General - other |   5183

General - other




Aptitude Test consisted of 3 parts –English, Quantitative, Analytical (total 70 ques.—20+30+20)

 Quantitative--(30 min,25 marks)

1) Two Venn diagram  - 5 ques each.

2) Logical reasoning.  – 4 ques each

3) Coding(replace 1 by $ and 0 by * for decimal to binary conversions) - 5 ques
4) Data Sufficiency- 5 ques

5) Cube problems- 5 ques

(For all these sections prepare thoroughly from R.S. Agarwal—Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning)


 English—(20 min,25 marks)

1) Two very long difficult passages (total 10 ques)

2) Correct sentences.   – 5 ques

3) Incorrect sentences. – 5 ques

4) Logical Order.         – 5 ques.  


Analytical-- (20 min,20 marks) 

1) Picture Sequence

2) Logic (see R.S Agarwal)

3) Puzzle

4) Statement--Conclusion


Interview Questions were very basic (Technical and HR taken together) like—

Introduce yourself……….

Asked me about my extra curricular activities……...

Asked what my favorite subject was n why????????

Since I said OS he asked me about Multi-user OS and asked me to give some examples……..

He then asked me about multiprogramming systems…………

He asked about the scheduling in windows….n some more question on multi tasking……..

Lastly he gave me to sort 5 numbers using BST method……..

Finally he asked me if I had any queries………


Fill the form provided with the answer sheet carefully…. Whether wrong or right with your answers, CONFIDENCE is all that matters.

(60 out of 103 students got through from our college)


