GATE Electronics-Communication-Engineering-ECE Written test experiences |   4869

GATE Electronics-Communication-Engineering-ECE Written test experiences

GATE 2014 ECE -Electronics and Communication engineering Questions .Here Iam sharing this years 2014 GATE Examination questions 


Everything is formula based no linked and common data questions instead fill in the blanks with  no negative marks

Hope same questions repeat with different data and models may remain same


 GATE 2014 ECE-Electronics and Communication engineering

1. Identify feedback connection of CE amplifier


2. GIVEN Wn and zeta value find damped frequency


3. Given K,Vt find Id given self bias circuit (similarly 2 problems on MOSFET).


4. Given problem on control system block diagram reduction h(S)=?


5. Given signal flow graph asked to identify observabalitiy, controllability and stability?


6. Given H(Z) and asked to identify min phase, max phase, on zero phase or zero phase system


7. What happens in differential amplifier if Re is increased for Ad,Ac,CMRR


8. Given bode plot and asked to find K


9. Given ND, e, permittivity and asked to find E in depletion region (3) problems


10. Given JK FF asked to identify the sequence at Q1


11. Given D FF asked to identify correct output timing diagram


12. Given problem on Q function


13. Ltx-àinfinity (x+1/x)^x


14. Given problems on E(X) given PSD


15. Given D^2+2D+1 find the solution


16. given two parallel PI networks asked to find h22


17. Given definition of Norton’s theorem


18. Given problems on circuits i(t)


19. Given equation identify which type of polarization


20. Asked to find cut off frequency for rectangular waveguide


21. Asked to find Zin for transmission line


22.Given sequence 1 3 6 15              147.5  630


23.Givenhow much time it consume tank filling when the water is leaking


24.Given problem on finding diffusion current density


25.Problem on law of mass action and Einstein’s relation


26.Given Av1,Av2 and asked to find Vo/Vi given RL,Ri,Ro


27.Given expressions of Borrow and Difference for half subtractor and identify them


Everything is formula based no linked and common data questions instead fill in the blanks with  no negative marks

Hope same questions repeat with different data and models may remain same
















