Federal Bank Pattern |   5174

Federal Bank Pattern

                                          Federal Bank Clerical Exam Pattern

Federal Bank will conduct an ONLINE Written exam for recruitment to the posts of Clerk. As the time passes competition for competitive exam gets tougher. It is not the time for burning late night candles & take nothing in the exam. So for Selection Nothing can work for selection except a smart study plan. Prepare for exam differently than other candidates. In this article, we are providing you Important Topics from Large syllabus of Clerk Exam.

Exam Pattern :- There is provision of Online Written exam consisting of 150 marks. Exam Pattern is as follows:-

1. Reasoning (35 Marks)
2. English Language (35 Marks)
3. Quantitative Aptitude (30 Marks)
4. General & Financial Awareness (30 Marks)
5. Computer Awareness(20 Marks)

* Composite Time of 90 minutes for all the tests together.
* There will be negative marks at the rate of 0.25 for wrong answers.
* Online Aptitude Test will be followed by a Psychometric test for a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
