Essar Whole Testpaper |   14754

Essar Whole Testpaper



Hi friend.....This is just to give a brief idea about ESSAR STEEL selection procedure.....

Written Test,
Technical Interview,
HR Interview.

WRITTEN : There is no negative marking (All are objective type only)
Aptitude : Time:80min
Total 120 Qs, 40-reasoning, 40-Arithmatic, 40-English, 
In this section cut-off is 27 only and you have to get 9 in each section i.e there is a sectional cut-off.

Be careful about sectional cut-off. Don't concentrate on any one section more...Try to get 9 marks first in each section .Out of these three sections arithmetic is quite easy, reasoning and English are little bit time consuming. At last try to fill all questions. Don't leave any question.......

Preparation : Quantitative aptittude,Verbal and non-verbal reasoning by R.S.AGARWAL are enough.
Technical( for EEE) : Time:30min, 50 questions(for all).Cut-off is 23.It is also quite easy.... In technical they will ask only basic questions.....No indepth questions.
At the time of our test, they haven't covered all the subjects....They concentrated more on dc motors, dc generators only. And some questions on batteries and on power systems etc......

Some questions are like this.....
1. Given voltage and power ratings of three bulbs and asked to find which bulb has large resistance?
2. In batteries after completion of  charging which colour gas is emitted from it?
3. In dc generators brush lead is given to which side(i.e towards rotor direction or in opposite direction) to avoid armature     reaction?
4. Given an application and asked which type of dc motor is used?
5. One question from dc machine windings.......
6. Basic questions from transformers......(1 or 2) etc.... 

Note: Don't go for test by studying dc machines may suffer...But concentrate more on dc machines(out of 50 they gave upto 30 questions).....You will qualify in written easily......Try to score maximum in technical paper.It will add value to you throughout the selection procedure.

This may or may not be there(depending on the number of selected candidates in written ).It is just for formality......Ur performance in GD plays less role and ur percentage and written performance plays more role to get through GD.But try to perform better.......Topics are very common topics. You can clear it easily.... 

TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: On the next day....
It is the toughest round. They will test you in depth. Most were eliminated here only...Here also % plays a vital role. He may ask ur favorite subject...and may ask very deep questions in that....

Questions asked for me are:
1. Tell me about ur self?   told confidently....
2. Which is ur favourite subject?   told machines....
3. Have you seen machine rotor any time? told yes....(I haven't seen the rotor any time....)
4. why each rotor slot is partitioned into small strips?    unable to understand the question....But tried to answer it(about laminations and Cu losses
etc...) He does not satisfied......
5. In ac machines can we get any speed range?ans: we will have some limitations because of  losses etc..explained
6. Draw the characteristics of Zener diode and explain it's applications?I did....
7. Tell me about IGBT?Some how explained but not completely....

and some other, unable to remember.sorry.........He sent me to the HR round....

He is very friendly....He invited me with a cherishing face. So I felt free. He asked abot my eye site (because i am wearing glasses). If eye site is more he will reject u nicely... After that a general HR interview was done....It's not a problem. He given a HR form for all most all the people who came for HR. 

After some time they told results will we sent to ur respective colleges.......and we left the venue. Results came after a month.......(on sep 13th). But I haven't got the job............I felt very sad..........In that list total 38 members were selected......

After some days (on oct 12th )they sent another list. By God's grace I was also selected in that list (another 17 was selected). i.e until that date we are in waiting list..... I came to know that we are all in waiting list because of eye site.........

ALL THE BEST Friends...........

