Flextronics Placement Papers |   20944

Flextronics Placement Papers

 Hughes test conducted at Gurgaon

          The paper contains the two sections
         Section 1 (20 ques) contains all the questions related to quant's, simple mathematics, and 
         simple logical question. so asfar as theis section is concern u don't need any extra book 
         only R.S Aggarwal is sufficient. Section 2(30 ques) coice b/t CS paper and Electronics paper. 

  1.   nice('val')? unix command

  2.  for(l=1;a<=l;a++)

  3. nt a[4]={1,2,3,4};
        array to the pointer?
        a.int *a[4]
        b.int (*a)[4]

  4. valid system prievlage in restricted seesion? 
        a.  create user
        b.  create session
        c.  restricted session

  5. emaphore?
       a.  shared memory

  6. Semaphore?
       a.  shared memory

  7. which is used to store hard disk sector info                                                                  
        a.   eerom 
        b.   rom 
        c .  ram 
        d.  cmos

  8. If duplicate segments , file are there in hardisk which is best for management
       a.  fat 
       b.  san 
       c.  raid(may be) 

  9. If a lan with 100mbps is there which wan can give same features?
       a.   atm 
       b.   isdn 
       c.   x.25 
       d. ....

  10.  IPv6 has how many bytes for its address?
       a.   8
       b.  12
       c.   16

  11. Sliding window in which layer?                                                                            
       a.   session layer
       b.   transport layer
       c.   application layer
       d.   presentation layer

  12. when interupt occurs to cpu what happen?

  13. DEBUG trigger (oracle)

  14. order of insertion sort and Heap sort?
       a.  O(n**2),O(nlogn)

  15. NEXTVAL and CURRENTVAL in sequence (Oracle)?

  16. Which one is called family tree?
          a.   B+ 
          b.   Binary
          c.   AVL

  17. Intel 386 support which memory management?
         a.   paged
         b.   segmented
         c.   paged segmented

  18. Complexity to access name from the given double link list?                                   
          |   |<--|   |
      a.  O(n)
      b.  O(n**2)
      c.  O(nlogn)

  19.  question on virtual function and overloading?

  20.  question to find error in this C++ code.                                                      

  21. used for parse trees?
      a.  linked lists

  22.  The question on RS232?
