Candidate-Experiences |   532


Hello Friends,

I have attended for CTS written test on 3rd of October in St.Patricks High school, Hyderabad. We have a paper based test and it contains total 55 questions and the time is 50 min. No negative marking. It contains

Part 1(Analytical) 30 questions:

* A table with data is given and questions will be asked on that (Bit difficult)
* Syllogisms (1st only one conclusion is given and to statements are given choose the statement).
* Completing the figures, next figure in the series.
* Some puzzles.
* Data sufficiency questions.
* Coding and decoding.
* Finding conclusion for a statement.

Part 2(Verbal) 25 questions:
* Two passages and 10 to 12 questions from it.

* Finding the correct and incorrect sentences.
* Finding the incorrect part in a sentence.


Time management is very crucial. In verbal 1st passage is easy, try it 1st and then go to 2nd. Figures in analytical are very very easy. First do analytical and then verbal.

Luckily I cleared the written test, and 3rd of November, I have attended for interview at Auriga auditorium, Hyderabad. Coming to the interview process there are two rounds.


1. Technical round

2. HR Round

Friends believe in god and be confident your confidence and sincerity plays vital role in the interview. My interview was scheduled at 9:30 am around 800 guys came for the interview. There are around 15 panels for Technical round. I went for my technical around 10:30 am.

Me: Good morning sir,how are you sir?
Tech: Good morning, i'm fine. Tell me your profile.
Me: Told my qualify, projects, seminars, strenghts.

Tech: What is major project?

Me: I explained

Tech: What languages you know?
Me: C, Java.
Tech: What are the concepts you know in C?

Me: Told about structures, functions, arrays, loops, etc

Tech: Explain loops?
Me: Explained for, while, do-while
Tech: Different b/w while and do-while?

Me: Told

Tech: Write program explaining loops(iteration and conditional)
Me: Wrote
Tech: How can you be in s/w field because your an ECE student

Me: Explaind(convince him very carefully)

Tech: Tel me about files
Me: I explaind (but he is not satisfied and sum more questions on it)
Tech: Ok, Wait for some time have a nice day.

Me: Thank you sir.

After 10 min one person came and told me that im selected for HR round and told me to wait for sometime.

HR interview:
HR: Good morning

Me: Good morning sir

HR: Whats your 10th %
Me: Told
HR: 12th

Me: Told

HR: Btech
Me: Told
HR: No backlogs

Me: No

HR: So confident.
Me : i smiled
HR: Do you watch movies, tell me a story

Me: Told about happy days

HR: You will get a mail within a week, you may go home now and relax.

Me: Thank you sir

After 1 week i got mail from CTS that i'm selected.

Hoorey, i'm very happy

So guyz you do onething "Believe in God, Believe in God, Believe in God"

Thank God, God helped me.