FCI Question papers |   17349

FCI Question papers

Practice questions for FCI Grade III Exam 2012 (General Intelligence)
Direction (Q. 1 – 10): Select the related words/letters/numbers from the given alternatives.
1. BAT : TAB :: TAG : ?

2. 10 : 15 :: 26 : ?

3. 16 : 125 :: ? : 343

4. ABD : EFH :: KLN : ?

5. 4 : 68 :: 5 : ?

6. Pen : Stationery :: Potato : ?

7. Book : Author : Film : ?
(b)Singe r

8. Mosquito : Dengue :: ? : Rabies

9. BDFH : YWUS :: DCBA : ?

10.6 : 21 :: ? : 36

Directions (Q. 11 – 20): Select the one which different from other three responses.
11.(a) White – Black
(b)Leader – follower
(c) Hero – villain
(d)Judge – Judgement-Answer

12.(a) 8 – 64-Answer
(b)6 – 42
(c) 9 – 90
(d)5 – 30

13.(a) 289

14.(a) 11

15.(a) 6

16.(a) BLUY-Answer

17.(a) Computer-Answer

18.(a) Internet
(b)News Paper-Answer

19.(a) A

20.(a) FU

Directions: In questions no. 21 to 26, choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
21.1, 9, 25, 49, ?, 121

22.4, 7, 12, 19, 28, ?

23.11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, ?

24.6, 12, 21, ?, 48

25.2, 5, 9, ?, 20, 27

26.6, 11, 21, 36, 56, ?

Directions: In questions no. 27 to 30, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order.
27.1. Phrase 2. Le tter 3. Word 4. Sentence
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b)1, 3, 2, 4
(c) 2, 3, 1, 4-Answer
(d)2, 3, 4, 1

28.1. Honey 2. Flower 3. Bee 4. Wax
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b)1, 3, 2, 4
(c) 2, 3, 1, 4-Answer
(d)2, 3, 4, 1

29.1. Plan 2. Rent 3. Building 4. Construction
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b)1, 3, 2, 4
(c) 2, 3, 1, 4
(d)1, 4, 3, 2-Answer

30.1. College 2. Child 3. Salary 4. School 5. Employment
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(b)2, 4, 1, 5, 3-Answer
(c) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
(d)5, 3, 2, 1, 4

31.There are five friends — A, B, C, D and E. C is the tallest. A is shorter than B but taller than E. D is little shorter than B but little taller than A. Who is talle r than E but shorter than D?

32.From the given alternatives selec t the word which letters of the given word.STARVATION

33.A group of alphabets are given with each being assigned a number. These have to be unscrambled into a meaningful word and correct order or letters may be indicated from the given responses.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cannot be formed using the

34.In a certain code, KAVERI is writte n as LBWFSJ. How will KRISHNA be written in the same code?

35.In a certain code, LONDON is written as NODNOL. How will FRANCE be writte nin the same code?

36.Which interchange of signs will make the following equation correct?
12 ÷ 4 – 2 × 8 + 10 = 6
(d)÷ and +

37.Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the give n equation.
12 * 4 * 2 * 8 * 3.
(b)× ÷ = ×-Answer
(d)+ × ÷ =

38.Some equations arc solve d on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis,find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation.
3 × 4 × 5 = 453, 6 × 7 × 8 = 786, 7 × 6 × 5 = ?,

Direction: In questions no. 39 & 42, select the missing number from the given responses.
39. 30 24 20 25 36 64 150 144 ?
40.4 2 4 5 3 3 3 6 7 60 36 ?

2 3 5
3 5 3
4 6 8
29 60 ?
2 3 5
3 5 3
4 6 8
35 140 ?

43.‘ ' starts walking towards East, turns left, again turns left, turns right, again turns right, once again turns left. In which direction is ‘ ’ walking now?

44.Ram walked 6 km West of his house and then turned to South covering 10 km. Finally he moved 6 km towards East and then again 2 km South. How far is he from his initial position?
(a) 2 km
(b)6 km
(c) 10 km
(d)12 km-Answer

45.A, B, C, D and E are standing in a line facing North. E is standing 40 me tres left to B. A is standing 20 metres left to C. D is standing 20 me tres right to E and 50 metres right to C. What is the distance between A and D?
(a) 30 m
(b)50 m
(c) 70 m-Answer
(d)90 m

46.A solid cube of 5 inches has been painted red, gree n and black on pairs of opposite faces. It has been cut into one inch cubes. How many cubes have only one faces painte d?

Directions: In the question no. 47 to 48, Two statements are given followed by four conclusions I, and II .You have to consider the stateme nts to be true even if they seen to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements. Indicate your answer.
47.Stateme nts 1. Some pens are pencils.
2. Some pencils are books.
Conclusions I. Some pens are books.
II. No pen is a book.
(a) Only I follows.
(b)Only II follows.
(c) Either I or II follows.-Answer
(d)Neither I or II follows.

48.Stateme nts 1. Some pens are pencils.
2. No pencil is a book.
Conclusions I. No book is a pe n.
II. Some pencils are book.
(a) Only I follows.
(b)Either I or II follows.
(c) Only II follows.
(d)Neither I or II follows.-Answer
49.A square paper is folded in a particular manner and a punc h is made. when unfolded. The paper appears as shown below.

Directions-(Q.1 - 5) In each of these questions a group of numbers are given which are to be coded as per the scheme given below. You have to find out which of the answers (A),(B). (C) or (D) has the correct coded form of the given numbers and indicate it on your answer sheet. If none of the coded forms are correct mark (E) i.e. 'None of these' as the answer.
Numbers : 6 8 3 4 0 1 2 5 7 9 
Codes : S L V K M R Y D B Z 

1. 824301 
(C) L YKVMR -answer
(E) None of these 

2. 734025 
(B) BVKMYD -answer
(E) None of these 

3. 432908 
(A) KVYZML -answer
(E) None of these 

4. 578914 
(A) DBLZRK -answer
(E) None of these 

5. 215963 
(D) YRDZSV-answer
(E) None of these

Directions-(Q.6 - 10) In each question five words are given. Which of them will come at the third place if arranged alphabetically? 
(A) Jovial 
(B) Journey 
(C) Jumble 
(D) Juggle 
(E) Judicial -answer
(A) Magus 
(B) Magneto 
(C) Magnolia -answer
(D) Magnum 
(E) Magnify 
(A) Concoct -answer 
(B) Concourse 
(C) Concierge 
(D) Condense 
(E) Concise 
(A) Thistle 
(B) Thorough 
(C) Thirsty 
(D) Thole -answer
(E) Thorium 
(A) Resemble 
(B) Rescind 
(C) Reside 
(D) Residue 
(E) Reserve-answer

Directions-(Q.11 - 15) The news item in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas-
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment -answer
The letter of the area (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) or (E),as the case may be is your answer. 

11. Famous actress offered a three film deal by a leading production house. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment -answer

12. Scientists discover 4 new Alzheimer genes. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health -answer
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 

13. 1500 students were vaccinated against Hepatitis B last week . 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health -answer
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 

14. Only 1164 tigers left in India. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment -answer
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 

15. Majority Asian stocks hit a 3 year high this week. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics -answer
(E) Entertainment

Directions-(Q.16 - 20) In each of these questions a group of numbers are given which are to be coded as per the scheme given below. You have to find out which of the answers (A),(B),(C) or (D) has the correct coded form of the given numbers and indicate it on your answer sheet. If none of the coded forms are correct mark (E) i.e. 'None of these' as the answer. 
Numbers : 3 4 5 2 1 8 9 7 6 0 
Codes : U H L D J Y R M S A 
16. 786301 
(C) MYSUAJ -answer
(E) None of these 

17. 596142 
(C) LRSJHO -answer
(E) None of these 

18. 057218 
(D) ALMOJY -answer
(E) None of these 

19. 634159 
(A) SUHJLR -answer
(E) None of these 

20. 841035 
(B) YHJAUL -answer
(E) None of these 

Directions-(Q.21 - 25) In each question five words are given. Which of them will come at the third place if arranged alphabetically? 
(A) Nitrate 
(B) Nimbus 
(C) Niobium -answer
(D) Nirvana 
(E) Nineteen 
(A) Gazebo -answer
(B) Gauze 
(C) Gazette 
(D) Gavotte 
(E) Gazump

(A) Coffee 
(B) Coffin -answer
(C) Cogent 
(D) Coeval 
(E) Cogitate 
(A) Alliance 
(B) Alley 
(C) Allotrope 
(D) Allowance 
(E) Alligator -answer
(A) Dimple 
(B) Dinar 
(C) Dinner 
(D) Dinette -answer
(E) Dingle 

Directions-(Q.26 – 30) The news item in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas-
(A) Sports 
(B) Health -answer
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 
The letter of the area (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) or (E),as the case may be is your answer. 

26. Vitamin consumption was found to be lower in the girls from the rural areas as compared to the males. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health -answer
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 

27. Four new talent shows to be launched on television in the coming weeks. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment -answer

28. 7% hike in stock prices of a leading car manufacturing company. 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics -answer
(E) Entertainment 

29. Team's victory in the world championship series has done the nation proud. 
(A) Sports -answer
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment 
30. Famous choreographer has turned director for a leading production company 
(A) Sports 
(B) Health 
(C) Environment 
(D) Economics 
(E) Entertainment-answer

Directions-(Q.31 - 35) The letter group in each question below is to be codified in the following number codes

Letters : M T V B S A Z R P C 
Number 7 4 1 9 6 8 2 5 0 3 
Codes : You have to find out which of the answers (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) has the correct coded form of the given letters and indicate it on the answersheet. If none of the coded form is correct mark (E) as the answer. 

(A) 4832790 -answer
(B) 4328790 
(C) 4823970 
(D) 4823790 
(E) None of these 

(A) 6751098 
(B) 6571089 
(C) 6571098 -answer
(D) 6750198 
(E) None of these 

(A) 1927053 
(B) 1279503 
(C) 1297503 
(D) 1297053 -answer
(E) None of these 

(A) 2483160 
(B) 2438160 -answer
(C) 2348160 
(D) 2431860 
(E) None of these 

(A) 6871043 
(B) 6780134 
(C) 6781034 
(D) 6870143 
(E) None of these -answer

Directions-(Q.36 - 40) Below in each of the question, five words are given. Which of them will come at the third position if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in the dictionary. 
(A) Lamp
(B) Little
(C) Low
(D) Lick-answer
(E) Late

(A) Sack 
(B) Shame
(C) Sick
(D) Shy
(E) Show-answer

(A) Dog
(B) Dig
(C) Dress
(D) Dull
(E) Doll-answer

(A) Bill-answer
(B) Book
(C) Bake
(D) Bind
(E) Bank

(A) Negotiate
(B) Natural
(C) Neglect
(D) Name-answer
(E) Note
Directions-(Q.41 – 45) The news items in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas-
(A) Politics 
(B) Social Issues 
(C) Science and Health 
(D) Sports 
(E) Miscellaneous 

41. Meditation is the best cure for Stress Disorders. 
(A) Politics 
(B) Social Issues 
(C) Science and Health -answer
(D) Sports 
(E) Miscellaneous 

42. Fashion Designer seen as a Fashion Disaster in a party. 
(A) Politics 
(B) Social Issues 
(C) Science and Health 
(D) Sports 
(E) Miscellaneous -answer

43. Pregnancy amongst the teenagers is on a rise. 
(A) Politics 
(B) Social Issues -answer
(C) Science and Health 
(D) Sports 
(E) Miscellaneous 

44. Car Racing is the latest fad amongst the youngsters. 
(A) Politics 
(B) Social Issues 
(C) Science and Health 
(D) Sports -answer 
(E) Miscellaneous 

45. With election campaign at its peak, the politicians come up with new promises. 
(A) Politics -answer
(B) Social Issues 
(C) Science and Health 
(D) Sports 
(E) Miscellaneous

Directions-(Q.46 - 50) The news item in each question below is to be classified into one of the following five areas-
(A) Science and Technology -answer
(B) Politics 
(C) Sports 
(D) Social issues 
(E) Environment 
The letter of the area (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) as the case may be is the answer. 

46. Scientists have discovered a new gene responsible for causing diabetes. 
(A) Science and Technology 
(B) Politics 
(C) Sports -answer
(D) Social issues 
(E) Environment 

47. Indian duo beat their Russian counterparts to reach the semi finals of the Australian open. 
(A) Science and Technology 
(B) Politics 
(C) Sports -answer
(D) Social issues 
(E) Environment 

48. An NGO has been making best efforts to provide shelter to the thousands of homeless people in the country. 
(A) Science and Technology 
(B) Politics 
(C) Sports 
(D) Social issues -answer
(E) Environment 

49. In the recent assembly elections, less than 50% citizens cast their vote. 
(A) Science and Technology 
(B) Politics -answer
(C) Sports 
(D) Social issues 
(E) Environment 

50. An alarming rise in the cases of Asthma was reported in the city due to increased levels of pollutants from the nearby factories. 
(A) Science and Technology 
(B) Politics 
(C) Sports 
(D) Social issues 
(E) Environment-answer

Directions-(Q.51 - 55) Following table shows the number of students from colleges A, B, C, D, E, F and G participating in an annual inter-college festival having the events as mentioned in the table. 
Study the following table carefully and answer the questions which follow
Fields A B C D E F G 
Elocution 14 7 10 5 8 11 9 
Quiz 19 15 14 20 11 15 19 
Dancing 12 20 15 18 21 16 19 
Painting 23 16 17 10 15 9 17 
Sports 32 29 41 30 19 26 21 
Singing 26 17 14 14 21 24 19 
Extempore 8 12 3 9 10 6 11 

51. In College D, maximum number of participants is from which of the following fields? 
(A) Quiz 
(B) Sports -answer
(C) Elocution 
(D) Painting 
(E) None of these 
52. Which college has the highest number of participants in Dancing? 
(A) B 
(B) D 
(C) E -answer
(D) G 
(E) None of these 

53. Which two colleges have the same number of participants in Dancing? 
(A) None -answer
(B) A and D 
(C) C and G 
(D) B and E 
(E) C and F 

54. Which is true in the following about the college F? 
(A) Minimum participants in the Painting 
(B) The number of participants of Quiz are more in the college F with the comparison of college B
(C) The number of participants in Elocution and Dancing are same 
(D) Maximum students participating in the Sports -answer
(E) None of these 

55. Which college has maximum students participate in the Extempore competition? 
(A) E 
(B) G 
(C) C 
(D) A 
(E) None of these -answer
Directions-(Q. 56 - 60) The letter group in each question below is to be codified in the following number codesLetters # D J M E N H L B K G 
Codes # 3 9 5 0 7 1 6 4 2 8 

(A) 298465 
(B) 294865 -answer
(C) 294685 
(D) 249865 
(E) None of these 

(A) 169473 
(B) 164793 
(C) 146973 
(D) 164973 -answer 
(E) None of these 

(A) 589146 -answer
(B) 581946 
(C) 598146 
(D) 589416 
(E) None of these 

(A) 794580 
(B) 749508 
(C) 794058 
(D) 754908 
(E) None of these -answer

(A) 723410 
(B) 742310 
(C) 743210 -answer
(D) 743120 
(E) None of these

Directions-(Q.61 - 65) In each of these questions a group of numbers and symbols are given which are to be coded as per the scheme given below. You have to find out which of the answers (A),(B),(C) or (D) has the correct coded form of the given numbers and symbols and indicate it on your answer sheet. If none of the coded forms are correct mark (E) i.e. 'None of these' as the answer. 
Numbers and Symbols : 4 & 6 $ ? 3 + @ 9 2 # 7 5 8 
Codes (Letters) : A T Y O L R K Z X E W J B H

61. 753+$?: 
(D) JBRKOL -answer
(E) None of these 

62. #73&+4: 
(D) WJRTKA -answer
(E) None of these 

63. 65&?+4: 
(A) YBTLKA -answer
(E) None of these 

64. 9263?+: 
(C) XEYRLK -answer
(E) None of these 

65. @?7943: 
(B) ZLJXAR -answer 
(E) None of these 
Directions-(Q.66 - 70) In each question five words are given. Which of them will come at the third place if rranged alphabetically? 
(A) Hostage -answer
(B) Hospital 
(C) Hospice 
(D) Hostile 
(E) Hostel 
(A) Psalm 
(B) Psychic 
(C) Psephology 
(D) Psyche 
(E) Pseudo-answer
(A) Ligament 
(B) Ligneous 
(C) Lignite 
(D) Ligature 
(E) Lighting -answer
(A) Requisite 
(B) Request -answer 
(C) Requiem 
(D) Reputable 
(E) Repulsion 
(A) Glycerin 
(B) Gluten -answer
(C) Glucose 
(D) Glycogen 
(E) Glowing
Question 1
Bala buys an equal number of pens, pencils, sketch pens of Rs.2.50, Rs.3, Rs.5 respectively. How many of each did he buy if he spends Rs.168 ?
a)12 b)16 c)18 d)20

Answer: b)16
Let us assume that he buy X number of pens, pencils and sketch pens.
Then 2.50 x X + 3 x X + 5 x X = 168
10.50X = 168
X = 168 / 10.5 = 16
Hence he buys 16 numbers of pencils, pens, sketch pens respectively.

Question 2
Prabha and Aarthi paid a total of Rs.600 for some good. If Prabha paid 120 more than that of Aarthi, then how much is already paid?
a)Rs.250 b)Rs.150 c)RS.550 d)Rs.240

Answer : d)Rs.240
Solution :
Let the amount paid by Aarthi be Rs.X
Then, the amount paid by Prabha = Rs. X + 120
The total amount paid = Rs.600 = X + X + 120 = 2X + 120 = X = 240
Thus the amount paid by Aarthi is Rs.240

Question 3
A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 30% apples at the rate of Rs.30 per apple and the remaining 315 apples at the rate of Rs.20 per apple. The total selling price is :
a)Rs.15900 b)Rs.10350 c)RS.11550 d)Rs.12420

Answer :b)Rs.10350

Solution :
Let the total number of apples be X.
Then X = 30X / 100 + 315
70X / 100 = 315
X=3150 / 7 = 450
Now 30% of X = 30 x 450 / 100 = 135
He sells 135 apples at the rate of Rs.30 per apple and 315 at the rate of Rs.20 per apple
Then the total selling price = 135 x 30 + 315 x 20 = 4050 + 6300 =Rs.10350
Hence the answer is Rs.10350

Question 4

Devi buys some material worth Rs.X.She gets a deduction of Rs.650 on it. After getting deduction she pays tax of Rs.169. Then find X the value if she pays Rs.6000 for that material.
a)Rs.6481 b)Rs.5689 c)RS.6819 d)Rs.5181

Answer :Rs.6481
Solution :
Let the total amount be Rs.X
After getting deduction the amount will be X - 650
And after paying the tax Rs.169,
Rs.6000 = X - 650 + 169 = X - 481.
X =6481
Hence she buys material worth Rs.6481
Question 1
The percentage of numbers from 11 to 75 which are divided by 5 or 7 is:
a)31 b)35 c)36 d)41

Answer : a)31
Clearly, the numbers which divided by 5 or 7 from 11 to 75 are 14, 15, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 35, 40, 42, 45, 49, 50, 55, 56, 60, 63, 65, 70, 75.
The number of such numbers = 20
Total numbers from 11 to 75 = 65
Then the required percentage = (20/65) x 100 = 30.76% = 31 %
Hence the answer is 31%

Question 2
If P is X% of Y and Q is Y% of X then the relationship between P and Q is :
a)P < Q b)P > Q c)cannot be determined d)none of these

Answer :d) none of these
P = X% of Y = (X/100)xY
= (XY/100)
= (Y/100)xX
= Y% of X = Q
i.e., P = Q
Thus the relationship between P and Q is P = Q.

Question 3

If A has weight 9kg more than B and his weight is 56% of the sum of their weights then their weights are :
a)31,40 b)33,42 c)36,45 d)41,50

Answer :b) 33,42
Let B's weight be X then A's weight is X+9.
X+9 = 56% of X+X+9
= 56/100 (2X+9)
25(X+9)= 14(2X+9)
3X = 99 => X=33 and X+9 = 42
So, their weights are 33kg,42kg

What will be the Y% of 25 when 24% of X = Y
a)16% of X b)26% of X c)36% of X d)6% of X

Answer :d) 6% of X

Given that,
24% of X = Y i.e, 24X/100 = Y
and, Y% of 25 = 25Y/100
= (25Y/100) x (24X/100)
= (1/4) x (24X/100)
= (6/100)x X
= 6% of X
Hence the answer is 6% of X.

Question 5
What will come in the place of ? in the following question?

(88.128 / ? ) / {(2.4 x 0.3)/(0.2 x 1.5)}= 18

a)1.04 b)2.04 c)3.04 d)4.04

Answer : b)2.04
Given that (88.128 / ? ) / {(2.4 x 0.3)/(0.2 x 1.5)}= 18

Let us take ? as X.

Then, (88.128/X)/{(0.72) / (0.3)}= 18

(88.128/X)/2.4 = 18

88.128/X = 18 x 2.4

88.128/X = 43.2

43.2 x X = 88.128

X = 88.128 / 43.2

X = 2.04

Hence the answer will be 2.04

Question 6

One-fifth of sqrt(X) x 3 = 37.2 - sqrt(12.96)

a)2601 b)2916 c)3136 d)2704

Answer : c)3136


Given that one-fifth of sqrt(X) x 3 = 37.2 - sqrt(12.96)

i.e., 1/5 x sqrt(X) x 3 = 37.2 - 3.6

3/5 x sqrt(X) = 33. 6

sqrt(X) = 33.6 x 5/3

sqrt(X) = 11.2 x 5 = 56

X = 562 = 3136.

Hence the answer is 3136.

Question 7

What will come in the place of X in the following question:

3.5 – { 2.5 – [6.5 - (1.4/X)]}x 8.24 /(0.2)2 = 813.08

a)20 b)25 c)40 d)5.5

Answer : a)20


3.5-{2.5-(6.5-(1.4/X))}x(8.24/0.04) = 813.08

3.5-{2.5-{(6.5X-1.4)/X)}x(824/4) = 813.08

3.5-{(2.5X-6.5X+1.4)/X}x 206 = 813.08

3.5-{(-4X+1.4)/X}x 206 = 813.08

3.5-{(-824X-288.4)/X}= 813.08

(3.5X+824X-288.4)/X = 813.08

827.5X-288.4 / X = 813.08

827.5X-288.4 = 813.08X

827.5X-813.08X = 288.4

14.42X = 288.4

X = 288.4 / 14.42

X = 20
