Candidate-Experiences |   3677


There would CV like paper will be given to fill up.
1. Education details
2. Address (Current & Permanent)
3. UG &/PG (SEM-WISE %)
4. Software orientation (Programming languages)
5. Strengths & weakness
6. Expectations from Cognizant
5. What is required to be software Engineer & what makes you sucessful Software Engineer
Guys you need to too quick to fill the CV. Prepare well otherwise you may lose time to complete it. 
The aptitude test consists of two sections:
1. Analytical 30 questions
2. Verbal 25 questions
Total 55 questions and 60 mins
First they will give analytical paper (30 mins)
Paper will be moderate

Analytical Questions consists
1. DI (5-6 questions)
2. Coding(4-5)
3. Expessions (2-3)
Train, Work etc
Verbal consists (25 mins)
1. Two Passeges (One very easy and second little big passage)
2. Sentence corrects (4 options will be sentences)
3. Conclusions
Prepare from CAT materials for shortcuts.

All the best guys!