CTS-Cognizant Candidate-Experiences CTS placement recruitment dirve procedure in CGC Feb |   15141

CTS-Cognizant Candidate-Experiences CTS placement recruitment dirve procedure in CGC Feb

CTS-Cognizant new placement paper recruitment procedure. CTS conducted placement recruitment drive held at CGS on 7th February. Some students who are participated and selection in CTS share their candidate experiences to help other friends Here Rajat share his experiences with us CTS first procedure of selection was on line aptitude written test 55 questions reasoning aptitude english Here a brief story of CTS placement recruitment drive CTS out of 1500 participated and only 129 students selected for 2014 batch

Hi I am rajat.. I want to share my experience of cognizant placement drive held at cgc landran on 7th february..

CTS first round aptitude on line test 
First round is online apltitude test. 55 questions about comprising of LR, quants and verbal. Pretty easy stuff. RS Agarwal or any book level above it can easily help you to crack it.
Out of 1500 or so students 370 were shortlisted. Me being one of them

CTS Second round Technical and HR 
Second round was technical round held at their campus on 16th February. 

The person taking my technical was quite down to earth. 
He started by asking me about my myself. After getting a brief introduction about me he moved on to the technical part.
He asked my favorite subject first. I told him Software engineering.
He then asked me to explain phases of SDLC.
What things are in a RFP? (Request for proposal) a part of software engineering only
He then shifted his focus on my project.
I told him in brief about my project.
He gave me a sql query to design. I did it using three different methods though one was wrong still i held my ground and said it was right in confidence
Next we asked basic stuff about dbms like normalisation and what are the basic anomalies in it.
He then asked me about the different types of relations in relational database management systems.
I didn't knew it but told my whole other version which was related to it like i told him rdbms is outdated now and we follow object relational dbms.
He went to programming then and asked me about pallindrome and give the logic without using any inbuilt functions.
Gave the answers for both the alphabeticals and the numbers.

After then he asked me basic stuff about my family. My brother is in infy so he asked why don;t you join infy?
Always show them why you want to join cognizant and not any other company. I told him I liked the work culture of cogni and the open door policy which is not present in any of these.

He asked what do you know about cogni and i told him all about cts 2.0 and the newer projects and the q3 and q4 profits.

He told me to wait outside few seconds till he fills the feedback form. Within seconds approved for next round.

Final round was HR. He was doing basic profiling work like checking confidence and vernacular skills.
He asked whether I was ready to relocate to south or any other place?
He asked me why my percentage dropped from 10th to 12th. Made an satisfactory answer and gave him.
He asked about my parent's work and a basic introduction of myself all over again..
It was just a formality. 

On 23rd feb result came out and 129 students from 2014 batch got selected.

The procedure is quite easy. Just maintain confidence in your answers even if they are wrong. Maintain a smile and make a command on your speaking skills. They will get you through!
