Placement Papers |   5979

Placement Papers

Hi Friends,

This is Mohamed Umari from C. Abdul Hakeem college of Engineering & Technology, Melvisharam Vellore. Recently I attended CTS interview. I want to share my experience.

I attended my Aptitude Test at St. Michael's Hr.Sec.School, Chennai on 03/10/10. The test was written only. The pattern for the test is 30 questions on analytical & 25 questions on Verbal. Total duration is 50 minutes. Before starting the test, they will provide a form to be filled and give 10 minutes for that. Carefully fill that particular form.

1. Analytical & Logical: Syllogism-5 questions, Statement and conclusion-5 questions, data interpretation-5 questions, coding-5 question, Figure series-5 questions, odd images-5 questions.

1. Verbal: Two comprehension 10 questions, Detecting correct sentences-5 questions, Detecting incorrect sentences-5 questions, jumbled sentences-5 questions.

Please refer previous question papers for the pattern. Thanks for that I also referred papers from this website only. You don't get exact questions but you will get the pattern & idea. They told the result through e-mail, the next day(04/10/2010). Around 8.00 p.m I got a mail from CTS that I cleared the test and called for Technical interview.

My technical interview was held on 06/10/10 at St. Joseph Engineering College, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai. For Technical interviews there will be panels and you will be given a panel no. They was asked my area of interest and asked questions on that. Also they asked questions from project, some questions on C, C++, SQL queries and simple questions on other subjects and they told to wait outside for the result. If they candidate cleared that round, they are sending for HR round otherwise they reject. My HR round was easy only. As usual the questions were Introduce yourself, short-term & Long-term plan, achievements in life etc.

After HR round, they told that the result for selected candidates will be announced thro mail after 2 or 3 days. By the grace of Almighty Allah 0n 9/10/10 around 1 p.m., I got a mail from CTS that I was selected.

This was my interview experience. Hope this will be useful for You!

Have a good day!
