Candidate-Experiences |   4301


Hi Friends,

I got selected in CTS through a off-campus drive recently, i'd like share some of my experiences.

There are three rounds

1. Aptitude round
2. Technical interview
3. HR round

Apps consists of 55 question and time duration is 50 mins.
25 verbal (20 mins),30 analytical (30 mins)

It seems to be sectional cutoff (13 ,14) if you get above 27 you will be called for next round, but don't think 27 is enough it may be higher try to score above 40 (because easy) y
ou should be very much conscious about your time, do quickly in mind without using paper or pens

Analytical ability:

There are problems based on based on figures ( R.S Aggarwal verbal reasoning is enough )

What next in the figure series, odd out etc.

Coding, decoding
Like berry, cfssz then query _____?

These are very easy, try to solve very quickly you should get full score in these topics so that it will be easy to clear,the analytical section, about 13 questions came from these topics.

3 Question based on cartesian coordinates (graphical problems).
5 Questions based on eligibility test (R.S.Aggarwal)Tabulations Type
3 Syllogisms

All papers are pens

Some pens are birds

5 questions are like this

a) He worked hard
b) He doesn't work hard
c) He gain money
d) He is poor
I. abcd II. acbd III. cdab IV. adcb

Verbal ability (20mins)

(5 -questions) first try correct and incorrect sentences
Mistakes mostly related to present, past, future tenses articles and prepositions.

(5-questions) Jumbled sentences (understand present, past, or future tenses so that you can predict find out more easily what happen before & after)

10 questions from paragraph
For paragraph read the questions first.

You can read the more quickly by improving your eyes movement. Move your  eyes faster to read lines,
concentration is important to understand.
A good reader can read 800-1000 words in a min.

Practice more on all the above topics to keep up the time

Technical interview:

Interview will be based on your projects, its applications, Future extension etc. Basics related to your core,
key skills.
Be conscious with your words.

For me technical interview is about 50 mins. Start Telling your project with its application, advantages, new innovation.

First my interview asked me to explain my projects (I explained 3 of my projects because my interviewer was not satisfied). After explaning my project my interviewer said to me, your good in your core so i won't ask you from your core and  given me 2 puzzles to solve.

I tried but wont get the answer ,i have done 1 correctly and the other partly correct, my interviewer uses the word "iam not satisfied " repeatedly (more than 7 times)

But iam in the motto to satisfy him. Finally my interviewer asked me to explain about  a movie which i watched recently, in such away that he should get interest to see that movie, after my explanations, my interviewer said to me is not satisfied with my explanations. 

I waited about an hour to know my result, i cleared the my technical round, and called for HR. 
HR round:
HR is just a formality. Though its just a formality keep in mind that they haven't selected you still. Consious about your words more here be confident, not over confident.

All the best!

Thank you.
