Candidate-Experiences |   4695


Hai Friends, 

I am Shreyas Ram R. I attended the CTS off-campus conducted at RNSIT on 3rd October 2010 through cocubes and conducted by merittrac. Before attending that, I had gone through the candidate experiences here and it really helped me. The written test pattern was changed this time and it contained analytical reasoning and verbal reasoning only. There was no quantitative aptitude this time but time management is very very important here. Please take care of that. Also, be careful while filling the form before written test. It consisted of questions like strengths, long and short term goals with cognizant etc. Then results were declared after a week. Then technical interview was held at cognizant, Manyata Business park on 17th of October. Technical and HR interviews were separate.
For technical interview be thorough with what you have mentioned in your resume because they are going to ask very basics questions from that itself and if you have mentioned any programming languages, be prepared with simple programs. If you cant write program,at least know the logic,usually they ask only for logic. Also, be prepared with your project. If you clear technical interview, you are 99% selected.

Then HR interview was very simple.

HR: Shreyas, tell me what is the meaning of your name?
Me: Told

HR: Is there any specific reason for calling you as shreyas?
Me: Told
HR: What qualities you don't like in others?
Me: Answered
HR: (Showed my resume and asked)what is this called?
Me: Told resume
HR: Then, what is the difference between resume and CV?
Me: Told
HR: What kind of movies you watch?
Me: Comedy. love stories, action oriented, mythological.
HR: Which was the recent movie you watched?
Me: Told
HR: What was it about?
Me: Told
HR: Ok Shreyas, it was nice speaking to you, thank you.
Me: Thank you very much sir.

Finally the results were declared through cocubes and it was sent to college after 15 days and I was selected. My suggestions for you is be confident because it really matters a lot, show that you have good communication skills, be positive and have faith in God. God will really help you. If  you have any queries, please feel free to write at

Shreyas Ram R