ECIL GET |   10908


Question Paper for Electrical Engineering consists of 50 questions with given given sufficient time.Some of the questions I remember would like to post.

ECIL electronics and Electrical questions were asked on June 10th ECIL Written Examination in Hyderabad

1.A charge of 1 coulmb is moved from potential of 80v to 20v.The work done in moving the charge

a.o joules 
b.40 joules 

2.A 200KW thermal plant running giving an avg output of 180kw.when charges Rs.2 per unit.What could be the cost of generation.

3.Fastest A/D converter

a.Flash type b.counter type c.successive approximation d.....

4.Problem to claculate Parallel reasonance of RLC circuit,in which R,LC values were given.

5.Simplifications of boolean Algebra like

x(x+y) and 1+x so on

6.Calaculate DC gain of 10/((s+2)(s+1)) 

7.Calculate Steady state error for step input when function is 1/(1+sT)

8.When two's compliment of two numbers multiplied they lie in the range of 

9.Conversion of binary no. (ex. .1101) to decimal

10.Series capacitors are used for?

11.Problems of circuit theory very simple 

12.Thyristor will be turned off when

13.Which of the following machines works on Ac and DC supply

14.Metal oxide varistors are used for

15.One prob like when x i/p is given to nand gate the o/p is

16.Prob on op-amp circuit

17.Prob on Nyquist plot to calacute angle

18.Two questions from microprocessor which i m unable to recollect

19.Type of relay used in long transmission lines

on the whole paper was simple to solve

