CSIR-UGC NET Selection Procedure |   8798

CSIR-UGC NET Selection Procedure

CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET)


Maximum Age Limit
For JRF (NET): 28 Years
For LS (NET): No Upper Age Limit

Examination Details syllabus written test pattern Previous years solved question papers


The Test will be held in the subjects as given under:

1. Chemical Sciences
2. Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
3. Life Sciences
4. Mathematical Sciences
5. Physical Sciences
6. Engineering Sciences


Subject Marks -200
(i) Life Sciences
(ii) Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
(iii) Mathematical Sciences
(iv) Chemical Sciences
(v) Physical Sciences
(vi) Engineering Sciences

The Question Booklet for this test will be printed in Hindi & English Version except in Engineering Sciences, where the question booklet will be printed in English version only. The candidate opting for Hindi medium in the Application Form, will be given bilingual Question Booklet and Candidate opting for English medium including candidates in Engineering Sciences, will be given Question Booklet printed in English Version only. The candidate will be required to answer as per option exercised in the application Form.


The question paper shall be divided into three parts, (A, B & C) as per syllabus & Scheme of Exam.

# Part 'A' shall be common to all subjects including Engineering Sciences. This part shall contain questions pertaining to General Aptitude with emphasis on logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical bility, quantitative comparison, series formation, puzzles etc.

# In Engineering Sciences, Part ‘B’ shall contain questions pertaining to Mathematics & Engineering Aptitude & Part ‘C’ shall contain subject related multiple choice questions (MCQs),generally covering the topics in the syllabus.

And for other disciplines:

# Part 'B' shall contain subject-related conventional Multiple Choice questions (MCQs),generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

# Part 'C' shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

# Negative marking for wrong answers, wherever required, shall be applicable as per subject wise scheme of Exam.


UGC-NET Previous Years Notifications

The UGC announces to conduct a national level examination for recruitment to the post of Education Officer on 30th June, 2013.

First     I     100     60 out of which 50 question to be attempted     1¼ Hours (09.30 A.M. to 10.45 A.M.)
First     II     100     50 questions all are compulsory     1¼ Hours (10.45 A.M. to 12.00 NOON)
Second     III     150     75 questions all are compulsory     2½ Hours (01.30 P.M. to 4.00 P.M.)

All those applicants who had applied online in response to our advertisement issued on 16/2/2013 and 17/2/2013 are invited to appear in the said examination.

It may be noted that the issue of admission card to all such candidates will be purely provisional and will be subjected to fulfillment of eligibility conditions as per UGC Cadre Recruitment Rules for the said post and other such conditions that may be laid down by the Commission for the purpose of selection.

The applicants may opt for the desired centre out of 23 centres and download their Admit Card cum Attendance Slip from the UGC Website (www.ugcnetonline.in) from 08th to 20th June, 2013.

i) The Test will consist of three papers. All the three papers will consist of only objective type questions and will be held on 30th June, 2013 (SUNDAY) in two separate sessions as under:

Paper-I shall be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Sixty (60) multiple choice questions of two marks each will be given, out of which the candidate would be required to answer any fifty (50). In the event of the candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate would be evaluated.

Paper-II shall consist of 50 objective type compulsory questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry 2 marks.

Paper-III will consist of 75 objective type compulsory questions from the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry 2 marks.

All questions of Paper-II and Paper-III will be compulsory, covering entire syllabus (including all electives, without options).

The candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet provided along with the Test Booklet.

The detailed instructions for filling up the OMR Sheet will be uploaded on UGC website (www.ugcnetonline.in or www.ugc.ac.in) in the last week of May, 2013. It may noted that instructions to candidates will not be sent to the candidate by post.

University Grants Commission UGC  inviting application for the post of Lower Division Clerks www.freshersworld.com

Qualifications : Must have passed Matriculation (10th Standard) or higher examination from a recognized Board/University (as on 01.01.2013)

 Applications will be accepted Online only

University Grants Commission UGC :Written Test Exam Pattern

No of Questions :200

Time Limit :2 Hours

Type : Objective type

Negative marks : 1/4th 0.25

Scheme of examination: The examination will consist of a written examination and typing test on Computer.

A.Written Examination
The written examination will consist of an objective type/multiple choice paper as per details given below:

(i)General Awareness :   50 Questions  Max Marks :50
(ii) General Intelligence :50 Questions  Max Marks :50
(iii) Numerical Ability :    50 Questions  Max Marks :50
(iv) General English :     50 Questions  Max Marks :50
Total:                           200 Questions  Max Marks :200

(i) The duration of examination will be 02.00 hours (120 minutes). Partial blind candidates will be given 20 minutes extra for completing/submitting the answer sheet.
(ii) Candidates will be required to mark their answers by darkening the respective choice by a BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY.
(iii)The questions will be set both in English & Hindi for Parts-(i),(ii) & (iii).
(iv)The difficulty level will be of matriculation level for all subjects.
(v)There will be negative marking of 0.25(¼) marks for each wrong answer
B.Skill/Typing Test
Only those candidates who qualify the written examination will be called for skill/typing test as per the cut off criteria decided by UGC
The test will be held in English/Hindi and on computers only. The computers will be provided by the UGC.
A candidate will have to qualify the skill/typing test at the speed of 30 words per minute in English or Hindi as per the option exercised by the candidate. The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing of a given text passage in 10 minutes on a computer provided by the UGC or the agency authorized by the UGC to conduct such skill test at the Centre/venue so notified.

Mode of Selection: Candidates will be short-listed for the skill test on the basis of their performance in the written examination. A merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by each candidate in the written examination. At the time of preparation of merit list, candidates only five times the number of vacancies will be called for skill test from the merit list. However, the skill/typing test will be of qualifying nature only. A candidate has to qualify the written examination as well as skill/typing test to be considered for appointment

CSIR UGC NET Exam Pattern

Total Marks :200
Time Limit : 3 Hours
No of Parts : 3 (Part A,B and C)

a) Part A

Common for all subjects

General aptitude-20 Questions

b) Part B-Subject related

c) Part C-high Level Questions of  candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts

CSIR-UGC NET Exam for Science stream is conducted by CSIR in the following areas: -

1. Chemical Sciences

2. Earth Sciences

3. Life Sciences

4. Mathematical Sciences

5. Physical Sciences

6. Engineering Sciences

The pattern for the Single Paper MCQ test shall be as given below:-

The MCQ test paper of each subject shall carry a maximum of 200 marks.

The exam shall be for duration of three hours.

The question paper shall be divided in three parts

Ø Part 'A' shall be common to all subjects. This part shall be a test containing a maximum of 20 questions of General Aptitude. The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions of two marks each. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200

Ø Part 'B' shall contain subject-related conventional MCQs. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200. The maximum number of questions to be attempted shall be in the range of 20-35.

Ø Part 'C' shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 100 out of 200.

Ø Negative marking for wrong answers.

NB: In all the subject areas of the NET the actual number of questions asked and to be attempted in each section may vary from exam to exam.


1. Chemical Sciences

2. Earth Sciences

3. Life Sciences

4. Mathematical Sciences

5. Physical Sciences

6. Engineering Sciences