Whole-Testpaper |   8649



Hi Friends !! I am Amit and have attanded the EIL paper on 6 April 2008. This placement paper I am also sharing with  you as there was no paper for the Civil Engineering or the good Aptitude Paper. The paper was not so simple as the other examination that I gave perviously. The civil paper was also as the par as the GATE. The paper was of objective type with 4 multiple type answer and there was 1/4 negative marking.

I am writing the question as I remember.

1. Who was the first deputy prime minister of India.
Option -1. Gulzari lal nanda 2. Sardar Patal 3. Jagjivan Ram

2. What type the Indian Economy is
1. Socialist 2. Developed 3. mixed 4. Captalist 

3. Which country is land locked        
1. Angola 2. Zimbabway 3. Tanzania 4. Nigeria

4. Who got the Rammon Magases Award 2007 this year. there are few names I don't remember. 

5. Who was the youngest captain in the Indian Cricket? 
1. Nawab Pataudi 2. Sachin tendulkar 3. Lala Amarnath 

6. Who among these is Oddisee Dancer.   
1. Hema Malini 2. Megha Panighari ..................etc there are also few name. 

7  . Term "Roll On" comes in which game ?   
1 Cricket 2. Tennis 2. Golf 3. Chess 

8.   Which has the longest cost line ?    
1. Kranataka 2. Kerla 3. Tammilnadu 4.Maharastra 

9. In which the sun tample is situated  
1. Orissa 2. Madhya Pradash 3. UP 

10. Who is the main God in the Rig Veda 
1. Agni 2 Indra 3. Pashupati 4. Surya 

11. Which tax is not shared by the cental govt. with the state govt.  
1. Income tax 2. Excise Duty ....................etc. 

There are also some Reasoning question but they are hardly 4 or 5. and they are very simple with no quant question.

The civil paper was tough and you can compare with it to the GATE paper. the numarical that are given was formula based and you can do if you know the formula.
1. What is the Permissible absorption of the first class brick?
1 15% 2. 20% 3. 25% 4. 10% 

2. If the load is in the central line of the rivet group then what would be the force in the rivet  
1. tesion 2. bending 3. Pure shear 4. shear and tension 

3. there was a numarical question on the transition curve length and was straight  formula based/ 

4. There was a numarical of the superelevation but it was not straight formula based. 

5. There was also a question on the design on the sissor crossing. 

6. What is the max conflict point in the two way road crossing  with two lane .
1. 32 2.12   3. 24    4. 20        the correct ans is 32. 

7. the oxygen sag curve is due to 
1. Deficiet in oxygen 2. bod 3.  COD 

8 . There was also a very simple question on the BOD. 

9. there was a numarical no the design of the grit chamber. 

10 there was also a  question on the grit chamber. 

11. If the void ratio of a soil is  0.7  and the thinkness is 3 m and if the void ratio becomes 0.9 then what would be the thinkness of the soil

12 Equipotential line and stream line intersect with each other
1 orthogonally 2 form square 3. bend 

13 In the cantilever beam the cubica parabola  due to  bending moment 
1. Udl 2 Point load 3 triangular load  there are also few question from the dynamics of the 12 th class 

14. what is the min grade of conc. in the IS 456 2000.

there are question from all the fields you can think of and there level are very tough I think the cut off would not 110 as said before by the senior.

I want to share with you that the next day there was university test of mine and I could not perform well in that Becase of the EIL

BYE take care!!!!!
