DRDO CEPTAM |   35060


DRDO CEPTAM 06 - Model Question Papers of General Awareness/Current Affairs 2013 Questions with answers for all upcoming PSU/IT/Bank and other competitive Examinations

1       Agni-IV which was in news recently is a  --------------------
1.    War plane
2.    Missile
3.    Cubmarine
4     Patton Tank
Ans:       2

2.     Which of the following is used as a raw material in nuclear power generation?
1    Sodium
2     Zinc
3    Cobalt
4    Thorium
Ans:       4

3.         NRI Day is observed on
1    9th January
2    19th January
3    29th January
4    19th June
Ans:       1

4         Which of the following is NOT a famous brand of Cement sold in India?
1    Ambuja
2    ACC
3     Ultra Tech
4     Religare
Ans:       4

5.         Mr. Hun Sen whose name was in news recently is the -------------------
1    Prime Minister of Vietnam
2    Prime Minister of China
3     President of Vietnam
4    Prime Minister of Cambodia
Ans:    4

6.         The Headquarters of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are located in
1    Geneva
2     London
3    New York
4    Washington Dc
Ans:       1

7          Which of the following is the name of a bank finance scheme launched by the Government of India to provide employment opportunities to poor people?
1    SJSRY
2     RAY
3    ASHA
4    SEWA
Ans:       1

8.         Who among the following has written the book “Non Stop India”?
1    Rahul Gandhi
2    Salman Khurshid
3    Manmohan Singh
4     Mark Tully          
Ans:       4

9         Which of the following is a metal?
1    Tungsten
2    Sulpher
3     Camphur
4    Nitrogen
Ans:       1

10         Which key should be pressed to start a new page in MS-Word?
1     Down Cursor Key
2     Enter Key
3     Shift + Enter
4    Shift + Ctrl + Enter
Ans:       4

11 . The person who become the first Indian Circumnavigate Globe Solo and non-stop on a sail boat -
1     Hari Ram Kumar
2     Lt. Cdr. Abhilash Tomy
3     Lt. Ramadose
4     None of them
Ans: 2

12 . Which day has been declared by United Nation General Assembly as the World Autism Awareness Day ?
1     April 2
2     May 5
3     March 3
4     June 15
Ans: 1

13 . The Fifth Summit of BRICS was held on March 26-27, 2013 in -
1     New Delhi (India)
2     Moscow (Russia)
3     Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
4     Durban (South Africa)
Ans: 4

14. In which of the following city, the first women Post Office in the country has been established in March 2013?
1     Mumbai
2     Kolkata
3     New Delhi
4     Chennai
Ans: 3

15. The International Newspaper which had won four Pulitzer Prize on April 15, 2013 including the award for investigative reporting for stories -
1     The Washington Post
2     The Telegraph
3     New Work Times
4     The Sun
Ans: 3

16. Kovvada Nuclear Power Plant which was recently in news is being set up in -
1     Karnataka
2     Andhra Pradesh
3     Chhattisgarh
4     Odisa
Ans: 2

17. Which country reached an agreement with Kosovo on overcoming ethnic enmities?
1     Macedoonia
2     Serbia
3     France
4     Albania
Ans: 2

18. The International Day for Biological Diversity was observed on -
1     25th May
2     24th May
3     23rd May
4     22nd May
Ans: 4

19. The largest biogas plant of the world was inaugurated in March 2013 in -
1     USA
2     Ireland
3     Finland
4     Germany
Ans: 3

20. Who was appointed as the Chairman of the Asian forum of Parliamentarians on Population and development on April 11, 2013 at Bangkok?
1     Hamid Ansari
2     P. J. Kurien
3     Mamta Sharma
4     Ila Bhat
Ans: 2

21. The President of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee on April 30, 2013 inaugurated the 14 mega watt Solar Power Project at -
1     Nashik
2     Sri Nagar
3     Deoghar
4     Hyderabad
Ans: 3

22. China recently became ________ arms exporter.
1     The world's second largest
2     The world's fourth largest
3     The world's fifth largest
4     The world's sixth largest
Ans: 3

23. Which research centre announced that it was developing the largest magnet of the world (weight would be 50000 tons)?
1     NASA, USA
2     Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
3     CERN, Geneva
4     ISRO, India
Ans: 2

24. Which compost plant become the first in India to receive carbon credit worth Rs.25 lakh from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?
1     Mumbai Compost Plant
2     Kanpur Composting PLant
3     Rotopala Composting Plant
4     Okhla Compost PLant
Ans: 4

25. Which Malaysian budget carrier to launch the new airline along with Tata Group and Telestra Tradeplace?
1     Jet Star
2     Tiger Airways
3     Air Asia
4     Cebu Pacific
Ans: 3

26. Name the two PSUs, which were granted the Maharatna status by the Union Government of India in February 2013?
1     ONGC and NTPC
2     BHEL and GAIL
3     ONGC and GAIL
4     Coal India and SAIL
Ans: 2

27. Who has won the "Entrepreneur of the Decade" award conferred by All India Management Association in New Delhi?
1     Mr. Ratan Tata
2     Mr. Narayan Murti
3     Mr. Mukesh Ambani
4     Mr. Sunil Mittal
Ans: 3

28. Who is the winner of prestigious Jnanpith award for the 2012?
1     Amar Kant (Hindi)
2     Dr. Ravuri Bharadwaja (Telgu)
3     Pratibha Ray (Odia)
4     Shrilal Shukla (Hindi)
Ans: 2

29 The proposed allocation for the newly launched "National Livestock Mission" in the Union Budget 2013-14 is
1     Rs.304 crore
2     Rs.300 crore
3     Rs.310 crore
4     Rs.307 crore
Ans: 4

30. To encourage farmers to switch to alternative crops from rice and wheat, the Budget 2013-14 has pledged
1     Rs.700 crore
2     Rs.600 crore
3     Rs.500 crore
4     Rs.400 crore
Ans: 3

