EIL Whole Testpaper |   6952

EIL Whole Testpaper



Hai, This is Naresh Gurram {B.Tech (EEE) (SBIT, Khammam, AP)}with the help of my friend M. Bhaskar here I am submitting EIL question
paper, we wrote the test on 6th April 08.
Here we are Posting the qns which we remembered .Friends prepare the basics thoroughly since the tech. paper covered all the topics which are related to our engineering subjects like,
POWER SYSTEM (max qns),



APTITUDE (2 to 3 qns), & GEN PHYSICS ( ie mechanical engg qns)

General knowledge & GEN ENGLISH (3 or 4 qns),
Questions: 150
Duration: 2 h

It consists of two sections
I.    General knowledge & current affairs
II.   Technical paper (different for different streams)
One important point is , in 2007 Eil paper , most of the qns are based on measurements & Instrumentation but in 2008 ,most of the qns are from
Power systems. So don’t depend on one subject. The qns are simple, only 20 % qns require simple analysis. But for wrong ans ¼  -ve is deducted. And the cut off is also a bit high ie varies from 100-110.

Section - I
1.   First women Prime minister in the world…..
a) S.Bandarunaike      b)……..
2.   In the following countries which is not included in SARC?
a) India      b) Pakistan      c) Afghanistan             d) Srilanka
3.   The No of judges is in the Supreme Court sit in front of main justice ……
a) 36      b) 24                c) 30                d) 28
4.   The % of forests in India      …….
a) 6%      b) 19%             c) 22.5%      d) 28%
5.   On which date & year Indian constitution came into force….?
6.   Which state having highest costal line In India?
a) Orissa          b) Karnataka              c) Andhra Pradhesh       d) Kerala
7.   The No of spokes in Ashoka chakra…..
a) 36      b) 24                c) 30                d) 28
8.   In which state ‘sun temple’ is located?
9.   In India which crop depends on mainly on rainfall?
a) Paddy          b) wheat      c) barja      d)….
10. From which form government gets more Income?
a) direct taxes    b) indirect taxes      c) interests       d)…..
11. Which income is not shared by state govt. from central govt.
a) i/c tax      b)……..
12. The first Indian educational satellite launched by ISRO is
13. In which place Indian Institute of ocean Technology is located?
a) Mumbai        b) Hyderabad             c) Bangalore               d) Chennai
14. The fast Bowler who claims the hat trick wickets in ODI match.
15. Who became the captain of Indian team at the youngest age?
16. In the following which is not the function of vitamins
a) to give energy  b) In digestion                 c)……..
17. Who got the ‘raman megasis’  award?
a) M.Swaminathan    b)……..
18. The 2006 commonwealth games are conducted in ….
a) London        b) Melbourne       c) Switzerland              d)…..
19. On which matter recently Benajeer Butto appears in News?
20. On which day we celebrate the youth day?
a) jan 9      b) jan 12      c) jan 24      d) jan 31
21. world health day ……… march 12 / april 24 / oct 15………
22. The first deputy PM of India
a) sardhar patel     b) Rajendra Prasad  c)…….
23  ‘Geetanjali’ is written by            Tagore / Rajendra Prasad / sardhar patel
24. The famous Orissa dancer………..
25. The parliment  ‘Nityanidhi’ belongs to
a) Nepal       b) ……      c) Bangladesh      d)….
26. The famous Indian who spoke ‘ jai javan jai kisan’
a) sarjioni devi      b) Indira Gandhi      c) Rajaram  d)………..

Up to 50.
Section - II
51. The resistance of earth wire in ohm is ………..
a) 1      b) 20      c) 100      d)……….
52. In which connection the distribution T/F is connected?
a) ▲ / Y          b) Y / ▲         c) ▲ / ▲      d)   Y / Y
53. Skin effect is proportional
a) f       b) f2       c) doesn’t depend on f            d)……..
54. A 3P supply is connected in Y connected Resistance. If one of the resistors is removed then the % of reduced load is
a) 33 1/3      b) 50      c) 66 2/3  d) 75
55. A 25MVA 3300/400V T/F is termed as per winding is ……
a) primary 3300V & Secondary 400V
b) primary 3300V & low voltage winding  400V
c) High voltage winding 3300V & Secondary 400V
d) High voltage winding 3300V & low voltage winding 400V
56. T/F oil is useful for ……..
a) protection & cooling  b)…      c)………….
57. Buchholz relay is used ……….
a) protection T/F b) oil T/F c) Air core T/F      d)……..
58. Resistor switching is used in which type Circuit Breaker?
a) oil filled CB b) Air blast CB      c) Gas filled CB      d)……..
59. Comparing to AC transmission, corona & R in DC transmission is…….
a) lower      b) higher       c) same      d) ………..
60. Form factor is the ratio of ………
a) peak to avg b)  rms to avg               c)….          d)……..
61. To transmit the Power which must be present…?
a) Reactance      b) Resistance        c) Capacitance          d) none of above
62. If the characteristic Impedance is equal to load Impedance then……
a) voltage will be increased       b) power transmission is zero      c) ……    d) max. power is transmission to load
63. In general the conductor used in transmission system is
a) cu      b) ACSR      c) …………      d)……..
64. In EHV tranm. The conductors are ……..
a) Cu roads       b) Cu  bars with Si      c) Cu tube with Si plate      d)…….
65.The normal highest  generated voltage in India is
a) 6.6KV      b) 132KV      c) 11KV      d)……..
66  From the point of economy, the voltage of transm. is…….
a) small      b) medium      c) high        d) very small
67  In general the insulation of conductor depends on
a) lighting Voltage      b) switching V.  c) surge vol.      d)……….
68. the max. power will be transferred if ……
a) sending end vol. is high      b) receiving end v is high     c)……..    d) corona loss is least
69. By which compensation the stability is increased
a) shunt compns       b) series compn  c) ..      d)……
70. Meggar  is used for measuring ……..
a) low resistance      b) medium resi c) high & insulation resis
71. Moving Iron instruments are applicable with
a) DC only       b) AC only      c) DC & AC
72. Meggar is used to find the resistance in
a) short ckt condition      b) O/C cond      c) at high resistance
73. Inductance is measured by ……
a) weins bridge   b) Schering       c) Maxwell’s bridge   d)…..
74. low resistance is measured by…….
a) resistance box      b) Anderson bridge      c) Kelvin-double brdg      d)….
75. Induction type 1-p      wattmeter reads …..
a) true value      b) apparent value      c)volt ampere value      d)……..
76. The string chat is used for
a) To measure Insulation      b) To decide the distance b/w towers      c)….      d)..
77. The string effcy in AC sys is 80% Then for same power, the string effcy in dc sys is
a) less than 80%      b) 80%       c) more than 80%      d) zero
78. The machine with same rating, with increase in voltage then …….
a) size increases      b) cost increases c)…….      d)……
79. The temperature rise in the sys, which leads  to …..
a) Increases stress& length    b) increases stress but decreases length   c) Decreases stress & increase length    d) decrease stress & length
80. The min. distance from cable to foundation of Building is ……..
a) 1cm      b) 10cm      c) 100cm      d)1000cm
81. In single core cable which is not present
a) sheath        b) steal armouring       c)…
82. The component which is the ore of lead.
a) ceramic         b) citric      c)……
83. To absorb the lighting surges which of the following is used…?
a) Breather       b) Conservator           c) Horn Caps    d)….
84. The coefficient of reflection in open ended transmission is
a) -1      b) 0                  c) α                  d) 1
85. For 50KVA & 132KV base voltage base voltage, the p.u. impedance is 0.4 ohm then for 100KVA & 132 KV base voltage then the p.u impedance is ….ohm
a) 0.4      b) 0.8         c) 0.2         d) 1.6
86. According to underground cables
a) stress b/w sheath & conductor is high     b) inrush of core & conductor    c)…….      d)…
87. The corona effect is more in
a) summer        b) winter      c) dry weather     d) humidity weather
88. One joule cycle is
a)….      b)……
89. One Q. depends on energy meter, ie which measures power in general ( not exactly…….)
a) ampere hour meter      b) volt-ampere meter          c) watthour meter      d)…….
90. In radial network the source is fed from
a) One end       b) both ends           c) at central            d) ……..
91. In Indicating instrument some error is shown when meter is in full scale deflection, then error is
a) same for half scale def.   b) same at any deflection     c) less than full-scale def.      d) half at half scale def.
92. The reactive power at the load end
a) Proportional to sending end vol.     b) Proportional to line vol drop.     c) Proportional to line reactive vol drop      d)……..
93. Which of the following is high speed turbine
a) wind      b) steam      c) hydro      d)……
94. The steady state stability limit is max. when…..
a) low regulation voltage     b) high sending end voltage     c) low line reactance        d)……….
95. Synchronous M/C with under excitation with reactive power absorption , acts  as
a) synch. Motor              b) synch gen         c) synchr capacitor      d)……..
96. Q based on pettier ▲le  ……..ie what’s the ratio of resistance something like……………..
97. At the time of Arc extension ,the arc quenching at
a) zero vol        b) zero current       c) maxi vol    d) maxi current       
98. Over excited operation of Syncr M/C is for….
a) lead compensation  b) lag cmp.      c) lead lag com.      d)……..
99. A 10KVA T/F having cu loss at full load is 1600W, when operated at half load the cu loss would be in W
a) 800              b)1600       c) 200        d) 400
100. The rating of syncs gen  is 75KW at 0.8 pf means……
a) The m/c delivers 75kw to lagging loads only
b) The supply for gen is 75kw at 0.8 power factor
c) The rating of gen is 75kw and gives 0.8 pf lagging
d) ………
101. One Q depends on armature reaction………what is the cause of demagnetization……..
102. The skin effect is minimum when the conductor is in the shape of……
a) circular  b) flat  c) oval   d) hallow
103. Damper bars used in syn gen is to …
a) reduce the losses   b) produce the induction action   c) reduce unbalances   d)…….
104. The o/p of controller is given to…
a) sensor b) amplifier c) processor d)….
105. PID controller is used for which type of compensation……
a) lead comp. b) lag com. c) lead lag com. d)……
106. One simple Q based on Root locus…..
107. The gain margin or phase margin r calculated to find the…….
a) time response b) f resp. c)…….. d)……
108.  In a 3p full converter the conducting angle b/w two diodes is
a) 60o b) 90o c) 1200o d) 120o
109. To fed the Rl Load ,How many components are in 1p inverter ...
a) 2 diodes b) 2 thy 2 D c) 2 Thy d)……
110. One Simple Q on overlapping of two thyr
111. Two more Q on Basics of  PE
113. According to Thyr wnhich of the foll is correct?
a)      holding curnt > latching crnt
b)      holding curnt < latching crnt
c)      …...
That’s allllllllll
The qns are from just  basics of over all subjects……………..
So prepare welllllllll . definitely  u ll get  through…………….
Still we r also waiting for result…….may take 1 month………….
Posted by
Naresh  & Bhaskar
