Candidate-Experiences |   808



Hi, CTS came to our collage on 6th March 2008, for on-campussing. We were 74 of them who cleared Aptitude, finally after TR+HR ,29 of us got final selection.

Aptitute :
It consists of 3 papers, one after the other , total of some 70 min. No -ve marking.
It was bit tough, My advice is do a lot of practice of RS Agarwal . Have good logical understanding,
Do practice verval & non- verval analysis .
Cube problem , as always , is given. just try to design a 3D cube in your mind & try to solve accordingly.
Father-son-..... relational problem. thats blood relation. It was simple.
Data sufficiency prob, then missing no. in series., quant  was much easier for me.
As usual , try to do the comprehension part at the last ( I got it in 1st section).

HR+TR :- ( combined )
The person who took my interview was really cool.
Asked me about myself,
Good knowledge of Current Affairs - Hillary Obama, 123 Nuclear Agreement , news headlines,.......
asked personal opinion on Nuclear Deal .......
Asked me on technical stuffs on what i know & what i didnt.
Asked me to write a program & pseudo code to find the 2nd highest no. & to explain .

my only advice :-
Keep confident smile on your face ......

CTS is very puncual about time. They declared the sort list candidate at around 6 pm. Also very generous to bring a big cake for us. Ha Ha Ha.

Bye for now .... See U all at CTS .... after 14 months .....
