General - other |   19529

General - other


hello friends... the aptitude papers were not so tough... 

First Paper (Numerical)
q1:  54 boys ate Biscuits and 65 boys ate Cake. 7 boys ate biscuit,cake and pastry. 14 boys ate cake and pastry only. 20 boys ate biscuit and cake only.15 boys ate biscuit and pastry only. total no of boys are 224....(datas are not right....its a very easy sum to do) (now 5 qstins are there with that problem)
i) no of boys ate only pastry?
ii)ratio of no of boys ate biscuits to no of boys ate pastry?

solution:-  draw then vann diagram....its really easy....the data given by me....i frgt the original data...

q2: A cube is cut into 64 equal from each side of the original cube, 2nd and 3rd small cube are the whole thing is painted black.
i) no of cubes which are not painted
ii) no of cubes which are painted 1 face
iii) no of cubes which are painted 2 faces
iv) no of cubes which are painted 3 faces
v) no of cubes which are painted in more than 3 faces

solution:- imagine the figure...2nd and 3rd cube from each side(edge) is total 24 cubes are removed...40 cubes r remaining..
now if it is painted...32 cubes will be pained in 3 faces and 8 cubes will be painted in 6 the answers are...
i) 0
iii) 0
v) 8

q3: (thre is a qstion of if * is 0 and $ is 1..and bla bla bla....u can find this ype of qstin in Agarwal...this qstin also has 5 individual qstins like above)
solution hint: solve these qstins in binary method

sorry frnds i cant remmember the other qstins.... 

Second Part(english)
english part was really hard....specially the passages are really tough...there are two passages...  

TIPS:- read the passage once with full concentrtin....u dnt have to under stnd the whole meaning..just read it....if u read it i'm assuring u...u can answer it...

because qstions are based on the lines of the passage....if u read each lines atleast once u can answer...dnt leave the passage as well as hope if u cant understand  it.... 

There are qstins like find the correct statement.....find the wrong sentence....these are really easy....go through the grammars...dats it.   

Third Part(Logical)
1) logical qstins...u can solve it easily.....these are copied frm Agarwal...
examples....All mangos are oranges...all oranges are tube light....few tube lights are mangos...(these are really easy.... plz do all these from RSAgarwal) 

2) in this qstions thre are statements like..."if i'm in hotel i always eat mutton" now there are 4 statements given like..
.i) i eat mutton
ii) i dont eat mutton if i'm not in hotel

now which statement(s) is more significant......
a)only i 
b) i and iii
c) i,ii and iv
d)noneof these (this is an EXAMPLE....u can do it by own) 

3)odd man out Just do Agarwal...dats it...enough...there are some pictures..u have find the odd man.....reallly funny...some pictures contain cartoon figures...reallly easy...

N.B. one thing i want to add...there are no negetive marks...i'm sure CTS doesnt give -ve marks for wrong answers.... so answer all qstions...try to go for option B or is always shown dat max answers are of option B and C....Go for it...

My interview was really cool....he is a nice man, who took my intrvw...
me: May i come in sir?
sir: yes come in.....u r xyz...right?
me: yes sir.
sir: u did well in the apti..(holding my apti answer sheet in his hand)... 
me: thank u sir..(i was still standing..there)
sir: lets have a sit..
me: (i sat down) thank u very much sir...
sir: can i have ur brief intro?
me: i said..(plz mention ur marks u got in class 10 and 12...and if u r telling about ur family,plz mention ur parents name and what they do..)
sir: ok very good....y should i take u??
me: (i told all my qualities...adaptability, flexibility, leadership quality and good communicator...with real life examples)
sir: very good.....( i mentiond in the blue form that i play guitar) u play guitar??????
me: yes sir...(i added)i also have a rock band.
sir: (smiling) u rock?
me: yes sir...(smiling)I rock...
sir: (suddenly he switched into technical was a surprise for me) tell me what is polymorphsm?
me: i said him..
sir: can u right a program to find the largest number among three numbers in c++?
me: (honestly replied) sir...i dont know c++..because it  was not in our course till now...but JAVA is covered in our course...can i right it in JAVA...
sir: ok ok no problem...the coding is same for the both...u can do it in JAVA...carry on..
me :(i did it in that paper...its a very simple program...always use ur own pen...if interviewer offers..tell him politely that i'v my own pen)...sir i'v completed it.
sir: (he saw it) thank u xyz...we r done  for today..
me: thank you very much sir..(i left the room)

This is my interview...and i'm selected..its a on campus held in our collegeRCC Institute Of  Information Technology...60 students r selected among 145 students....and i'm among them... 


just show themm ur confidence....thats it....ur frst appearnce and ur intro will make the try to prepare a good smart...

Hope to see u in of luck....  

thank you.
