CTET-TET Question- Child development Question papers |   3342

CTET-TET Question- Child development Question papers

CTET -Central Teacher Eligibility Test that is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education Previous years solved question papers of Child development English and whole test papers CTET placement papers questions with answers


CTET Practice Paper-Child Development
1. Army alpha test is a
a. Performance test
b. Verbal test
c. Non – verbal test
d. Culture fair test

2. Number of verbal and picture tests in Torrance creativity test are respectively
a. 5, 3
b. 6, 2
c. 7, 2
d. 7, 3

3. What is your opinion in the reforms of present education system? This question induces
a. Convergent thinking
b. Divergent thinking
c. Logical thinking
d. Negative thinking

4. Feeling and reflecting of others emotions like happiness and anger is
a. passive sympathy
b. sensitive
c. imitation
d. active sympathy

5. “If the people of the society has high achievement motivation, the economic growth increases and the society gets modernized”. It is g iven in the book
a. The achieving Society
b. Achievement of the Society
c. Society and Achievement
d. Society and its Development

6. The concept of _________ was introduced by Alfred Adler
a. Oedipus complex
b. Inferiority complex
c. Mental health
d. Boorish and coarse

7. Scapegoatism is an example of
a. Rationalisation
b. Introversion
c. Compensation
d. Displacement

8. Counselling which focuses on the problem of a patient is
a. Directive conselling
b. Non – directive counseling
c. Eclectic approach in counseling
d. Vocational counselling

9. Counselling to the counselee is
a. interrogation
b. giving advice
c. to understand himself thoroughly
d. psychoanalysis

10. Aptitude test plays a significant role in
a. Personal guidance
b. Group guidance
c. Educational guidance
d. Vocational guidance

11. A group which has completely negative influence is
a. primary group
b. intermediate group
c. secondary group
d. tertiary group

12. Loitering and pointing others for his faults are the characteristics of
a. Introvert
b. Short temper
c. Extrovert
d. Ambivert

13. Which of the following is not a projective technique
a. Rorschach ink – blot test
b. Sentence completion test
c. Word association test
d. Interest inventing test

14. Strong’s famous interest evaluating tool is
a. personal interest bank
b. Vocational interest bank
c. Musical interest bank
d. Language interest bank

15. Schizophrenia is
a. psychoneuroses
b. personality behaviour disorder
c. psycroses
d. psychosomatic disorder

16. Ergograph is used to explore
a. mental fatigue
b. physical fatigue
c. monotony
d. disinterest

17. The study of fluctuation of visual attention can be experimentally made with the help of a
a. Mason’s disc
b. Marquis disc
c. Tachistoscope
d. Compact disc

18. An educationist who had the Eidetic imagery is
a. Gandhiji
b. Aurobindo
c. Dr. Radhakrishnan
d. Tagore

19. Expansion of LAD is
a. Language Abbreviation Dictionary
b. Linguistic Appraisal Department
c. Learner Achievement Device
d. Language Acquisition Device

20. The part of the brain which is induced by Emotionalstimuli is
a. Hypthalamus
b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Cerebellum

21. The person who published the researches relat
ed to unconscious mind, is
a. Watson
b. Revers
c. William Mc Dougal
d. Hull

22. In Flander’s interaction analysis ____________ parts are based on teachers activity
a. 1- 8
b. 3 – 6
c. 1 – 7
d. 3 – 8

23. The Latin word ‘Spiere’ means
a. Look
b. Hear
c. Do
d. Touch

24. Which one of the following is not an internal factor on the growth and development of children
a. Bilogical factor
b. Intelligence
c. Emotinal factor
d. Environment in the womb of the mother

25. Cathartic theory of play activities has closerelation with _________ school ofpsychology
a. Naturalism
b. Behaviourism
c. Psycho – analysis
d. Purposivism

26. Second stage of Maslow’s Hierarchial need is
a. love and belonging needs
b. safety needs
c. esteem needs
d. physiological needs

27. In moral development the preconventional stage occurs during the age limit of
a. 2 – 7 years
b. 3 – 7 years
c. 5 – 10 years
d. 4 – 10 years

28. Negative reinforcement __________ responding :punishment _______ responding
a. increases : increases
b. decreases : decreases
c. increases : decreases
d. decreases : increases

29. Learning is best defined as
a. any change in behaviour
b. a relatively permanent change in behaviour dueto past experience
c. a permanent change in behaviour due to physical development
d. any change in behaviour caused by punishment

30. Experiment of memory is initially done by
a. Ebbinghaus
b. Stephen
c. Harlow
d. White
