General - Interview |   14410

General - Interview


hellow friends,,,,
i got a lot of mail asking me to brief my HR interview experience. so im sharing my experience with u guys..
well i got my email from CTS on 28th december 2005 saying tht i have cleared my tech round and have my HR round on 7th jan 2006.
well i made my preparation quite well.. i was prepared for ny sort of HR interview question.. i had nearly two to three mock interview session.
and browsed the website for nearly 1-2 hour.. i got various interesting factors about cognizant.

then the auspious 7th came. i had my interview scheduled at 1 p.m in CTS thoraipakkam. i reached tht place by 11.45 a.m. .they asked me to stay there in the security block till 12.45 p.m. then they gave me a pass and allocated the DB-1 block for some of us.Then i got the panel 4. There were totally one gentle man.

this is the session tht i had with the interviewer
he came to my seating and called me..
i went into the room along with him..
i greeted him first. he offered me seat. i thanked him.
He offered a hand shake and introduced himself as Natraj.
gentle man: what is ur serial number?
gentle man:whts ur aggregate in ur degree?
Me:69% and also added tht my % in degree is not my reflection of my ability cause i was involved in various extra curricular activity like i was the treasurer of my department.
(mean while he was curiously having a glance at my marklist.. he was curiously seeing all my semester marks)
gentleman:what about ur provisional certificate?
i showed him my provisional certificate.
gentle man: how much have u got in ur schooling?
Me:80% in both 10th and 12th.(i gave my 10th and 12th certificate)
gentle man: what r u parents doing?
Me: my father is working in Anna Univ. and my mother is working as teacher?
gentle man: u will be getting ur result comming monday at around 7.30 p.m
Me: thanked him.

shock of my life was waiting on the day of 9th i didnt clear the HR..i couldnt find out why i failed in the HR?? i still couldnt find a proper answer for tht? do tell me if u guys have?? dont say tht ur % in degree is the result of ur failure.. cause i know tht the cutt off% for CTS is 65%.
k byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee people.. many were asking me tips to clear the apps round well i will mail u guys the next time

urs ever green friend,,,,
