CMC Technical - Java |   17155

CMC Technical - Java


CMC Sample Test Paper.

There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor.No two people can be on the same step.
Mr A is two steps below Mr C Mr B is a step next to Mr D Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )
Denote the first step by step 1 and second step by step 2 etc.

  1. If Mr A is on the first step, Which of the following is true?
    (A) Mr B is on the second step
    (B) Mr C is on the fourth step.
    (C) A person Mr E, could be on the third step
    (D) Mr D is on heigher step than Mr C.
    Ans : (D)

  2. 2). If Mr E was on the third step & Mr B was on a higher step than Mr E which step must be vacant
    (A) step 1 (B) step 2 (C) step 4 (D) step 5 (E) step 6
    Ans : (A)

  3.  If Mr B was on step 1, which step could A be on?
    (A) 2&e only (B) 3&5 only (C) 3&4 only (D) 4&5 only (E) 2&4 only
    Ans : (C)

  4. If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the step that B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D , A  must be on step
    (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 Ans: (C)

  5.  Which of the following is false
    i. B&D can be both on odd-numbered steps in one configuration
    ii. In a particular configuration A and C must either both an odd numbered steps or both an even-numbered steps
    iii. A person E can be on a step next to the vacant step.
    (A) i only (B) ii only (C) iii only Ans : (C)

    Swimmers problem (6 - 9 )
    six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no ties. The out comes are as follows.
    1. B does not win.
    2. Only two swimmers seperate E & D
    3. A is behind D & E
    4. B is ahead of E , wiht one swimmer intervening
    5. F is a head of D

  6. who is fifth
    (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E Ans : (E)

  7. How many swimmers seperate A and F "
    ( A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) not deteraminable from the given info.
    Ans :( D )

  8. The swimmer between C & E is 
    (A) none (B) F (C) D (D) B (E) A Ans : (A)

  9.  If the end of the race, swimmer D is disqualified by the Judges then swimmer B finishes in which place
    (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Ans : (B).

    Cimney problem ( 10 - 14 )
    Five houses lettered A,B,C,D, & E are built in a row next to each other. The houses are lined up in the order A,B,C,D, & E. Each of the five houses has a coloured chimney. The roof and chimney of each house must be painted as follows.
    1. The roof must be painted either green,red ,or yellow.
    2. The chimney must be painted either white, black, or red.
    3. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof.
    4. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house uses.
    5. House E has a green roof.
    6. House B has a red roof and a black chimney

  10. Which of the following is true ?
    (A) At least two houses have black chimney.
    (B) At least two houses have red roofs.
    (C) At least two houses have white chimneys
    (D) At least two houses have green roofs
    (E) At least two houses have yellow roofs
    Ans: (C)

  11. Which must be false ?
    (A) House A has a yellow roof 
    (B) House A & C have different colour chimney
    (C) House D has a black chimney
    (D) House E has a white chmney
    (E) House B&D have the same color roof.
    Ans: (B)

  12. If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true.
    (A) House E has a white chimney
    (B) House E has a balck chimney
    (C) House E has a red chimney
    (D) House D has a red chimney
    (E) House C has a balck chimney Ans: (A)

  13. Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house
    I. A red roof 7 a black chimney
    II. A yellow roof & a red chimney
    III. A yellow roof & a black chimney
    (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I & II only (E) I&II&III
    Ans; (E)

  14. What is the maximum total number of green roofs for houses Ans: (C)

  15. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one drasw randomly a shoe what is the probability of getting redshoe is 5c1/9c1

  16. What is the selling price of a car? cost of car is Rs 60 &  profit 10% profit over selling price Ans : Rs 66/-

  17. 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of clasmates go to canteen. Ans: cannot be determined.

  18. price of a product is reduced by 30% . What percentage should be increased to make it 100% Ans: 42.857%

  19. There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the square. Find the ratio of the area of circle to square.
    r=3 circle/square = 11/14

  20. Two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness are there. The thicker one will last of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh light the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. For how long did Ramesh lit two candles .
    Ans: 3 hours.

  21. M/N = 6/5 3M+2N = ? Ans: cannot be determined

  22. p/q = 5/4 2p+q= ? cannot determined.

  23.  If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST Ans: 1:2

  24. cost of an item is Rs 12.60 7 profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price  Ans: Rs 13.86/-

  25. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are  drawn what is the probability of getting red shoesAns: 6c2/10c2

  26. 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, then added 5 lts of water. What is % alcohol.  Ans : 15%

  27. A worker pay 20/- day , he works 1, 1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 in a week. what is the total amount paid for that worker Ans : 57.50

  28. The value of x is between 0 & 1 which is the larger? A) x B) x^2 C) -x D) 1/x Ans : (D)


  1. What are the difference b/w candidate key, primary key and unique key?

  2. What is difference b/w pre query and post query?

  3. How many number of columns can be created in a single table.

  4. What is meant by ROWID? Why we need it?

  5. What is transaction?

  6. Difference b/w function, procedure?

  7. Which one is the best way to find out the number of rows in a table, state by following a) count (1) b) count (*),count (rowed)

One table is given and questions based on this table.

  1. Write query to delete a single column in a table.

  2. Write query to add one more column in a existing table.

  3. Write query to delete only 2 duplicate records in a table. But the table they have given contains 3 duplicate records. How to do it.

  4. Some SELECT statements queries they asked like using group by, ordered by, where…etc.
