Candidate-Experiences |   20446



Hi friends… I am kunal From SGSITS ,Indore (M.P.) from the branch. Recently Deloitte came for doing placements in our clg. We were offered the profile of Associate Analyst –EA. It was a very nice experience. The recruitment team consisted of 4 members including topmost officials from US R-10 .

Firstly as usual they started off with their ppt . PPT was very nice and very impressive as they told many things about their actual work projects .it was almost an hour long.

Then after they conducted written test which was completely aptitude based i.e. no techie stuff was there. The pattern was 60 mins and 40 questions. NO NEGATIVE MARKING. All were of mixed sort; no separate sections; like there were ques. from DI, LR, simple math, verbal. A total of 405 people sat in written and finally 42 were selected in the next interview process. Since they started their procedure in the afternoon so they decided to extend their process to next day too. So my interview was on next morning.

Then there were two rounds of interviews . First was named as the Rejection Round. The 42 people were divided in three groups. the ques. were mix Technical + HR. Only one person was there in panel.
Some questions were:
1.tell me st about yourself.
2.tell me st about your projects.
3.about C++. I wrote it in my CV .
4.about life experiences.
5.any thing about PPT, u would like to change or say bout ?

The main thing was even if u were caught , how well u defend yourself with full confidence. My interview lasted for bout 35 to 40 minutes. Just answer honestly and confidence will automatically reflect in your answer. Prepare about some past good experiences of your life that you can share with them. They may ask it as they asked me. Also remember one must have excellent communication skills in order to improve selection chances.

After this first round of interview the results were immediately listed within 10 mins and only 17 were selected for the next round of interview. The next round of interview was seriously exhaustive. All 4 members were there in the panel. My serial no. was 16 . I had to wait for long for my turn.

As soon as I entered the room I was asked my name and then one panelist immediately said to me that instead of them, I should select any one out of them and take their interview. I was surprised but I was calm from within, and asked two questions to one of the panelists. I had to frame the questions within few seconds . then after all they took my interview. They asked mainly questions like why u wanna join Deloitte ? Do you have any other job offers from any other company.? (luckily or unluckily I had one with me).
You need to fully convince them about it. Few general questions and That’s it my interview was over.

After that we were asked to wait for 20 mins. Soon the results were ready and the team came out of the room and announced that they had finally short listed only 6 people from 17. I was completely shocked after hearing that. Then one by one they announced names and my name was their at 3 rd position. I was there in those six. FINAL SIX OUT OF 405. We all 6 were very happy and later were taken over to a lunch by the Deloitte team.
Those who seriously wanna join deloitte don’t think much and simply prepare well.
So all the best to all readers…. And remember after clearing written exam, only CONFIDENCE is the key to success.
