EIL Candidate-Experiences |   3164

EIL Candidate-Experiences

EIL Candidate experiences shared EIL Non tech exam conducted in Kamla nehru mahavidyalaya, Nagpur Here Im sharing Placement paper questions based on my memory. EIL Question paper was standard equal weightage to english,quant,gk & reasoning..(till d year 2010..gk was given 90% weightage, but now the trend seems be changing.. :)) Here is the complete list of EIL questions with answers section-wise (all checked & verified from books & internet)



The paper was standard...equal weightage to english,quant,gk & reasoning..(till d year 2010..gk was given 90% weightage, but now the trend seems be changing.. :))

>GK was almost full current affairs.. except 2-3 basic GK questions..

>Apti questions were easy but time-consuming. English was slightly tough & GK was moderate

>I expected questions from London olympics,100 years of indian cinema & oscars..but..not a single question was there...nevertheless it was gud..

Here is the complete list of questions with answers section-wise (all checked & verified from books & internet) :

i)EIL MT 2013 General English:-
1.one-word answers-person without money to pay debts : insolvent

2.one-word answers-tendency to take full vengeance : vindictive

3.passage on newspapers-a)growth of newspapers - both subscribers & advertisers

4.passage on newspapers-b)1st para idea- economics of publishing

5.passage on newspapers-c)goal means- aim

6.passage on newspapers-d)vital means- important

7.synonym question..the 'aberration' in d indian economy can be... ans- deviation..

8.fill up-the government should provide attractive tax ____to create market for quality goods. ans-incentives

9.improve sentence-a)the boy told his teacher...... ans-the boy asked his teacher

10.improve sentence-b)you could be able to.... ans-you should be able to

11.jumbled para-a)RBI wholesale price index... ans-QSRP

12.jumbled para-b)people read book.... ans-RQSP

ii)EIL MT 2013 GK:-

13.GMR group deal cancelld country-Maldives

14.khel ratna award-Ronjan sodhi

15.2020 olympics-tokyo

16.world bank president-jim yong kim

17.RBI head-raghuram rajan


19.direct tax is- income tax

20.janani suraksha yojana- all options(institutional delivery + cash assistance)

21.star around which habitable planet found in dec. 2012- tau ceti

22.tagore award 2013- zubin mehta

23.OPEC- organization of petroleum exporting countries

24.india&thailand treaty- extradition treaty

25.UIADI under- Planning Commission

iii)EIL MT 2013 Quant:-
26.simplification based on (a+b)^2 + (a-b)^2 : ans-2

27.if lcm=45hcf, lcm+hcf=1150 & n1=125,find n2? ans-225

28.fraction less than 7/8 and greater than 1/3 ans-17/24

29.5/6/6/7*A-8/9/8/5+3/4*10/3=25/9 , then find A? ans-6/7

30.test wala question(+4R -1W) (75 qs. in test & he scored 125 marks.). ans- 40

31.question on ages.... ans-not attempted (answer z 40)

32.if 2^(n-1)+ 2^(n+1)=320, find n? ans-7

33.72% tea, 44% coffee & 40 people both tea & coffee, find total people? ans-250

34.profit loss question..... ans-not attempted (ans is 1000)

35.time&distance question on bus, ans-720km

36.train question (110m long 60kmph.. man opposite direction, 6kmph.. ).... ans-6 sec.

37.sphere&cone question... ans-6.3cm

iv)EIL MT 2013 Reasoning:-
38.number analogy.. 25:37 :: 49:?.... ans-65 (x^2 : (x+1)^2 + 1)

39.direction sense test.. ans-5 km

40.series..3,15,X,63,99,143..find X? ans-35

41.AYD,BVF,DRH,x,KGL..find x? ans-GMJ

42.series..10,17,24,31,38,x.. find x(which no. belongs to d series)? ans-not attempted (ans z 346)

43.english analogy..auger is related to carpenter as 'awl' is related to : ans-cobbler

44.implicate:incriminate... ans-exonerate:acquit OR perjury:fraud


46.blood relation picture.. ans- mother-in-law

47.PQR blood relation.. ans-P is mother of Q

48.puzzle test A,B,C,D,E,F.. a) tallest is... ans-D

49.puzzle test A,B,C,D,E,F.. b)3rd from top.. ans-A

50.arithmetic operations.. simplification type.... ans-RHS=57 wala option (8R8P8S8Q8=57)..

4 disqusns..plz join EIL MT 2013

