FCI question paper |   15589

FCI question paper

SSC FCI Grade II Exam (Paper I): Solved Question Paper




Directions (1-5) : In the following  questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If a sentence is free from errors, then your answer is (4) i.e. No error.

1. You have been doing (1)-Answer/your homework  (2)/regularly? (3)/ No error (4)-

2. The same procedure (1)/ also should (2)-Answer/ for the final assessment (3)/ No error (4)

3. I must find out (1)/ some means to balance (2)-Answer/ my budget (3)/ No error (4)

4. Thank you, (1)/ I am fine (2)/ completely. (3)-Answer/ No error (4)

5. He asked me (1)/ When could I finish (2)-Answer/ the work.  (3)/ No error (4)

Directions (6-10) : In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate words. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

6. He slipped _____________the train

1)  off

2)  from-Answer

3)  of

4)  through

7. How did these things come _________?

1)  about-Answer

2)  into

3)  at

4)  down

8. The cricket was lazy __________ the ant was busy

1)  yet

2)  and

3)  but-Answer

4)  so

9. Nadira ____________ little difficulty in finding a job after her graduation

1)  feigned

2)  faced-Answer

3)  managed

4)  suffered

10. The children suddenly stopped _________ when they saw Grandapa coming in

1)  angue

2)  argued

3)  arguing-Answer

4)  to argue

Directions (11-15) :  In the following questions out of the four alternative, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


11. Regard-Answer

1)  respect

2)  liking

3)  love

4)  suspicion


12. Swap

1)  snap

2)  exchange-Answer

3)  break

4)  exclude


13. Prudent

1)  wise-Answer

2)  cunning

3)  frank

4)  severe


14. Gentus

1)  a generous person

2)  a foreigner

3)  a person with uncommon intellect-Answer

4)  an athlete


15. Culmination

1)  conclusion

2)  climax-Answer

3)  abyss

4)  cultivation


Directions (16-20) :  In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

16. Evident

1)  suspected

2)  disagreed

3)  doubtful-Answer

4)  unimportant


17.  Adamant

1)  yielding-Answer

2)  permissive

3)  liberal

4)  tolerant


18.  Professional

1)  novice

2)  amateur-Answer

3)  dabbler

4)  apprentice


19.  Callous

1)  persuasive

2)  caring

3)  gentle

4)  sensitive-Answer


20.  Incredible

1)  credulous

2)  probable

3)  possible-Answer

4)  creditable


Directions (21-25) :  In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase


21.  A little gush of gratitude

1)  gradual recovery

2)  friendly feeling-Answer

3)  excessive labour

4)  excessive enthusiasm


22.  To lose ground

1)  to become less powerful-Answer

2)  to become less popular

3)  to lose foundation

4)  to be without a leader


23.  To make both ends meet

1)  to buy costly articles

2)  to live a luxurious life

3)  to live within one's income-Answer

4)  to please all people


24.  To fall back on

1)  to oppose something important

2)  to suffer an injury on the back in an accident

3)  to fall to do something important in time

4)  to seek support out of necessity-Answer


25. To make one's blood boil

1)  to make somebody furious-Answer

2)  to develop fever

3)  to get excited

4)  to make someone nervous


Directions (26-30) :  In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (1) (2) and which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (4)


26.  Officials were asked to examine the likelihood of providing banking facilities in the area

1)  probability

2)  possibility

3)  profit-Answer

4)  no improvement


27.  The shortage of fuel has obstacle interstate transportation

1)  facilitated

2)  hampered-Answer

3)  burdened

4)  no improvement


28.  Being a rainy day, we had to abandon the match

1)  Having been a rainy day

2)  It being a rainy day-Answer

3)  It been a rainy day

4)   no improvement


29.  Rahul gave me an old scissor

1)  An old scissor

2)  A pair of old scissors-Answer

3)  A Pair of old scissor

4)  No improvement


30.  The teacher was angry with Paul as he had not done the homework

1)  At

2)  On

3)  From

4)  No improvement-Answer


Directions (31-35) :  In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence


31.  The process of deciding the nature of a disease by examination

1)  Test

2)  Perusal

3)  Diagnosis-Answer

4)  Operation


32.   That which cannot be easily read

1)  Illegible-Answer

2)  Incomprehensible

3)  Unreadable

4)  Unintelligible


33.  One who finds nothing good in anything

1)  Critic-Answer

2)  Satirist

3)  Cynic

4)  Slanderer


34.  A person who pretends to be what he is not

1)  Explorer

2)  Prompter

3)  Imposter-Answer

4)  Diviner


35.  In a threatening manner

1)  Ominously

2)  Springhtly

3)  Ghastly-Answer

4)  Terribly


Directions (36-40) :  In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word


36.  1)  correspondant

      2)  corraspondent 

      3)  corraspondant

      4)  correspondent-Answer


37.  1)  decett-Answer

      2)  deceipt

      3)  decept

      4)  deciept


38.  1)  psuedonm

      2)  pseudonym-Answer

      3)  pseudonym

      4)  pseudonym


39.  1)  jellousey

      2)  jealousy-Answer

      3)  jelousey

      4)  jealousey


40.  1)  mischevious

      2)  mischievous

      3)  mischievous-Answer

      4)  mischiviuos


Directions (41-50) :  In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. 


Broadly speaking letters may be said to 41 into two classes, the formal and 42. Formal letters 43 of official or business matters and are 44 to an employer, officials of a department or institutions. Letters to the 45 of a newspaper also belong to this class. In fact, all 46 using formal pattern is of this category. The 47 has to be precisely stated. It must be 48 in style and quite 49. No 50 element has any place in it.


41.  1)  fall-Answer

      2)  rise

      3)  escape

      4)  describe


42.  1)  affectionate

      2)  personal-Answer

      3)  foreign

      4)  official


43.  1)  deal

      2)  contain

      3)  apprise-Answer

      4)  consist


44.  1)  respected

      2)  addressed-Answer

      3)  prayed

      4)  typed


45.  1)  publisher

      2)  salesman

      3)  editor-Answer

      4)  printer


46.  1)  correspondence-Answer

      2)  writing

      3)  columns

      4)  articles


47.  1)  objection

      2)  criticism

      3)  essay-Answer

      4)  language


48.  1)  lucid-Answer

      2)  high

      3)  florid

      4)  descriptive


49.  1)  critical

      2)  creative

      3)  subjective

      4)  objective-Answer


50.  1)  divisive

      2)  wicked

      3)  personal

      4)  unitidy-Answer


General Intelligence

Directions (51-59) :  In each of the following questions, select the related word/letters/number form the given alternatives.


51.  ABZ : BDX : : CFV : ?

1)  HIT

2)  DHI

3)  DHO

4)  DHT-Answer


52.  BCDE : VWXY :: FGHI : ?

1)  JKLM

2)  KLIJ

3)  NOPQ

4)  RSTU-Answer


53.  tide : edit :: spit : ?

1)  tpis

2)  tips-Answer

3)  tsip

4)  tpsi


54.  72 : 40 :: ? : 30

1)  64

2)  54

3)  66-Answer

4)  48


55.  6 : 12 :: 20 : ?

1)  50

2)  30-Answer

3)  42

4)  38


56.  5 : 135 :: 7 : ?

1)  353-Answer

2)  245

3)  273

4)  293


57.  Poet : Imagination : : Historian : ?

1)  Statistics

2)  Commerce

3)  Facts-Answer

4)  Science


58.  Gifted : Intelligent : : Creative : ?

1)  Artistic

2)  Scientific

3)  Productive-Answer

4)  Repetitive


59.  Triangle : Hexagon : : ?

1)  Cone : Sphere

2)  Rectangle : Octagon-Answer

3)  Pentagon : Heptagon

4)  Angle : wuadrilateral


Directions (60-65) :  In each of the following questions, select the one which is different from the other responses.


60.  1)  275

      2)  324-Answer

      3)  325

      4)  381


61.  1)  2016

      2)  3006

      3)  3016

      4)  3303-Answer


62.  1)  31-64-Answer

      2)  26-48

      3)  43-65

      4)  34-56


63.  1)  NML

      2)  QPO

      3)  HGE-Answer

      4)  XWV


64.  1)  ABBC

      2)  HIIJ

      3)  PQQR

      4)  WYYZ-Answer


65.  1)  MDPS

      2)  CNGH

      3)  FJILQ

      4)  OAUE-Answer


66.  1)  Watch

      2)  Clock-Answer

      3)  Bangle

      4)  Bracelet


67.  1)  Brotherhood-Answer

      2)  Babyhood

      3)  Adulthood

      4)  Childhood


68.  1)  Pen - Ink-Answer

      2)  Pot - Water

      3)  Bottle - Tonic

      4)  Cylinder - Air


Directions (69-70) :  In each of the following questions, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order ?


69.  1)  Mother

      2)  Infant-Answer

      3)  Milk

      4)  Crying

      5)  Smiling

(1)  1, 5, 2, 4, 3

(2)  2, 4, 1, 3, 5

(3)  2, 5, 1, 3, 4

(4)  3, 2, 1, 5, 4


70.  1)  Salary-Answer

      2)  Child

      3)  Employment

      4)  School

      5)  College

(1)  2, 4, 5, 3, 1

(2)  3, 4, 1, 5, 2

(3)  4, 2, 1, 3, 5

(4)  5, 4, 1, 2, 3


71.  Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letters series shall complete it?

_ sr _ tr _ srs _ r _ srst _

1)  tissrr

2)  tsrtsr

3)  strtrs

4)  tsttir-Answer


72.  Which of the following words will come fourth if arranged according to the English Dictionary

1)  Elect

2)  Electric-Answer

3)  Elector

4)  Elastic


Directions (73-76) :  In each of the following questions choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.


73.  206, 221, 251, 296, 356, ?

1)  416

2)  426

3)  431-Answer

4)  430


74.  5, 17, 37, 65, ?, 145

1)  95

2)  97

3)  99

4)  101-Answer


75.  KEC, LFD, MGE, NHF, ?

1)  OIF

2)  OIG

3)  PHG-Answer

4)  NIG



1)  RSQP

2)  STRQ

3)  RSUT

4)  STVU-Answer


77.  Kusuma is the wife of Ravi. Govind and Prabhu are brothers. Govind is the brother of Ravi. Prabhu is Kusuma's

1)  Cousin

2)  Brother

3)  Brother-in-law-Answer

4)  Uncle


78. 20 years ago, Antony's age was 1/2 of what his age now is. What is his age now?

1)  20 years

2)  40 years-Answer

3)  35 years

4)  30 years


79. Find the wrong number in the given number series 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 730

1)  27

2)  81

3)  243

4)  730-Answer


80. If in a certain code language INSTITUTION is coded as NOITUTITSNI, then how will PERFECTION be coded in that code language?






81. If L denotes x, M denotes ÷, P denotes + and Q denotes -, then find the value of 

16 P 25 M 8 Q 6 M 2 L 3 = ?

1)  6

2)  8

3)  10-Answer

4)  12


82. Some equation are solved on the basis of a certain system. Find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis

If 8 + 8 = 72, 5 + 5 = 30 and 7 + 7 = 56, what is 6 + 6 = ?

1)  40

2)  42-Answer

3)  30

4)  36


83.  Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the given equation

1)  *, <, ÷

2)  *, >, ÷-Answer

3)  ÷, >, *

4)  *, >, +


84. From the following alternatives, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word CORRSPONDENT




4)  ARREST-Answer


85. From the following alternatives, select the word which can be formed using the letters of the given word CONTROVERSY






86.  If B-2, A-1, M-3, R = 5, E = 6, O = 7, the sum of the letters of which of the following words will give the highest number?

1)  BORE

2)  ROOM-Answer

3)  MORE

4)  RARE


Directions (87-88) :  In each of the following questions, find the missing number from the given responses.


87.  4    8    10    320

      2    ?    3    180

      9    6    4    216

1)  22

2)  30-Answer

3)  28

4)  20


88.  18    11    19

       12   13    16

       36    4      ?

1)  36

2)  9-Answer

3)  35

4)  7


89.  Lalit is elder than Prakash and Kishore, Mukesh is elder than Rakesh but not as old as Lalit. Prakash is younger than Rakesh but is not the youngest. Who is the eldest?

1)  Lalit-Answer

2)  Mukesh

3)  Rakesh

4)  Kishore


90.  John's house is 100 meter north of his uncle office. His uncle's house is located 200 meters west of his (uncle's) office. Kabir is the friend of John and he stays 100 meters east of  John's house. The office of Kabir is located 100 meters south of his house. Then how far is his uncle's house from Kabir's office?

1)  West -Answer

2)  East-Answer

3)  South

4)  North


92. A house faces north. A man coming out of his house walked turned left and walked 25 meters. He then turned right and walked 5 meters and again turned right an walked 25 meters. How far is he from his house?

1)  15 meters-Answer

2)  55 meters

3)  60 meters

4)  65 meters



Directions (93-94) :  In each of the following questions, one or two statements are given followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions definitely follows from the given statements.


93. Statements :  A from with flowers looks beautiful

      Conclusions :   I.  Flowers are grown for decoration of rooms

                          II.  Room without flowers looks ugly 

1)  Only conclusion I follows

2)  Only conclusion II follows

3)  Both conclusion I and II follow

4)  Neither conclusions I nor conclusion II follows-Answer


94. Statements :  All students are boys No boy is dull

      Conclusions :   I.  There are no girls in the class

                          II.  No student is dull  

1)  Only conclusion I follows

2)  Only conclusion II follows-Answer

3)  Both conclusion I and II follow

4)  Neither conclusions I nor conclusion II follows


95. A piece of paper is folder and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened-Answer-1


96. Which of the answer figure       exactly the mirror image given figure, when the n        held on the line AB?-Answer-3


97. Which answer figure complete the pattern question figure?-Answer3

98.  Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden/embedded-Answer-4


99. Which one of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among Tiger, Lions and Animals?-Answer-3





100.  A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternative. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g. 'H' can be represented by 14, 20, 42, etc. and 'D' can be represented by 59, 65, 86, etc. Identify the set for the word NAIL.


1)  57, 87, 01, 43

2)  59, 58, 10, 12

3)  89, 57, 04, 41

4)  95, 87, 32, 21-Answer



101.The preamble to our constitution makes no mention of

1)  Justice

2)  Fraternity

3)  Equality of status

4)  Adult franchise-Answer


102.Which  one of the following is the popularity elected house of the Indian Parliament ?

1)  Rajya Sabha

2)  Lok Sabha-Answer

3)  Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha

4)  None of the above


103. Which part of the constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?

1)  Part-III

2)  Part-IV-Answer

3)  Part-I

4)  Part-II


104.Gandhiji was influenced by the writing of

1)  Karl Marx

2)  Thomas Hobbes

3)  Charles Darwin

4)  Leo Tolstoy-Answer


105.The methods of democrate socialism are

1)  Revolution

2)  General strike

3)  Sabotage

4)  Persuasion and propaganda-Answer


106.The number of oil refineries working in the State of Assam is

1)  One

2)  Two

3)  Three

4)  Four-Answer


107.  Per capita income is equal to National income

1)  ___________ Total population of the country-Answer

2)  National income + Population

3)  National income - population

4)  National income * population


108.  Who appoints the Finance   Commission ?

1)  Finance  Minister

2)  Prime Minister

3)  Speaker of the Lok Sabha

4)  President-Answer


109. The Annpurna Scheme v   implemented in the year

1)  1998

2)  1996

3)  1999

4)  2000-Answer


110. A favourable balance of  of a country implies that

1)  Imports are greater than exports

2)  Exports are greater than imports-Answer

3)  Both imports an exports are equal

4)  Rising imports       falling exports


111.Major iron and steel industry are located in the platear 

1)  Deccan

2)  Malwa

3)  Telangana

4)  Chota Nagpur-Answer


112.The talles and thickest ty    grass is

1)  Alfalfa

2)  Fodder

3)  Bamboo-Answer

4)  Lichens


113.  Which of the following       has its source outside  In  

1)  Brahmaputra-Answer

2)  Beas

3)  Ravi

4)  Jhclum


114.  Majuli, the largest river land in the world, lies in the state of

1)  Arunachal Pradesh

2)  Assam-Answer

3)  Tripura

4)  Mizoram


115.Desertification can be checked by

1)  Plugging gulties

2)  Checking over grazing-Answer

3)  Contour ploughing

4)  Forming shelter belts


116.  Worship of Mother Goddess was associated with

1)  Aryan Civilization

2)  Mediterranean Civilization

3)  Indus Valley Civilization-Answer

4)  Later Vedic Civilization


117.  Alexander and Porus fought a battle at

1)  Hydaspes-Answer

2)  Jhelum

3)  Panipat

4)  Tarain


118.  The Battle of Haldighati was fought between

1)  Akbar and Rana Sangram Singh

2)  Akbar and Medini Rai

3)  Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh-Answer

4)  Akbar and Uday Singh


119.  The famous Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan was taken away in 1739 by

1)  Afghan Invader Ahmed Shah Abdali

2)  Persian Invader Nadir Shah-Answer

3)  Mongol Invader Chengiz Khan

4)  British East India Company


120.Identify the Buddhist Literature from the following :

1)  Tripitakas-Answer

2)  Upanishads

3)  Angas

4)  Aranyakas


121.The process of preventing the birds from flying is called

1)  Brailing-Answer

2)  Debeaking

3)  Dubbing

4)  Pecking


122.  The Vikram Sarabhi Space Centre is located at

1)  Sriharikota

2)  Trivandrum-Answer

3)  Tombay

4)  Bangalore


123.The time period of a seconds pendulum is

1)  1 second

2)  2 second-Answer

3)  0.5 second

4)  1.5 second


124.  Lakes freeze in cold countries in winter, leaving the water underneath at

1)  00 C

2)  00 F

3)  40 C-Answer

4)   40 F


125.Which one of the following determines the sharpness of image in a camera?

1)  The aperture-Answer

2)  The exposure time

3)  The focal length of the lens

4)   Size of the camera


126.Stainless steel is an alloy of

1)  Chromium and carbon-Answer

2)  Chromium, carbon and iron

3)  Chromium and iron

4)  Carbon and iron


127.Veins seen in the leaves, serve the function of

1)  Photosynthesis

2)  Transpiration-Answer

3)  Storage

4)  Conduction


128.The edible part of cabbage is

1)  Fruit

2)  Condensed flower

3)  Vegetative bud-Answer

4)  Inflorescence


129. Which of the following processes are associated with plants during dark period?

1)  Photosynthesis and respiration

2)  Respiration and transpiration

3)  Transpiration and conduction

4)  Conduction and respiration-Answer


130. In MRI machine, which one of the following is used?

1)  Sound wave

2)  'X'-ray

3)  Ultra-sound wave

4)  Magnetic wave-Answer


131. For a person having hypermetropia, the near point is

1)  Greater than 25 cm

2)  Greater than 50 cm

3)  Less than 25 cm

4)  Infinity-Answer


132. Amount of  water vapour in the atmosphere is measured in terms of

1)  Humidity-Answer

2)  Droplets

3)  Smog

4)  All of the above


133. For generation of biogas, the materials commonly used are

1)  Animal wastes-Answer

2)  Crop residues

3)  Aquatic plants

4)  Forest residues


134. The symbols used in an assembly language are

1)  Codes

2)  Mnemonics-Answer

3)  Assembler

4)  Macine codes


135.  The NOSHADE' attributed in HTML

1)  Defines the thickness of the line

2)  Displays the lines in red

3)  Displays the line in dark grey -Answer

4)  Displays the example  in red


136. Who invented vaccination ?

1)  James Simpson

2)  Edward Jenner-Answer

3)  Alexander Fleming

4)  Christian Barnard


137. Raw materials used for the manufacture of glass are

1)  Sand, soda, limestone

2)  Sand, charcoal, soda

3)  Limestone, charcoal, sulphur

4)  Sand, sulphur, soda-Answer


138. Goiter is caused by the deficiency of

1)  Iodine-Answer

2)  Chlorine

3)  Sodium

4)  Calcium


139. Which of the following is used in welding broken pieces of iron rails and machine parts?

1)  Aluminum sulphate

2)  Solder

3)  Aluminum powder-Answer

4)  None of the above


140. The total number of biosphere reserves present in India are

1)  Eleven

2)  Ten

3)  Fifteen-Answer

4)  Twelve


141. The BOD values of water indicate the

1)  Amount of organic debris-Answer

2)  Amount of oxygen used for biochemical oxidation

3)  Amount of oxygen used for  biochemical reduction

4)  Amount of ozone used for biochemical oxidation


142. According to the census data released in July 2011, the fall in child sex ratio in rural areas as compared to urban areas is

1)  Five times

2)  Four times-Answer

3)  Three times

4)  Two times


143. The objective of 'Jawahar Rojgar Yojna' is to

1)  Provide employment to youth in rural areas

2)  Create employment opportunities for unemployed persons

3)  Strengthen the rural economic and social structure

4)  All of the above-Answer


144. Tummalapalle, where huge reserves of uranium have been found as announced by the Atomic Energy Commission in July, 2011, lies in the state of

1)  Jharkhand

2)  Andhra Pradesh-Answer

3)  Tamil Nadu

4)  Gujarat


145. Surat is situated on the banks of the river

1)  Tapti-Answer

2)  Mahanadi

3)  Bhima

4)  Godavari


146. The most densely populated State in India is

1)  Uttar Pradesh

2)  Bihar-Answer

3)  West Bengal

4)  Haryana


147. The formula 1 Indian Grand Prix was held on October 30, 2011 at

1)  Delhi proper

2)  Greater Noida-Answer

3)  Gurgaon

4)  Hyderabad


148. Out of which of the following States is Nautanki, a folk dance?

1)  Haryana 

2)  Uttar Pradesh-Answer

3)  Rajastan

4)  Gujarat


149. Guru Gopinath was an exponent of

1)  Kathak

2)  Kathakali-Answer

3)  Kuchipudi

4)  Bharatnatyam


150. The Noble Prize for Physics for the year 2011 has been awarded to

1)  Saul Perimutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess-Answer

2)  Bruce A. Beutler, Jules A. Hoffmann and Ralph M. Steinman

3)  Christopher A. Sims and Thomas J. Sargent

4)  Dan Schechtman




