DRDO-CEPTAM Placement Paper |   5384

DRDO-CEPTAM Placement Paper

                                 DRDO Solved Previous Year Question Paper

1. ONGC headquarter situated in
a. Delhi 
b. Mumbai 
c. Dehradun 
Ans C

2. First Nuclear Test of India at
Ans Pokhran

3. Which of these is a surface to air missile
a. Agni 
b. Naag 
c. Prithvi 
d. Aakash
Ans. d

4. Who among these is the Chief Justice of India
Ans. Kapadia

5. Pankaj Advani related to which sport
a. Tennis 
b. Golf 
c. Badminton 
d. None of these
Ans d

6. Jallianwala Bagh is in
a. Jalandhar 
b. Amritsar 
Ans B

7. Who is the speaker of Lok Sabha
Ans Smt. Meira Kumar

8. Saina Nehwal plays or related to
Ans. Badminton

9. Which river of these fall in arab sea
a. Krishna 
b. Godavari 
c. Narmada
Ans. C

10. Who is honoured by IAF by conferring rank of Group Captain
Ans Sachin Tendulkar

11. In which state vehicle number starts with KL
Ans. Kerala

12. The largest feudatories of the Hampi, Vijayanagar Kingdom found in
Ans. Karnataka

13. Zero absolute temperature mean
Ans -273.15 Celcius ( or 0 kelvin or −459.67 °F )

14. Who worte the national anthem
Ans. Rabindarnath Tagore

15. Pyramid situated in which country
Ans. Egypt

16. Highest Commander in chief of Indian Army Force is
Ans. President

17. Ashoka's heart changed due to which war
Ans . Kalinga war

18. Tulsidas wrote
a. Ramayan 
b. Ramcharit Manas 
c. Geeta 
Ans B

19. In "VIBGYOR" what is B for
a. Black 
b. Blue 
c. Brown
Ans. B

20. In eye donation which part of eye is donated
a. Iris 
b. Retina 
c. Cornea 
d. Whole eye
Ans. C

21. All colour of a TV made from three colour
a. Red,blue, yellow
b. Green, black, red
c. Red, blue , green
d. Red, yellow, green
Ans C

22 Under "Right to Education" act the children come of the age group
a. 5 to 14
b. 6 to 14
c 8 to 14
d. 8 tp 16
Ans B

23. A boat travels at speed of 6 km/hr in a river and 4 km/hr in opposite direction of river. Then the speed of boat is
Ans. 5 km/hr

24. A man stand face towards North-West and turn clockwiss 90 degree. Then turn 135 degree anticlockwise , now which direction he is facing
a. south-east
b. north-east
c. west
d. south
Ans C

25. Which is different from others
a. 2nd october
b. 14 november
c. 2nd may
d. 23 January
Ans C


26. If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its area is diminished by:
1. 10%
2. 19%
3. 20%
4. 36%
Ans: 2.

27. A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4 hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?
1. 1/2 kmph
2. 7/12 kmph
3. 5 kmph
4. none of these
Ans: 2.

28. At what time after 4.00 p.m. is the minutes hand of a clock exactly aligned with the hour hand?
1. 4:21:49.5
2. 4:27:49.5
3. 3:21:49.5
4. 4:21:44.5
Ans: 1.

29. A shop keeper sold a T.V set for Rs.17,940 with a discount of 8% and earned a profit of 19.6%.What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered?
1. 24.8%
2. 25%
3. 26.4%
4. Cannot be determined
5. None of these
Ans: 5.

30. If (2x-y)=4 then (6x-3y)=?
1. 15
2. 12
3. 18
4. 10
Ans: 2.

31. A clock is set right at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 1 p.m. on the following day?
1. 48 min. past 12
2. 38 min. past 12
3. 28 min. past 12
4. 25 min. past 12
Ans: 1.

32. What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12
1. 16
2. 9
3. 15
4. 6
Ans: 2.

33. Dinesh travelled 1200 km by air which formed 2/5 of his trip. One third of the whole trip, he travelled by car and the rest of the journey he performed by train. What was the distance travelled by train?
1. 600Km
2. 700Km
3. 800Km
4. 900Km
Ans: 3.


34. A train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after traveling for an hour goes at 3/5th of the original speed and reaches the destination 2 hrs late.If the fault had occurred after traveling another 50 miles the train would have reached 40 min earlier. What is distance between the two stations.
1. 300
2. 310
3. 320
4. 305
Ans: 1.

35. The average between a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 9. What is the difference between the two digits of the number?
1. 8
2. 2
3. 5
4. Cannot be determined
Ans: 4
