Whole-Testpaper |   9313



This is A.SRIKANTH (D.S.C.E Branch) and J.Santhosh (D.E.C.S Branch)  JNTU CEA  
June 20th CTS Paper in J.N.T.U. Anantapur

The Question Paper Contains 70 Questions and time allotted is 75 Minutes (Sets will be given , but all of them contain Same Questions)

There are 3 Sections
1)Analytical Section                  25Questions                 30 Minutes
2)Verbal Section                      25Questions                 25Minutes
3)Logical Section                      20Questions                 25Minutes  

Analytical Section
Section I
1)A cube problem is given related to it 5 Questions were given the Question is like  
A red cube is cut into 1728 small cubes from one face of the cube , from the diagonal corners,the middle cubes are removed and the cube is then painted black

The Questions are like
1)what is the difference b/w the cubes painted three sides red & cubes painted three sides black
a)0                   b)4                   c)6                   d)8  

2)How many cubes r there with 3 Sides painted black
a)2                   b)4                   c)6                   d)8
Number of cubes painted atleast 2 sides black similarly 2 Questions based on this cube problem


Section II
1 is represented as $
0 is represented as *
1)361/19 can be represented as
Ans::361/19=19 so it is represented as $**$$

2)2+9/11*2 can be represented as
3)LCM of (3,5,11)+13
4)Average of four numbers is given and that should be represented as
Similarly one more Q is given

Section III
1)From Venn Diagram it is like
Restaurant table design problem
6 out of 200 are chosen by all designers
11 members have no preferences
6 are chosen only round and rectangular table
6 are chosen only square and rectangular table
7 are chosen only round and square table
64 are chosen round tables
5 Questions are given related to it  

1)No. of members who selected only round
2) No. of members who selected only square
3)  No. of members who selected only rectangular

Section IV
2 Questions are given from analytical reasoning ,under each one 5 Questions are given
VERBAL Section
2 Paragraphs  under each one 5 Questions are given 
Closing Correct  from the given choices – 5 Questions
Incorrect Sentences from the given choices – 5 Questions
Order of the sentences to make paragraphs – 5 Questions

From each one mentioned below 5 questions were asked
I           Chose odd man out related to figures
II         Data Sufficiency
III        Logical Deduction (Syllogism)
IV        Implied and double implied sentences

Implied and double implied sentences  question is like
I will take poison if I want to die
1)I don’t take poison
2) I don’t want to die
3)I will take poison
4)I want to die
a)1;2                b)2,1                c)2,3                d)1,4

Answer is B

HE asked me about my project , why u have chosen this project , and its explanation
What is u r favorite subject I said mine is Digital Electronics
So, he asked me about fidelity in digital systems and why it will occur and what should we do to remove it
He asked me, how to convert an anolog system into digital system 
HE also asked me about my weakness
I got  my eamcet rank more he asked me y u got more rank (mine ans was related to weakness that I have told him)
We both were selected in CTS
What we need in interview which I was observed is Explanation by Body Movement and Confidence that I will get this job he may depress and
tell u will not get job but even then u don’t loose Confidence he will try to depress in many ways but u should overcome it to get success. 
For some students he asked about Operation of microwave oven
To draw a circuit for traffic signal generator and To draw a circuit  for : if two aeroplanes are passing side by side draw a circuit by which the person sitting in one plane cannot here the sound of another plane About FFT , ASK , PSK and  FSK

In C he concentrated on
Linked List
Sorting and Searching Techniques   
Programs using Recursive functions ex: Fibonacci, factorial

