General - Interview |   15798

General - Interview



It was a fine morning on the 12 th of march…..i went 2 my college to get a chance of being employed…..the aptitude paper mainly consisted of English and analytical part…it was easy…..then was the time of the interview…I entered the room

Me: may i come in sir?
Int: yes.come in
Me: good afternoon sir
Int: plz sit down
Me :thank u sir
Int: so abhirup….introduce urself…
Me: I am doing my btech frm this college….i am this …I am tht…bla blab la….
Int: suppose u will have to complete a work in adeadline…ur coworkers doesn't help u…wht will u do????
Me:1st of all I will try to convince the person to work…if he doesn't agree….i will give more than 100% and try to complete it myself
Int: good
Int: what is the diff btwn C and java?
Me :told the answer
Int :who is ur favourite player?
Me: saurav ganguly
Int: ?how many test centuries does he have?
Me not very sure but I think its 15
Int: u should be knowing well abt him
Me :I know sir
Int: so u have played cricket right?
Me: yes sir
Int: what is the diff btwn in swing and in cut?
Me: explained him:
Int: asked me a question on C
Me: I wasn't sure of the answer….confidently told him the wrong answer..
Int: what is encapsulation?
Me :told him
Int: what do u mean by a good s/w professional?
Me: a person who has learnt a lot and can apply himself accordingly and never has to look back in his life
Int: asked on SDLC
Me: answered but was not confident abt it….but still I said that I was confident….
Int: how will  u celebrate tonight if u get this job?
Me: I will celebrate with my parents.i will ring up my frndz and relatives abt this good news….thats how I will celebrate
Int: wht if u dnt get this job?
Me: initial reaction will be tht of disappointment….but I have that confidence and optimism that I will make it through in the next interview
Int: excellent
Int: if u dnt get this job how will u improve urself?
Me: I will not improve myself…I am perfect
Int :good…..thank u so much…good luk

I got selected..what I want to say is that have a good communication skill…….have confidence and attitude…all that they see is confidence…even if u say the wrong answer confidently say that it is right…they see how confident u r…they dnt want technical knowledge… confident and have positive attitude…and dnt be nervous……good luk

Abhirup Acharya
