FCI Solved Aptitude and Reasoning Papers |   14934

FCI Solved Aptitude and Reasoning Papers


FCI Aptitude questions

1. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls
A.y/(x + y) B.x/xy C.x/(x + y) D.y/xy 


2. What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream(2 pt.=1 qt. and 4 qt.=1 gal)
A.16 B.24 C.30 D.64 


3. .If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y, what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3
A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.4 (Ans.B)

4. A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee, putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm. If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade, how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.
A.Rs.90 B.Rs.1.00 C.Rs.3.00 D.Rs.8.00 (Ans.C)

5. There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems. It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each Maths problem as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems
A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100 (Ans.B)

6. In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin and Greek
A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5 (Ans.B)

7. If 13 = 13w/(1-w) ,then (2w)2 =
A.1/4 B.1/2 C.1 D.2 (Ans.C)

8. If a and b are positive integers and (a-b)/3.5 = 4/7, then
(A) b < a (B) b > a (C) b = a (D) b >= a (Ans. A)

9. In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average?
A. 12 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30 (Ans. C)

10. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift/
A. D/(M-3) B. MD/3 C. M/(D-3) D. 3D/(M2-3M) (Ans. D)

11. . A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6 days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract?
A. 7 B. 8 C. 11 D. 12 (Ans.C)

12. 2 hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station travelling in the same direction at an average speed of 16 km/hr. After traveling 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train was?
A. 30 B. 40 C.58 D. 60 (Ans. B)

13. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ?
A.-5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8 (Ans. D)

14. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one draw randomly a shoe what is the probability of getting a red shoe (Ans 5c1/ 9c1)

15. What is the selling price of a car? If the cost of the car is Rs.60 and a profit of 10% over selling price is earned (Ans: Rs 66/-)

16. 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of classmates go to canteen.
Ans: Cannot be determined.

17. The price of a product is reduced by 30% . By what percentage should it be increased to make it 100% (Ans: 42.857%)

18. There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the square. Find the ratio of the area of circle to square. (Ans. 11/14 )

19. There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The thicker one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two candles .
Ans: 3 hours.

20. If M/N = 6/5,then 3M+2N = ?

21. If p/q = 5/4 , then 2p+q= ?

22. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST . (Ans: 1:2 )

23. The cost of an item is Rs 12.60. If the profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price ?
(Ans: Rs 13.86/- )

24. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes (Ans: 6c2/10c2)

25. To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol. (Ans : 15% )

26. A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 days in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ? (Ans : 57.50 )

27. If the value of x lies between 0 & 1 which of the following is the largest?
(a) x b) x2 (c) "x (d) 1/x (Ans : (d) )

28. If the total distance of a journey is 120 km .If one goes by 60 kmph and comes back at 40kmph what is the average speed during the journey? Ans: 48kmph

29. A school has 30% students from Maharashtra .Out of these 20% are Bombey students. Find the total percentage of Bombay ? (Ans: 6%)

30. An equilateral triangle of sides 3 inch each is given. How many equilateral triangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it? (Ans: 9)

31. If A/B = 3/5,then 15A = ? (Ans : 9B)

32. Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% .By what percentage does the area increase? (Ans : 300%)

33. Perimeter of the back wheel = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet on a certain distance, the front wheel gets 10 revolutions more than the back wheel .What is the distance? Ans : 315 feet

34. Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel revolves 240 times. How many revolutions will the back wheel take? Ans: 360 times

35. 20% of a 6 litre solution and 60% of 4 litre solution are mixed. What percentage of the mixture of solution
(Ans: 36%)

36. City A's population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 people per year. City B having population 42000 is increasing at a rate of 120 people per year. In how many years both the cities will have same population? (Ans: 130 years)

37. Two cars are 15 kms apart. One is turning at a speed of 50kmph and the other at 40kmph . How much time will it take for the two cars to meet? (Ans: 3/2 hours)

38. A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps he won't able to buy 3 paise stamps. Ans:9

39. There are 12 boys and 15 girls, How many different dancing groups can be formed with 2 boys and 3 girls.

40. Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3
(a) 22/62 (b) 15/46 (c) 2/3 (d) 1 (Ans: (b))

41. There are two circles, one circle is inscribed and another circle is circumscribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner to outer circle? Ans: 1 : 2

42. Three types of tea the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg and70/kg respectively.How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth Rs.90/kg, given that the quntities of band c are equal
a)70,15,15 b)50,25,25 c)60,20,20 d)40,30,30 (Ans. (b))

43. in a class, except 18 all are above 50 years.15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there
(a) 30 (b) 33 (c) 36 (d) none of these. (Ans. (d))

44. If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes downstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?
(a) 13 km/hr (b) 26 km/hr (c) 34 km/hr (d) none of these (Ans. A)

45. Find the value of ( 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 ) / ( 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.075 + 0.01)
(a) 0.845 (b) 1.908 (c) 2.312 (d) 0.001 (Ans. A)

46. A can have a piece of work done in 8 days, B can work three times faster than the A, C can work five times faster than A. How many days will they take to do the work together ?
(a) 3 days (b) 8/9 days (c) 4 days (d) can't say (Ans. B)

47. A car travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.What is the distancetravelled
(a) 210 kms (b) 30 kms (c) 20 kms (c) none of these (Ans. B)

48. Instead of multiplying a number by 7, the number is divided by 7. What is the percentage of error obtained ?

49. Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) data insufficient (Ans. C)

50. A man buys 12 lts of liquid which contains 20% of the liquid and the rest is water. He then mixes it with 10 lts of another mixture with 30% of liquid.What is the % of water in the new mixture?

FCI General Awareness questions with

1. What is the population of India ?
(A) 98 crores
(B) More than 2 billion
(C) More than 1 billion-Answer
(D) Less than 96 crores
(E) 96 crores

2. Thermostat is an instrument used to"
(A) measure flow of current
(B) measure intensity of voltage
(C) regulate temperature-Answer
(D) regulate velocity of sound
(E) None of these

3. Wimbledon Trophy is associated with"
(A) Football 
(B) Cricket
(C) Hockey 
(D) Basketball
(E) Lawn Tennis-Answer

4. GNP stands for"
(A) Gross National Product-Answer
(B) Group Net Product
(C) Grand Nuclear Process
(D) Group Networking Process
(E) None of these

5. 'Acoustics' is the science of the study of"
(A) Light 
(B) Sound-Answer
(C) Electricity
(D) Magnetism
(E) None of these

6. Noise pollution is measured in the unit called"
(A) micron
(B) nautical miles
(C) ohms
(D) ampere
(E) decibel-Answer

7. 'Heavy Water' is used in which of the following types of indus-tries ?
(A) Sugar
(B) Nuclear Power-Answer
(C) Textile
(D) Coal
(E) None of these

8. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Indomi-table Spirit'?
(A) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(A) Indomitable Spirit is a book authored by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam the ex-President of India. The book brings together the values, thoughts and ideas of President Kalam as reflected in his speeches and addresses. Interspersed with interesting ancedotes and observations, indomitable Spirit represents the quintessential A.P.J. Abdul Kalam"the man, the scientist, the teacher and the President.
(B) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(C) Justice K. G. Balakrishna
(D) Mr. Natwar Singh
(E) None of these

9. Which of the following is not the name of popular IT/Software Company ?
(A) Wipro 
(B) Mastek
(C) Toyota -Answer
(E) Infosys

10. 'Yen' is the currency of"
(A) South Korea
(B) China
(C) Indonesia-Answer
(D) Malaysia
(E) None of these

11. Baichung Bhutia whose name was in news is a well known"
(A) Music Director of Indian films
(B) English author of Indian origin
(C) Journalist
(D) Politician
(E) Sports Personality-Answer

12. 'Richter Scale' is used to measure which of the following ?
(A) Intensity of Tsunami Waves
(B) Intensity of Earthquake-Answer
(C) Density of salt in Sea water
(D) Flow of electric current
(E) None of these

13. Which of the following best explains 'e-governance'?
(A) Improving the functioning of government
(B) Teaching government emp-loyees the basics of computing
(C) Delivery of public services through internet-Answer
(D) Framing of cyber-laws of chatting on internet
(E) Convergence of e-mail and video-conferencing

14. CAS is associated with which of the following ?
(A) Legal System Reforms
(B) Piped gas line
(C) Cable T.V.-Answer
(D) Mobile phone regulation
(E) None of these

15. Tata Steel recently acquired the Corus, a steel giant situated in"
(A) South Africa
(B) Ukraine
(C) Australia
(D) Italy
(E) Britain-Answer

16. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the Organi-zation/Agency working in the field of Space Research ?
(B) ISRO-Answer
(E) None of these

17. 'Handshaking' in Networking parlance means"
(A) connecting computers to a hub-Answer
(B) distributed Networks
(C) having same operating system on different computers
(D) sending e-mail
(E) None of these

18. VAT stands for"
(A) Value And Tax
(B) Value Added Tax-Answer
(C) Virtual Action Tasks
(D) Virtual Assessment Tech-nique
(E) None of these

19. Alzheimer'sdiseaseistheailment of which of the following organs /parts of the human body ?
(A) Kidney 
(B) Heart
(C) Liver
(D) Stomach
(E) Brain-Answer

20. Global warming is a matter of concern amongst the nations these days. Which of the follo-wing countries is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the World ?
(A) U.S.A. 
(B) China-Answer
(C) India 
(D) Britain
(E) None of these

21. Which of the following books has been written by Bill Gates ?
(A) Microsoft Secrets
(B) The Road Ahead-Answer
(C) The Elephant Paradigm
(D) e-commerce
(E) None of these

22. Which of the following is the name of the social network service run by the Google on the internet ?
(A) Online Space
(B) Orkut
(C) Net-Space
(D) Wikipedia
(E) None of these

23. Which of the following states is a relatively new addition ?
(A) Goa
(B) Delhi-Answer
(C) Uttarakhand-Answer
(D) Himachal Pradesh
(E) Bihar

24. DOT stands for"
(A) Disc Operating Therapy
(B) Department of Telephones
(C) Directorate of Technology
(D) Damage on Time
(E) None of these-Answer
Dot stands for Department of Telecommunications.

25. Which of the following States/ parts of India is completely land locked having no contact with sea ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Orissa
(C) Maharashtra
(D) North-East-Answer
(E) None of these

26. TRAI regulates the functioning of which of the following servi-ces ?
(A) Telecom -Answer
(B) Trade
(C) Port
(D) Transport
(E) None of these

27. At present for the ATMs in India, the most commonly used net-work communication mode is"
(A) Very Small Aperture Termi-nal (VSAT)-Answer
(B) General Packet Radio Ser-vice (GPRS)
(C) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
(D) Dial-in Connection
(E) None of these

28. Which of the following is not a foreign bank operating in India ?
(A) DBS Bank Ltd.
(B) Sonali Bank
(C) J. P. Morgan Chase Bank
(D) Shinhan Bank
(E) All are Foreign Banks-Answer

29. Who is the author of the book 'Future Shock' ?
(A) Alvin Toffler-Answer
(B) Tom Peters
(C) Napoleon Hill
(D) Kenneth Blanchard
(E) None of these

30. Apex fares are"
(A) more than the normal fare
(B) less than the normal fare-Answer
(C) offered only to corporate clients
(D) applicable to late night flights only
(E) applicable to international flights only

31. Who amongst the following is the Director of the film 'Water' which was in news ?
(A) Vidhu Vinod Chopra
(B) Mrinal Sen
(C) Gulzar
(D) Mahesh Bhatt
(E) None of these-Answer

32. The 10th plan period is upto"
(A) 2007 -Answer
(B) 2008
(C) 2009 
(D) 2010
(E) None of these

33. OPEC is a group of countries which are"
(A) exporting oil-Answer
(B) producting cotton
(C) rich and developed
(D) developing and poor
(E) nuclear powers

34. Intel Company mainly pro-duces"
(A) Hard disks
(B) VCDs
(C) Monitors
(D) Software
(E) None of these-Answer

35. Who amongst the following is the M.D./Chairman of one of the major Steel Companies ?
(A) Shri L. N. Mittal-Answer
(B) Shri K. K. Birla
(C) Shri Vijaypat Singhania
(D) Shri Mukesh Ambani
(E) Shri Anil Agarwal

36. Who is the President of Nass-com?
(A) Kiran Karnik-Answer
(B) Narayana Murthy
(C) Pramod Desai
(D) Devang Mehta
(E) None of these

37. Which of the following awards is not given for excellence in the field of literature ?
(A) Booker Prize
(B) Nobel Prize
(C) Pulitzer Price
(D) Arjun Award-Answer
(E) Bharatiya Gnanpith Award

38. 'Singur' which was in news is a place in"
(A) Orissa
(B) West Bengal
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Bihar
(E) Maharashtra

39. Who amongst the following is the author of the book series named as 'Harry Potter' ?
(A) J. K. Rowling-Answer
(B) Lindsay Lohan
(C) Julia Roberts
(D) Sandra Bullock
(E) None of these

40. Which of the following Satellites recentlydedicatedtonation helps Direct to Home Television Ser-vice in India ?
(A) Matsat
(B) Edusat
(C) Insat"4b-Answer
(D) Insat"IB
(E) None of these

41. Many a times we read some news items about the 'West Bank'. 'West Bank' is situated at the western side of the river"
(A) Mississippi
(B) Amazon
(C) Nile
(D) Jordan-Answer
(E) None of these

42. Which of the following pheno-menon is considered responsible for 'Global Warming' ?
(A) Greenhouse Gas Effect-Answer
(B) Fox Fire
(C) Dry Farming
(D) Radioactivity
(E) None of these

43. Which of the following instru-ments is not issued by a bank ?
(A) Demand Draft
(B) Pay Order
(C) Debit Card
(D) Credit Card
(E) National Saving Certificate-Answer

44. Name of Jyoti Randhawa is asso-ciated with which of the follo-wing games ?
(A) Golf-Answer
(B) Badminton
(C) Hockey
(D) Chess
(E) None of these

45. Which of the following Software Companies recently launched its education portal 'Unlimited Potential' in India ?
(A) Microsoft -Answer
(B) Infosys
(C) Wipro 
(E) None of these

46. Polly Umrigar who died was a well known"
(A) Cricketer-Answer
(B) Tennis Player
(C) Golfer
(D) Chess Player
(E) Hockey Player

47. In India Census is done after a gap of every"
(A) Five years
(B) Seven years
(C) Eight years
(D) Ten years-Answer
(E) Fifteen years

48. Prof. Muhammad Yunus the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 is the exponent of which of the following concepts in the field of banking ?
(A) Core Banking
(B) Micro Credit-Answer
(C) Retail Banking
(D) Real Time Gross Settlement
(E) Internet Banking

49. Who amongst the following was India's official candidate for the post of UNO's Secretary Gene- ral ?
(A) Mr. Shyam Saran
(B) Dr. C. Rangarajan
(C) Mr. Shashi Tharoor-Answer
(D) Mr. Vijay Nambiar
(E) None of these

50. Mr. Gordon Brown has taken over as the Prime Minister of"
(A) Italy
(B) Canada
(C) France
(D) South Africa
(E) Britain-Answer

51. Which of the following Departments of the Govt. of India is helping banks in disbursement of rural credit by the bank ?
(A) Railways
(B) State Road Transpots
(C) Post and Telegraph
(D) Ministry of Health
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

52. Which of the following organization/agencies has established a fund known as " investor production fund" ?
(C) Bombay stock exchange
(E)None of these
Ans (C)

53.Who amongst the following is the Head of the RBI at present ?
(A) Mr. M.V.Kamath
(B) Mr. Y.V.Reddy
(C) Mr. N.R.Narayanmurthy
(D) Mr.O.P.Bhatt
(E)None of these
Ans (B)

54. Mjority of rural people still prefer to go to which of the following for their credit needs ?
(A) Money lenders
(B) Foreign Bankers
(E) None of these
Ans (A)

55. india has different categories of commercial banks.Which of the following is NOT one such categories ?
(A) Private Banks
(B) Commodities Banks
(C) Nationalized Banks
(D) Cooperative Banks
(E) Foreign Banks
Ans (B)

56.Which of the following types of Banks are allowed to operate foreign currency accounts ?
(1) Foreign Banks
(2) Regional Rural Banks
(3) Nationalized Banks
(A) Only i
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1,2and 3
(E) None of these
Ans (C)

57. Which of the following countries does not play International Cricket ?
(A) Russia
(B) England
(C) South Africa
(D) Pakistan
(E) India
Ans (A)

58. The money which Govt. of India spends on the development of infrastructure in country comes from the which of the following sources ?
[Pick up the correct Statement(s)]
(1) Loan from World Bank/ADB etc
(2) Taxws collected from the people
(3) Loan from the RBI
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 2
(E) All 1,2 and 3
Ans (E)

59. The Securities and Exchange Board Of India (SEBI) recently imposed a restriction on money flow in equity through ‘P Notes'. What is the full form of ‘P Notes' ?
(A) Permanent Notes
(B) Perchase Notes
(C) Participatory-Notes
(D) Private Notes
(E) None of these
Ans (C)

60. Who amongst the following was the captain of the India cricket team who won thw Twenty-20 World Cup-2007 ?
(A) Yuvraj Singh
(B) M.S.Dhoni
(C) Rahul Dravid
(D) Saurav Ganguly
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

61. Mnay times we read in financial news paper about 'FII'.What is the full form of 'FII'?
(A) Final Investment in India
(B) Foreign Investment in India
(C) Formal Investment in India
(D) Fair Institutional Investment
(E) Foreign Institutional Investment
Ans (E)

62. Benazir Bhutto Is associated with which of the following parties
(A) Muslim League
(B) Pakistan Peoples Party
(C) Pakistan National Congress(D) Islamic Movement of Pakistan
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

63. One of the former prime ministers of which of the following countries was detained in house arrest for a short period after his/her returns from a long exile ?
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Pakistan
(D) Brazil
(E) None of these
Ans (C)

64. Who amongst the following leaders from USA visited Isarael and Palestinian West Bank so that a solution to the Isarael and palestinian problem can be worked out ?
(A) George Bush
(B) Al Gore
(C) Bill Clinton
(D) Condeleeza Rice
(E) None of these
Ans (A)

65. Justine Henin Won the women's singles US Open Tennis Championship-2007 After defeating -
(A) Swetlana Kuznetsova
(B) Sania Mirza
(C) Dinara Safina
(D) Mathalie Dechy
(E) None of these
Ans (A)

66. As reported in papers the UN World Food Programmes stoped distributing food in Mogadishu Town after its local head was abducted by the Govt. soldiers of the country.Mogadishu is the capital town of-
(A) Tanzania
(B) Turkey
(C) Cuba
(D) Libya
(E) Somalia
Ans (E)

67. The financial markets of the which of the following countries were badly affected by sub-prime crisis ?
(A) Russia
(B) Brazil
(C) UK
(E)None of these
Ans (D)

68. which of the following countries in the world is the biggest consumer of gold ?
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Russia
(D) India
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

69. which of the following countries is NOT happy with the USA's decision to award a cogressional Medal to Dalai Lama Oof Tibet ?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) Nepal
(D) Myanmar
(E) China
Ans (E)

70. which of the following countries recently decided to launch a military action in Northern Iraq where many Kurdish PKK fighters are based and they are killed people from that country ?
(A) India
(B) Afghanistan
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh
(E) Turkey
Ans (E)

71. Dr. Mnamohan SAingh called George Bush to explain the difficulties he is having in implementing agreements related with which of the following with USA ?
(A) Suply of sugar
(B) Civilian nuclear Co-operation
(C) Purchase of fighter planes
(D) Purchase of Gas / Petroleum
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

72. which of the following countries is facing a problem of strike by the workers of the transport ,electricity and gas companies as the present govt. of the country has decided to end the pension to these workerss ?
(B) France
(C) China
(D) Nepal
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

73. Who amongst the following is the Secretary General Of UNO ?
(A) Al Gore
(B) Shashi Tharoor
(C) Gordon Drown
(D) Hugo Chavez
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

74. The “Orange Coalition Govt" was formed once again in which of the following countries ?
(A) Russia
(B) Ukraine
(C) France
(D) Germany
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

75. which of the following countries is NOT elected by the the UN general assembly on the non-payment seats of UN security council w.e.f. January 2008 ?
(A) Libya
(B) Vietnam
(C) Croatia
(D) Costa Rica
(E) Pakistan
Ans (E)

76. The Govt. of India put a ban on export of which of the following commodities at the price below the price of the same in domestic market ?
(A) Steel
(B) Chemical Fertilizer
(C) Pharma Products
(D) Electronic Goods
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

77. India Launched which of the following Satellites in September 2007 ?
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

78. As per the recent agreement between India and one of other country the iNdia Rupee can be easily swapped with -
(A) Tak
(B) Rial
(C) Kyat
(D) Yen
(E) Rubbel
Ans (E)

79. India won the ONGC Cup Football Tounament 2007 by beating-
(A) Syria
(B) Pakistan
(C) Britain
(D) France
(E) None of these
Ans (A)

80. Abdullah Gul's name was in news recently as he he has taken over as the president of -
(A) Turkey
(B) Sudan
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Pakistan
(E) None of these
Ans (A)

81. Hem Dutta who was honoured gy the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhawana Award 2007 is famous-
(A) Author
(B) Social Activist
(C) Player
(D) Film Producer
(E) Scientist
Ans (B)

82. Who amongst the following is selected for Basawa Award (2006-07) by the Karnataka Government ?
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(B) A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
(C) Sonia Gandhi
(D) Pratibha Patil
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

83. Asia Pacific Economic Business meet was organized in September 2007 in -
(A) New Delhi
(B) Beijing
(C) Tokyo
(D) London
(E) Sydne
Ans (E)

84. The World Athletics Championship-2007 was organized in -
(A) Beijing
(B) New Delhi
(C) Osaka
(D) Dhaka
(E) London
Ans (C)

85. Who amongst the following was the captain of the Indian Hockey Team who won Asia Cup 2007 held in Chennai ?
(A) Baichung Bhutia
(B) Dilip Tirkey
(C) Pnkaj Adwani
(D) Manavjeet Singh Sandhu
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

86. Which of the following is a Public Sector Unit ?
(B) ICICI Bank
(E) All of these
Ans (D)

87. India's foreign exchange reserve declined sharply in recent past. What was the main reason for the same ?
(A) Heavy demand of the same by foreign tourists
(B) Import of Wheat from Pakistan and S.Korea
(C) Appreciation of Rupee Value
(D) Instability in coalition Govt. in centre
(E) None of these
Ans (C)

88. Sinzo Abe who was on visit to India in recent past is the -
(A) Prime Minister of South Korea
(B) Prime Minister of North Korea
(C) Prime Minister of Japan
(D) President of South Korea
(E) None of these
Ans (C)

89. Asafa Powel who created a new world record in 100 metres race is a citizen of -
(A) Jamaica
(B) South Africa
(C) India
(E) south Korea
Ans (A)

90. Who amongst the following got third position in long Jump event of the Bayer International Athletics held in Germany in 2007 ?
(A) Shiny Wilson
(B) Anju Bobby George
(C) Neha Sanwal
(D) Prajakta Sawant
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
