CSIR-UGC-NET Paper |   1017


                        CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Placement Paper - Life Sciences

1. Popular use of which of the following fertilizers increases the acidity of soil?
(1) Potassium Nitrate 
(2) Ammonium sulphate
(3) Urea 
(4) Superphosphate of lime

2. Exposing an organism to a certain chemical can change nucleotide bases in a gene, causing mutation. In one such mutated organism if a protein had only 70% of the primary ammo acid sequence, which of the following is likely?
(1) Mutation broke the protein
(2) The organism could not make amino acids
(3) Mutation created a terminator codon
(4)The gene was not transcribed

3. If the atmospheric concentration of carbon di oxide is doubled and there are favourable conditions of water, nutrients, light and temperature, what would happen to water requirement of plants?
(1) It decreases initially for short time and then return to original value
(2) It increases
(3) It decreases
(4) It increases initially for short time and then return to original value

4. A physiological disorder X always leads to the disorder Y. However, disorder Y may occur by itself. A population shows 4% incidence of disorder Y. Which of the following inferences is valid?
(1) 4% of the population suffers from both X & Y
(2) Less than 4% of the population suffers from X
(3) At least 4% of the population suffers from X
(4) There is no incidence of X in the given population

5. Diabetic patients are advised a low glycaemic index diet. The reason for this is
(1) They require less carbohydrate than healthy individuals 
(2) They cannot assimilate ordinary carbohydrates
(3) They need to have slow, but sustained release of glucose in their blood stream
(4) They can tolerate lower, but not higher than normal blood sugar levels

6. The reason for the hardness of diamond is
(1) extended covalent bonding
(2) layered structure
(3) formation of cage structures
(4) formation of tubular structures

7. Which of the following particles has the largest range in a given medium if their initial energies are the same? 
(1) alpha 
(2) gamma
(3) positron 
(4) electron

8. Standing on a polished stone floor one feels colder than on a rough floor of the same stone. This is because
(1) Thermal conductivity of the stone depends on the surface smoothness
(2) Specific heat of the stone changes by polishing it
(3) The temperature of the polished floor is lower than that of the rough floor
(4) There is greater heat loss from the soles of the feet when in contact with the polished floor than with the rough floor

9. Recent studies on Archaea suggest that life could have originated
(1) extraterrestrially and seeded through meteorite impacts.

(2) in shallow coastal areas.
(3) in deep hydrothermal vents..
(4) in hot, terrestrial habitats.

10. If the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous to snynonymous substitutions per site in protein coding gene is greater than one, it is an evidence of selection that is
(1) positive. 
(2) negative.
(3) neutral. 
(4) random.

11. The frequencies of alleles 'A' and 'a' in a population at Hardy- Weinburg equilibrium are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. In a random sample of250 individuals taken from the population, how many are expected to be heterozygous?
(1) 112 
(2) 81
(3) 105 
(4) 145

12. The transition to flowering in plants requires 
(1) growth of plants under long- day conditions.
(2) growth of plants under short- day conditions.
(3) reprogramming of the shoot apical meristem.
(4) synthesis of the flowering hormone florigen

13. Aneuploid females with only one X chromosome is a characteristic of individuals with
(1) Cri du chat syndrome 
(2) Klinefelter syndrome
(3) Down syndrome. 
(4) Turner syndrome.

14. Which of the following food crops has recently been genetically engineered to obtain edible vaccine to develop immunity against hepatitis B?
(2) Maize
(3) Potato 
(4) Tomato

15. The most commonly used method of estimating primary productivity of a pond involves measurement of the amount 
(1) CO2 utilized 
(2) autotroph biomass.
(3) oxygen released. 
(4) organic carbon.

16. A much greater proportion of energy fixed by autotrophs is transferred to the herbivore level in the open ocean ecosystem than in a forest ecosystem because
(1)aquatic autotrophs are small.
(2)aquatic herbivores are more efficient feeders.
(3) terrestrial autotrophs are less efficient feeders.
(4) terrestrial autotrophs have more indigestible tissues.

17. Which of the cyclins have/has essential functions in S-phase of cell cycle?
(1) A-type. 
(2) B-type.
(3) D-type. 
(4) Both B- and D-types.

18. A mechanism that can cause a gene to move from one linkage group to another is
(1) crossing over. 
(2) inversion.
(3) translocation. 
(4) duplication.

19. Cytoplasmic determinants coding for anterior structure of Drosophila embryo if injected elsewhere in the recipient embryo, would lead to
(1)normal development.
(2) formation of additional ectopic head.
(3) degeneration.
(4) a phenotype with two heads and two tails.

20. ELISA assay uses
(1) an enzyme which can react with secondary antibody. 
(2) an enzyme which can react with the antigen. 
(3) a substrate which gets converted into a coloured product. 
(4) a radiolabelled secondary antibody

21. The 5' Cap of RNA is required for the
(1) stability of RNA only.
(2) stability and transport of RNA.
(3) transport of RNA only.
(4) methylation of RNA.

22. In amphibian oocyte, the germplasm which gets segregated during cleavage to give rise to primordial germ cells (PGC's) is normally
(1)distributed evenly throughout the oocyte. 
(2) localized at animal pole.
(3) localized at vegetal pole.
(4) aggregated in central part of oocyte. 

23. In mature Arabidopsis embryo, root apical meristem consists of cells derived from
(1) embryo and apical suspensor cells
(2) embryo only
(3) suspensor only.
(4) hypophysis only.

24. A mother of blood group 0 has a group a child. The father could be of blood type
(1) A or B or O. 
(2) A only.
(3) A or B. 
(4) AB only.

25. Name the ectothermic animal that can thermoregulate by behavioural means rather than by physiological means. 
(1) Bumble bee in an orchard.
(2) Tuna fish in the ocean.
(3) Lizard in a desert.
(4) Flatworm in a pond.

26. Which of the following methods of plant transformation can be used to introduce a gene into chloroplast genome? 
(1) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
(2) Particle delivery system

27. Which of the following characteristic of an early community?
(1) Narrow niche specialization.
(2) High species diversity.
(3) community production.
(4) open mineral cycling.

28. During urine formation the filtration of blood at the glomerulus is
(1) an active process.
(2) an osmotic process.
(3) is a pressure-dependent physical process. 
(4) a non energy- mediated transport process.

29. With which protein of Yersinia would integrin proteins of mammalian cells interact for internalization? 
(1). Pilin 
(2) Fimbrin,
(3) lnvasin 
(4) Adherin

30. Graves disease is associated with
(1) insufficiency of thyroid hormones.
(2) excess of thyroid hormones.
(3) insufficiency of corticosteroids.
(4) excess of growth hormones.
