Candidate-Experiences |   3929


For me it started around 12pm. My hr was very cool
Person, the interview went in the following way.
HR: Tell me about yourself.
Me: Told
HR: How many backlogs you had?
Me: None
HR: What was your EAMCET rank?
Me: Sir, I didn't write EAMCET.
HR: Then how you get admission in Engineeringcollege?
Me: Through AIEEE rank, they accepted it.
(I think he was satisfied with my answer)
HR: How much rank did you get in AIEEE?
Me: I got 80 thousand
HR: Ok.
HR: Tell me about your project?
Me: Just told the basic idea of project.
HR: What algorithm you used in project?
Me: Told
HR: What are applications of your project?
Me: Told
HR: Ok can you draw use-case diagram of your project?
Me: No, sir i cann't remember
HR: No, you have compleated your project just 6 months
back. So, you should try.
Me: Ok. sir (I just draw something.)
HR: Tell me name of different boxes you used in your diagram?
Me: I told some boxes & accepted that i am unable to recall it.
HR: Ok, you like C programming.
Me: Yes sir
HR: Write a program to reverse "123456789" without using strrev() function.
Me: Easy for me so, i did that.
Me: I Organized technical events in Techno-fest of our college & Participated in ILLUMINATI-2008, giving a paper presentation on Physical & Logical Structure of Hard Disk
HR: Will you work at some other places?
Me: Yes sir, i am ready to get reallocated, for me it does not matter that from where i am working, rather it matters that how i am working.
HR: Will you work in testing/developing side?
Me: No sir i am having good theoritical knowledge in programming & so i want to go in programing side.
HR: Ok you can wait as i was unable to answer some project related questions so, i was thinking that i will not  be selected for next round. But, within half an hour results was announced & i was one
among the selected.
HR round:
Now, i was confident that i will get it our HR round
Started at 2:00 pm.
HR was in hurry so he just asked following question like rapid fire.
Me: Good afternoon sir
HR: Good afternoon please sit
Me: Thank you sir
HR: Tell me your %age in 10th.
Me: Told
HR: Tell me your %ge in degree.
Me: Told
HR: Do you watch movie:
Me: Yes sir
HR: Tell me story of any movie that you have watched recently.
Me: I started telling story of chak dey india. After 10 seconds,
HR: Ok. fine you will me intemeted through mail within a
Me: That's it sir(surprised.)
HR: Yes keep smiling.
Me: Thank you sir wish you happy Diwali
HR: Wish you the same.
When you are attempting written test, make sure you score maximum marks. Also concentrate to written communication skill Questions, as they’d given us a form to fill,be prepared with answers  in which there are columns like why Cognizant, key skills to work in software domain etc.
* Preparedness is very important. Don’t give up till last minute.
* Do work on your communication skills if you are little weak in it.
* Prepare well for technical round. Go through Programming Languages.
* Make sure you prepare to answer questions that are based on the content you put in your resume.
* Be confident. Confidence matters a lot in interview. So be Confident, always maintain smile on your face.
* Last but not the least, “Believe in God”. If God wants you to keep in CTS to glorify Him, you'll be placed even 
If you don't answer well. otherwise you'll be placed somewhere else where you can shine better for Him! so
don't worry at all ! keep trying! only failure to try is failure and failing itself is not a failure! in end i will like to thank the God, my parents and my friends aman & abhi.

All the best.
If  you have any queries, please feel free to write at