Candidate-Experiences |   4151


CTS written exam was held at CEB. Bhubaneswar on 20th Oct 2010. The written exam was taugh. Questions were bit tricky.There were two section in the question paper. One was aptitude paper and another was verbal.
In the aptitude paper, there were 30 questions and the time limit was 35 minutes. The question pattern was:
1. 5 question from non_verbal reasoning (pattern matching)
2. 5-8 questions from syllogism.
3. Typical apti questions were also there(percentage,simple interest,number system etc)
4. Verbal reasoning(10 questions)
To prepare for the aptitude part, just take up any aptitude book(may be Arun Sharma's series will help you out) and non verbal reasoning by R.S Aggrawal. Solve all the questions from syllogism part of that book and also pattern matching. Get a dip look in syllogism part, because once you master it, then you are bound to score full mark in that section.

Out of many candidates, they selected only 185. Luckily i was one among them. Thanks to Lord Jagannatha. So best of luck friends for written exam. Once you are through written means, your chances of  geting selected is almost certain.

After around 15 days they called me for the Interview. The venue was campus-6. KIIT University. Make sure that you reach the venue as early as possibly, because they were calling to turn up at the interview panel randomly. You may be the first candidate to appear or the last candidate. I got a call from them around 4 O'clock in the evening. The interview was 2 phase. First was TI and then PI. Actually TI was there elimination round. Once you get through TI, then you are almost placed.
Technical Interivew:
1) They were stressing upon your project, you have done. Based upon your projcet. They were asking questions.Make sure that prepared well to come up with a answer to their question.
2) Besides project, they were asking quetions from C, C++ concepts.
3) Asking to write a programme. Mostly C programme. (like factorial of number,armstrong number,fibonacci series, swaping, inheritance, function overloading displaying a pyramid etc)
4) If you belong to IT or CS, then have a look upon OS and RDBMS anr SQL.
Out of 185 candidates, around 90/100 got through TI. Luckily once again i was one among them Thanks to lord Jagannatha.
Personal Interview:
PI was easy. Prepare for all general PI questions. Like tell me about yourself, why cognizant, strength and weaknesses blah blah.

Almost all candidate got placed who had cleared TI. The HR guy was really cool and cordial. So prepare well for CTS. All the best friends. See you soon in Cognizant. Thanks to lord jagannatha once again and my family, friends and well wishers. Just believe in god, He has certainly panned and kept something for you. Sooner or later you are destined to get that.