Whole-Testpaper |   30158


                                                    Ericsson Placement Paper


Ericsson Previous Question Papers with Answers


I gave test on 12 Feb in Gurgoan

There were two round

1. aptitude (60 questions 60 mins)

2. c or Java test (15 questions 30 mins)

first  one has 2 clear the aptitude test then only u can give the C or java test



1. first 10 questions where of data interpretation they will give u some figures based on that u have to answer
2.  5 questions of data sufficency.
3. 20 questions of quantitive aptitude
  mainly from rs aggrawal (solved examples)
  topics like profit and loss,time and work,percentage average clock time boats work and distance
4. 10 questions of analytical reasoning
     a. one questions of similar puzzle given in rs agrawal verbal and nonverbal reasoning
5  5 questions of verbal reasoning
     synonyms  + some verbal reasoning question based on passage
6.10 technical questions
   3 questions on unix
   1 question which is not a universal gate
   2 more question of Electronics


C paper

1. i don't remember exactly but something on function ptr.

2. is char a[] and char *ptr same ?

Ans no

3. can we use void fun(char *ptr) in place of void fun( char a[])?

Ans Yes

4. what is the o/p of printf("%d",i++*++i);

Ans no o/p error

5. in a 64 bit os what is the o/p of sizeof(a)= ? char a[10];

Ans 10

6. what is the o/p of

Ans no o/p

7.can a structure point to itself ?

Ans Yes

8-12. 5 questions on command line arguments (simple one from test ur c skills from yashwant kanetakar)

13. will this work strcpy(string,'a');

Ans Yes

14. char *a="abcd";
char  *b="fgeh";
strcpy(a,b) will it work
is no what is the error?
Ans it will not work as what is beyond abcd in a is not known
