ≤ F

Conclusions :

I.  D $ V   ⇒  D < V :  Not True D is smaller than V.

II. D + F   ⇒  D < F :  True


2. Statements :

B + D;   E $ T;   T * P;   P @ B

Conclusions :

I.  P $ D

II. P @ D

(Ans : C) Explanatory Ans : -

B + D;   E $ T;   T * P;   P @ B

After conversion

B < D;   E ≤ T;   T ≥ P;   P > B      or,    E ≤ T ≥ P > B < D

Conclusions :

I.   P $ D   ⇒  P ≤ D  :  Not True

II. P @ D   ⇒  P > D  :  Not True

While considering the relation between two entities three possibilities exists : greater than,  equal to or smaller than.  Therefore, either I or II is true.


3. Statements :

T * U;   U $ W;   V @ L;   W + V

Conclusions :

I.  V @ T

II. L # W

(Ans : D) Explanatory Ans : -

T * U;   U $ W;   V @ L;   W + V

After conversion

T ≥ U;   U ≤ W;   V > L;   W < V    or,   T ≥ U ≤ W < V > L

Conclusions :

I.  V @ T    ⇒   V > T  :  Not True

II. L # W   ⇒   L = W  :  Not True


4. Statements :

P $ Q;   N # M;   M @ R;  R * P

Conclusions :

I.  P + N

II. Q $ M

(Ans : A) Explanatory Ans : -

P $ Q;   N # M;   M @ R;  R * P

After conversion

P ≤ Q;   N = M;   M > R;  R ≥ P    or,    N = M > R ≥ P ≤ Q

Conclusions :

I.  P + N   ⇒   P < N  :  True

II. Q $ M   ⇒   Q < M :  Not True


5. Statements :

E * F;   G $ H;   H # E;   G @ K

Conclusions :

I.  H @ K

II. H * F

(Ans : E) Explanatory Ans : -

E * F;   G $ H;   H # E;   G @ K

After conversion

E ≥ F;   G ≤ H;   H = E;   G > K    or,   K < G ≤ H = E ≥ F

Conclusions :

I.  H @ K   ⇒   H > K :  True

II. H * F    ⇒   H ≥ F :  True

6    If A + B means "A is the sister of B".  A * B means "A is the wife of B", A ÷ B means "A is the father of B" and A - B means "A is the brother of B", then which of following expresses the relationship that "T is the daughter of P" ?

A)  P * Q ÷ R + S - T

B)  P * Q ÷ R - T + S    (Ans)

C)  P * Q ÷ R + T - S

D)  P * Q ÷ R + S + T

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  Option (I)

P * Q ÷ R + S - T

P * Q    →   P is the wife of Q.

Q ÷ R   →   Q is the father of R.

R + S   →    R  is the sister of S.

S  -  T   →    S is the brother of T.

Note :  The sex of T is not known.


(i)  Q is the husband of P.

(ii)  P is the mother of R, S and T.  

(iii) Q is the father of R, S and T.

(iv) R is the sister of S and T.

(v)  S is the brother of R and T.

Option (II)

P * Q ÷ R - T + S  

P * Q   →   P is the wife of Q.

Q ÷ R  →   Q is the father of R.

R - T   →    R  is the brother of S.

T + S  →    T is the sister of S.   

Note :  The sex of S is not known.


(i)  Q is the husband of P.

(ii)  P is the mother of R, S and T.  

(iii) Q is the father of R, S and T.

(iv) T is the daughter of P and Q.


7.  If the position of the first letter of English alphabet is interchanged with the position of the fourteenth letter, second letter wit the fifteenth letter in such a way that M is interchanged with Z, then which of the following letters will be 9th to the right of 17th letter from the right ?

A)  F    (Ans)

B)  E

C)  R

D)  T

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  According to question, the new sequence would be :

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M   9th to  the right of 17th letter from the right means (17 - 9) = 8th letter from the right.

8th letter from right ⇒ F.

Statements :

Some trees are flowers.

Some flowers are pencils.

Some pencils are tables.

Conclusions : 

I.    Some tables are flowers.

II.   Some pencils are trees.

III.  Some tables are trees.

IV.  Some trees are pencils.

A)  All follow

B)  None follows        (Ans)

C)  Only I and III follow

D)  Only II and IV follow

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : -  All the three premises are Particular Affirmative (I-type).  Therefore, no conclusion can be derived from these premises.  Now look for any conversion and/or implication :

There is no such conclusion. 


8.    Statements :

All rods are bricks

Some bricks are ropes

All ropes are doors

Conclusions :

I.    Some rods are doors.

II.   Some doors are bricks. 

III.  Some rods are not doors.

IV.  All doors are ropes.

A)  Only I and II follow

B)  Only I, II and III follow

C)  Only either I or III and II follow        (Ans)

D)  Only either I or III and IV follow

E)  None of these

Explanatory Ans : - First premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type). 

Second premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).

Third premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).

9.  In a certain code DOWN as '5@9#" and NAME is written as '#6%3'.  How is MODE written in that code ?

(1) %653

(2) %@63

(3) %5@3

(4) %@53     (Ans)

(5) None of these

Solutions :  

 D    O    W    N           N    A    M    E
 â†“    ↓    ↓    ↓   and   â†“    ↓    ↓    ↓
 5    @     9    #          #     6    %   3


So,    M    O     D    E
       ↓    ↓    ↓    ↓
        %    @    5    3

10 How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters LGEU using each letter only once in each word ?

(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two      (Ans)

(4) Three

(5) More than three

Solutions :   Meaningful words ― GLUE,  LUGE
