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General - other



Hi frnds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................ i appeared 4 d CTS campus selection on 4th March . The procedure was divided in 3 steps . On 4th March d aptitude test was conducted . It had 3 sections :-

1) ENGLISH : Ths section consisted of  2 very long comprehension passages , find out correct sentence , find out incorrect sentence , arrange sentences 2 form a coherent paragraph . There were no synonyms-antonyms . The paper was lengthy but not dat difficult if u hav a good command over english , but don't attempt d passages 1st , they will consume a lot of ur time .

2)QUANT : Ths section was really easy . D qstns were mainly 4m venn diagrams , time & distance , time & work , ratio-proportion , cubes etc. Do prepare ths chapters 4m R.S.Aggarwal ; dat is more than enough .

3)REASONING : Ths section was again somewhat easy . It had logical reasoning & figure-oriented qstns 4m R.S.Aggarwal ; at d end of ths paper dere was a puzzle which was really tough 4 me ; I applied guess-work dere .

At about 12 at night d result of apti was declared in d website . I was relieved 2 c my name dere . D next day was d tech & hr interview . Mine was at 3 pm ; but I had 2 wait till 8 pm 2 giv d  interview . My interview lasted 4 only 4-5 mins . D interviewer was a man . Here is d excerpt :-

ME : Good evening sir !
INTR : Ya ! good evening ! hav ur seat .
ME : Thnk u sir !
INTR : Introduce urself .
ME : Told abt my family back-ground , my hobbies & interests & other thngs dat were not dere in the form dat we filled up at d time of apti .
INTR : Wat is ur favourite subject ?
ME : Microprocessor.
INTR : Askd wat is flag , gave a short sub-routine of exchanging d contents of registers B & D , askd d function of  RET command used at d end of d sub-routine .
ME : Answered all d qstns quickly & rightly .
INTR : Now it is finished 4m me . Do u hav ne qstn 4 me ?
ME : Askd abt d training program of Cognizant .
INTR : Gave me a brief description .
ME : Then I wished him & walked out of d room .

D next day d final short-listed names were givn in d website . I was jumping in joy on seeing my name dere . Hav faith in urself , do prepare 4 ur apti & technical , brush up ur english communication skill , & pray 2 God ! Dat is all wat is required . Hope 2 c u at Cognizant frnds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
