CTS-Cognizant |   24315


CTS placement papers with question and answer for placement preparation-CTS drive at shri ramswaroop college lucknow -CTS Selection procedure
hii guys..Selection Process Steps:-
1.Online Aptitude Test
    a)Section 1-Reasoning
    b)Section 2-English
 very easy section manage time....
 topics : blood relation ,syllogism(pls do it 2 or 3 question),elligibility test(question like      few conditions are given and u have to find the elligible student),hcf cm,divisibility,Series(numerical and alphabetic)
Complete any verbal and nonverbal reasoning book (thin book...dont go into tough ques as test is very easy....)
In english section ,two reading passages(to do passages first read the questions and then go through the passage..u will find ans fastly),arranging the given 2-3 statements to form a logical paragraph..word meanings....finding errors in statement
RESULT WAS DECLEARED AFTER 2 DAYS,OUT OF 560 total 224 were selected .
2.Technical Round
Whatever you have written in your cv matters.Database is asked mosty,your project,they asked me to draw flowchart of my project and easy questions like primary key,forgein key,inner join query.
They mainly check your confidence,way you explain,and write the answers.Also simple programs like string reversal,pallindrome,fibonnaci series,printing series of number in which two number gets printed twice.
Thats all ,If your from non it background they ask your project and also you should know basic C.
I am from electronics branch but as I knew sql and c,c++ they asked me from that but extremly simple ques(I was happy.because i dont remember anything from my branch)
Confidence,good communication is KEY to crack+ a lil knowledge of what you have written in your cv.
3.HR Round
My hr round lasted for 5 mins,only he asked family background.it senario of my city,hobbies,any trainings dats all
(HR's are freindly  no need to be nervous...)
Now ,I am waiting for my doj..............Happy...after lots of reaction..finaaly selected...keep on practicing .........dont loose hope..you will be placed............i am a 2013 pass out placed almost after a year of passing out.