GAIL Paper |   2425

GAIL Paper

                                                              GAIL Sample Paper

Aptitude Questions:

(1) 3.5 x 2.4 x ? = 42
(a) 1.5 
(b) 0.2 
(c) 0.8 
(d) 1.2 
(e) None of these

(2) 804357 = ?
(a) 98 
(b) 89 
(c) 96 
(d) 93 
(e) None of these

(3) 3 ? ÷16 x 24 = 186
(a) 98 
(b) 89 
(c) 96 
(d) 93 
(e) None of these

(4) (?)2 ÷ (0.04)2 x 5.6 = 117740
(a) 33.64 
(b) 6.2 
(c) 38.44 
(d) 5.4 
(e) None of these

(5) 9418 + ? + 1436 + 2156 = 5658
(a) 7523 
(b) 7352 
(c) 7232 
(d) 7325 
(e) None of these

(6) 9865 + ? + 3174 + 2257 = 19425
(a) 4047 
(b) 4136 
(c) 4129 
(d) 4092 
(e) None of these

(7) Each memory cell has a unique number assigned to it which is called as the …….. of the cell
(a) Address 
(b) Register 
(c) Number 
(d) path 
(e) None of these

(8) RAM is also called as
(a) Read/Write Memory 
(b) Long Memory 
(c) permanent Memory
(d) Secondary Memory 
(e) None of these

(9) A …….. stores data or information temporarily and passes it on as directed by the control unit.
(a) Address 
(b) Register 
(c) Number
(d) Memory 
(e) None of these

(10) Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
(a) gathering data 
(b) Processing data into information 
(c) analyzing the data or information
(d) storing the data or information 
(e) None of these

(11) All of the following are examples of storage devices EECEPT:
(a) hard disk drives 
(b) printers 
(c) floppy disk drives 
(d) CD drives 
(e) Pen drives

(12) The CPU and memory are located on the:
(a) expansion board 
(b) motherboard 
(c) storage device
(d) output device 
(e) display board

(13) A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
(a) interpreter 
(b) simulator 
(c) character
(d) number 
(e) None of these

(14) Computers process data into information by working exclusively with:
(a) multimedia 
(b) words 
(c) characters
(d) number 
(e) None of these

(15) Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called………….
(a) upgrading 
(b) processing 
(c) batching
(d) utilizing 
(e) None of these

Mechanical Technical Questions: 

(1) What is fatigue or stress concentration factor

(2) What is the strength of riveted joint

(3) What kind of thread is used if power is to be transmitted in 1 direction only

(4) Overhauling case will have frictionb angle greater, equal or less than helix angle

(5) what combination of material is used 4 bearing manufacture

(6) Magnesium is added for which purpose

(7) For achieving hardness which procees should be carried(Annealing, normalising, martempering etc)

(8) Which welding is done for joining shank of a drill bit (Flash butt welding)

(9) What to be use for measuring angle and for locating the w/p at some angle

(10) How many nomenclatures are there to completely define a single poin cutting tool
