Candidate-Experiences |   3718


Hi Friends,    

   I attended my Cognizant off-campus event held at st.patricks school Hyderabad on 3rd October which was conducted by merit trac solutions. They announced the written test results on 7th. The interview held on Nov 3rd at Auriga auditorium VBIT park Hyderabad.

Written Test

At the time of written test you will be given a omr sheet followed by  HR form so do note all your sem wise percentage, languages you know, short & longterm goals, why CTS etc fill the fields correctly because at the time of interview you will be asked questions based on what you have written here.

Written test consists of two sections

1. Analytical section

2. Verbal section

Analytical Section

This section consists of syllogisms, odd one out, letter and number series, statements conclusion-3 questions given, a bar graph followed by 5 questions, ages, coding and decoding etc.

Verbal Section

The time given was 20 min and we need to answer 30 questions. It consists of 2 passages followed by 5 questions each, find the error in the sentence given-4 questions, analogies, questions given like who is the tallest among 5 members P Q R S T. etc. Time management is very important here. First answer the questions you know well. Attempt the paragraphs at the last.

Technical round:

It held around 15-20min for me.

Me: Good afternoon sir
HR: Good afternoon please sit down
Me: Thank you sir

HR: Tell me about yourself in short

Me: Said
HR: what is your long term goal?
Me: To become project manager in 5 years

HR: Why you need 5 years?

Me: Because I want to go step by step in my career.

HR: What is the peak position in a software company

HR: What does he do?
Me: Said
HR: What are the different topologies?
Me: Ring, mesh, bus & star topologies

HR: What are the differences between ring and star topologies? he asked me to draw them                        

Me: I have drawn and explained it
HR: If you are working in a company like cts which topology you prefer
Me: Star topology
HR: Why
Me: Explained

HR: Tell me about FET

Me: It’s a negative resistance device
HR: where it is used?
Me: In several Electronic devices

HR: What is the function of it in those devices?

Me: Unable to answer this one properly
HR: What is the difference b/w FET &transistor?
Me: Said

HR: What is the difference b/w transistor and conductor

Me: Transistor acts like conductor, insulator as well as semiconductor according to biasing but conductor is used only for conducting electricity like copper

HR: Which microprocessor you know about?(As I said microprocessors is my favorite subject)
Me:  8086
HR: What is the difference between 8085 and 8086 microprocessors?

Me: RAM size, 8085 is a 8bit microprocessor and 8086 is a 16 bit microprocessor.

HR if you increase no of pins in a micro processor what happens?
Me: We can address the instructions of length 16byte
HR: Apart from that what happens?
Me: Addressing capability increases we can address 2 power 16 devices i.e, 65536
HR: What are the various processors used presently?
Me: Pentium 4, 8086 etc
HR: Ok, tell me about your project

Me: Said

HR: Where do you use this?
Me: Said
HR: Why you prefer this project?

Me: As this is a combination of embedded systems and computer networks I preferred it.

HR: What is a protocol?
Me: It is nothing but a set of rules saitisfied at both ends.
HR: Tell me about tcp/ip protocol

Me: Said about the layers and functioning

HR: What is the need for protocol?
Me: As we require a telephone number for calling a person we require an ip address for accessing a website
HR: What is the difference between osi reference model and tcp/ip model?

Me: Explained

HR: Why you go for tcp/ip model
Me: Because of some demerits and it depends on the application
HR: What are the other protocols you know

Me: I don’t know about other protocols sir

HR: What is a web server?
Me: It is nothing but a computer program that delivers the contents like web pages over www.
HR: Then what is an application server

Me: Which is for a specific application(not confident)

HR: Why there is difference in your percentage in +2(93) and B.Tech(73)
Me: its not possible to get 93 in btech sir (with a smile)
HR: Then why not 80s?

Me: I just need distinction sir

HR: Ok, do you have any questions for me?
Me: no sir
HR: Ok wishing you all the best

Me: Thank you sir

Just maintain a smile on your face and maintain confidence levels

HR round:

HR round not even went for 2 mins. This is the round checking your English fluency and communication skills. 
HR: What is your 10th %?
Me: 83.66
HR: inter %?

Me: 93.2

HR: Tell me about a recent movie u watched
Me: told
HR: Ok thank you check your mail after one week

Me: Thank you sir

The results were declared after 1 week through mail. I felt so happy the time I received  mail.

Wishing you all the best. See you at cognizant.

