ESIC Pattern |   829

ESIC Pattern

                                                     ESIC Exam Pattern

ESIC exam generally follow this pattern:-

Paper I: This paper consist of multiple choice questions of objective type. The duration of the Examination is two hours (from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon).

Paper is divided in to four parts which will be as under-

1. Numerical Ability – 50 Marks.
2. English Language – 50 Marks.
3. General Intelligence – 50 Marks.
4. General Awareness – 50 Marks.

Paper II: This paper is based on Computer Skill Test and syllabus:

Candidates, who have qualified in Paper-I will be called for Paper-II. The ESI Corporation reserves the right to admit, only that much number of candidates as considered necessary by it for Paper II.

The Computer Skill Test consists of three parts:

1. Preparation of two Power Point Presentations/Slides on MS-Power Point – 10 Marks.
2. Typing a letter/passage/paragraph of about 150-200 words in MS-Word – 20 Marks.
3. Preparation of Table/Database in MS-Excel – 20 Marks.

The total marks of the Computer Skill Test shall be 50 (Fifty).

The duration of the test is 30 minutes.
