DRDO question papers |   36410

DRDO question papers

DRDO(CEPTAM) Previous years Question Papers ,.Management Trainee Questions

1.C. The number of elements is given by the number of internal critical frequencies (i.e., number of poles and zeros other than those located at the origin and infinity) plus one. Then it is easy to find the number of elements for each case:

3 A power MOSFET is a
A. voltage controlled device
B. current controlled device
C. frequency controlled device
D. none of the above
Answer-3.A. a power MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device and requires only a small input current.

4. Megger is an instrument for
A. measuring current
B. measuring voltage
C. testing insulation
D. measuring power
Answer-4.C.Megger is an instrument for testing insulation.

7 An amplifier has a bandwidth of 20 kHz and a midband gain of 50 without feedback. If a negative feedback of 1% is applied, then bandwidth with feedback is
A. 13.3 kHz
B. 30 kHz
C. 10 kHz
D. 40 kHz.

8. The critical frequency of an ionospheric layer during the day time is
A. more than
B. less than
C. same as for night time
D. None of the above.

9. The data bus in 8080A / 8085 microprocessor is a group of
A. Eight bidirectional lines that are used to transfer 8 bits between the microprocessor and its I / O and memory.
B. Eight lines used to transfer data among the registers
C. Eight unidirectional lines that are used for I / O devices.
D. Sixteen bidirectional lines that are used for data transfer between the microprocessor and memory
9.D. The dtat bus in 8080A / 8085 microprocessor is a group of sixteen bidirectional lines that are used for data transfer between the microprocessor and memory.

10. ?The ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity of a metal M decreases at low temperatures and the value tends to be zero at zero degree Kelvin?.From the above statement, it can be concluded that
A. Thermal conductivity of metal M is constant
B. Electrical conductivity of metal varies with temperature only
C. At absolute zero thermal conductivity of M is zero
D. At absolute zero the electrical conductivity of metal M is infinitely large?
10.D. As the ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity tends to be zero at absolute zero temperature, it can be safely concluded that electrical conductivity (denominator) increases to infinitely large values.

11. Which of the following expression states Gibb?s phase rule (where the notations have their usual meaning?)
A. F = C - P + 1
B. F = C - P + 2
C. F = C - P + 3
D. F = C - P + 4.
11.B. F = C - P + 2 expression states Gibb?s phase rule.

12. In horizontal scanning in TV receiver, the beam starts from
A. left top corner and moves to the right
B. centre of top of the frame and moves to right
C. centre of the bottom of the frame and move to the right
D. right top corner of the frame and moves to the right
12.B. It starts from centre of top of the frame and moves to right.

13. The equipment used for measuring the height of the aero plane for ground is called
B. Pulse radar
C. Radar altimeter
D. CW radar.
13.C. The equipment is called radar altimeter.

14. A reflex Klystron functions as
A. microwave amplifier
B. microwave oscillator
C. a high gain cavity
D. both as amplifier and as oscillator
14.B. A reflex Klystron functions as microwave oscillator.

15. The effect of noise in a communication system is most adverse with reference to
A. Channel
B. Encoder
C. Source
D. Receiver
15.A. It is with reference to channel.

16.In the circuit shown in the given figure, the switch S is open for a long time and closed at t = 0.
16.A. The voltage across capacitor prior to closing of the switch is 6 × 4 / 2 = 12 V. Immediately after closing of the switch S, the source current is all diverted into the ?short? and capacitor furnishes a current of 12 / 2 = 6 A in the 2-ohm resistor. The direction is opposite to the marked one. Thus I = -6 A.

17.C. The force on a charge moving in a magnetic field is F = q v x B; the force is  to both v & B. Hence the magnitude of v is not changes and thus kinetic energy at the entry and exit points will be same.
18. A power MOSFET is a
A. current controlled device
B. voltage controlled device
C. both current and voltage controlled device
D. none of the above
18.B. A power MOSFET is a voltage controlled device and requires only a small input current.

19. The instrument whose deflection is given by the expression   I2 dm / d is known is
A. electrodynamics type
B. repulsion type
C. electrostatic type
D. attraction type
19.A. The instrument is known as electrodynamics type.
