ELICO Candidate-Experiences |   1261

ELICO Candidate-Experiences

                                           Elico ltd - Candidate's Experience


Hi Friends!!! I am Jagdeesh Karicherla from PVP SIT, Vijayawada. Elico ltd conducted campus interviews .The Test was only for Computer Science and IT students with %>60%.Around 340 students took the test.

The Test procedure was as follows
Test 1 : 20 questions of Aptitude (pretty easy)
Test 2: 20 questions of C++( The Decider)
Test 3 : 45 questions English Test( BPO type questions)
Test 4 : 5 (essay)
Total Time :2 hours ( ample time )

These are some of the questions we faced in the written test. 

Test of Aptitude:-

1-5 .questions are some thing like "A,D,F causes B,C && B,A together causes Z &&A.D,C together cause F if ." .Questions asked were "Which of the following causes most other events,which causes the least,which was caused by least chain of events.."
6 --- A woman says to a boy "Your mother is the only daughter of my mother". How are they both related??
7-12. A,B,C,D,E,F are seated in a circle facing centre.A is between B&E,B is in the immediate right of C.F is between E & D.C,D are neighbors. What is the position of D with respect to A.
Answer (very easy if u see the line in problem statement that all of them are facing centre)
13. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:5 .The difference between them is 8.What is the sum of the two numbers. Answer :32+40=72
14. A 2 digit number is such that the first digit is 1/12 th of total number .Find the number? Answer is 24


Technical Test: (only C++)
Most of the questiona are on public, private and friend types. A Question on Friend function supports inheritance or not. 2 questions on output of programs (both of them have error output).Questions on operator overloading. Inheritance support.

English Test: 5 sections.

Ist section fill in the blanks with suitable words(I bet every1 scored 100% in this)
IInd section Sentence Correction(Very easy TOEFL type)
IIIrd Section was regarding similar meanings
IV th section was very tough to correct Word and fit it in suitable sentences
V section was to write an essay on your strengths and Weakness( Be prepared Before hand)

Finally the test was over. They declare results after 4 hours. Finally filtered out 70 people from 280.
I was through Hurray!!
Interviews are scheduled for the next day(O no Sunday). My number for the Interview was 60(first in first out).3 HRs in the panel are visible from glass door. They took 3 hours for interviewing first 30 students. Finally after Lunch, It was my turn for the interview.

HR: Tell me some thing about your project work.
ME:Answered very well this question giving an outline of what our project does, its unique features, platform.. Finally database ..

HR: Whats the purpose of Database in ur project ?I feel no use at all
ME?(surprised by the question) Explained very clearly its purpose,compared the advantages our project offers to its customers with and without databases...
(Now I grew more and more confident)
Than 2 questions on why java not C++.I well supported java and our project.

HR:Do you know C++?
ME: "Sir Even though we do not have C++ in our curriculum I will ..
(HR got very much impressed)
To my surprise he asked the same questions that were there in the Technical paper So I made sure I have gone with same answers I ticked in the written exams after seeing my answer sheet in his paper.

HR: Tell something about Friend function,Garbage Collection,Operaor Overloading..
(almost these questions were put to every1 who attended the interview)


HR: What is JDBC?Answered very well even though I did not know in depth of it.


HR:Tell me about ur family background? Answered


HR: What is ultimate goal of ur life? Explained it.


HR:Don't you think you need to know few more new computer Technologies like .NET?(pointing to my resume where I listed only few skills I am really perfect at)
ME:Yes sir !supported my side that I am very good at basic technologies that were part of my engineering study and pointed to my ability to learn very quickly the new subjects.


(HR was really impressed and started noting some points in a book.)

Finally results were announced. They took only 4 out of 70 and I was selected Thanks God.
