GAIL Placement Paper |   1677

GAIL Placement Paper

                                                          GAIL Placement Paper

1) Pitot tube is used to calucate the velocity of ?

2) To eradicate the overe turning of vehicle which has to be done. Reduce the mass, Reduce the Speed, Make the CG down for the vehicle.

3) Why governing is required in the turbine.

4) Why air vessel is placed in the reciprocating pump.

5) A problem on the blade speed of the impluse turbine.

6) Formula for specific speed of turbine.

7) What is the operation we perform in the CAD to fill the patches.

8) What is the meaning of cast iron SG 400/15

9) What happens to the cast iron rod when manganese is added to it.

10) Hardness of the cast iron bar can be increase which process.

11) Which type of fit is involved in G6/g7

12) What happens to material in spinning operation.

13) Why multi point cutting tool is used.

14) How can be directional solidification eradicated.

15) What type of welding is used to weld molen metal.

16) Two questions on stress concentration factor.

17) A question asked on usage of keys.

18) Type of bolt used in heavy machinery.

19) A theatre providing e ticketing is mainained by which platform. This is question related to management.

20) Three questions on gear mating.

21) If l/r ratio is increased what happens to its primary and secondary forces.

22) Maximum value of x power 1/x.

23) Slope of the curves Y= a power X and Y=b power X

24) Two questions on intergration.

25) A question on variable and operation cost in management science.

26) Significance of Biot number.

27) Wavelength range of Thermal radiation

28) Mode of heat transfer from a chilled cococola bottle.

29) Two question on type of heat exchangers

30) Which of the following is the intensive property. Mass, Volume, Specific enthalpy, Density

31) Process occuring in Carnots cycle.

32) Max Efficiency for same CR in Otto, Diesel and Dual.

33) Probelmatic question on energy supplied in steam turbine unit by giving the pressure limits.

34) Which will have high COP value a. 20 deg super heat or b. 20 deg subcooled.

35) Given an equation for average velocity and asked to calculate the covective acceleration at specified length.
