FCI Interview Questions |   10101

FCI Interview Questions

                                                       FCI Interview Questions

FCI conducts written test followed by interview and GD. Reservation is as per govt of india direction. Every aspirant has to appear in written test. those who qualify are called for interview and GD. Both are conducted same day. GD is conducted by the specialised people and interview is conducted by senior officers who are assisted by specialised persons.Some of interview quetsions are as follows:

1. Introduce yourself

2. How will you extract work from persons who are way more senior to you? 

3. How do you manage your present jobs with your family liabilities?

4. What are the importance of labour law in indian employment? 

5. Your favourite hobby?

6. Your future carreer planning

7. Your weakness?

8. What is CRR


9. Reporate, Reverse repo rate?


10. What is joint product and by product?
